15 research outputs found

    Continued fractions and Catalan problems

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    We find a generating function expressed as a continued fraction that enumerates ordered trees by the number of vertices at different levels. Several Catalan problems are mapped to an ordered-tree problem and their generating functions also expressed as a continued fraction. Among these problems is the enumeration of (132)-pattern avoiding permutations that have a given number of increasing patterns of length k. This extends and illuminates a result of Robertson, Wilf and Zeilberger for the case k=3.Comment: 9 pages, 1 figur

    Restricted 132-Dumont permutations

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    A permutation π\pi is said to be {\em Dumont permutations of the first kind} if each even integer in π\pi must be followed by a smaller integer, and each odd integer is either followed by a larger integer or is the last element of π\pi (see, for example, \cite{Z}). In \cite{D} Dumont showed that certain classes of permutations on nn letters are counted by the Genocchi numbers. In particular, Dumont showed that the (n+1)(n+1)st Genocchi number is the number of Dummont permutations of the first kind on 2n2n letters. In this paper we study the number of Dumont permutations of the first kind on nn letters avoiding the pattern 132 and avoiding (or containing exactly once) an arbitrary pattern on kk letters. In several interesting cases the generating function depends only on kk.Comment: 12 page

    Permutations Restricted by Two Distinct Patterns of Length Three

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    Define Sn(R;T)S_n(R;T) to be the number of permutations on nn letters which avoid all patterns in the set RR and contain each pattern in the multiset TT exactly once. In this paper we enumerate Sn({α};{β})S_n(\{\alpha\};\{\beta\}) and Sn(∅;{α,β})S_n(\emptyset;\{\alpha,\beta\}) for all α≠β∈S3\alpha \neq \beta \in S_3. The results for Sn({α};{β})S_n(\{\alpha\};\{\beta\}) follow from two papers by Mansour and Vainshtein.Comment: 15 pages, some relevant reference brought to my attention (see section 4

    Simultaneous avoidance of generalized patterns

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    In [BabStein] Babson and Steingr\'{\i}msson introduced generalized permutation patterns that allow the requirement that two adjacent letters in a pattern must be adjacent in the permutation. In [Kit1] Kitaev considered simultaneous avoidance (multi-avoidance) of two or more 3-patterns with no internal dashes, that is, where the patterns correspond to contiguous subwords in a permutation. There either an explicit or a recursive formula was given for all but one case of simultaneous avoidance of more than two patterns. In this paper we find the exponential generating function for the remaining case. Also we consider permutations that avoid a pattern of the form x−yzx-yz or xy−zxy-z and begin with one of the patterns 12...k12... k, k(k−1)...1k(k-1)... 1, 23...k123... k1, (k−1)(k−2)...1k(k-1)(k-2)... 1k or end with one of the patterns 12...k12... k, k(k−1)...1k(k-1)... 1, 1k(k−1)...21k(k-1)... 2, k12...(k−1)k12... (k-1). For each of these cases we find either the ordinary or exponential generating functions or a precise formula for the number of such permutations. Besides we generalize some of the obtained results as well as some of the results given in [Kit3]: we consider permutations avoiding certain generalized 3-patterns and beginning (ending) with an arbitrary pattern having either the greatest or the least letter as its rightmost (leftmost) letter.Comment: 18 page

    Counting Permutations by Their Rigid Patterns

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    AbstractIn how many permutations does the patternτ occur exactly m times? In most cases, the answer is unknown. When we search for rigid patterns, on the other hand, we obtain exact formulas for the solution, in all cases considered

    Patterns in random permutations avoiding the pattern 132

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    We consider a random permutation drawn from the set of 132-avoiding permutations of length nn and show that the number of occurrences of another pattern σ\sigma has a limit distribution, after scaling by nλ(σ)/2n^{\lambda(\sigma)/2} where λ(σ)\lambda(\sigma) is the length of σ\sigma plus the number of descents. The limit is not normal, and can be expressed as a functional of a Brownian excursion. Moments can be found by recursion.Comment: 32 page

    On multi-avoidance of generalized patterns

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    In [Kit1] Kitaev discussed simultaneous avoidance of two 3-patterns with no internal dashes, that is, where the patterns correspond to contiguous subwords in a permutation. In three essentially different cases, the numbers of such nn-permutations are 2n−12^{n-1}, the number of involutions in Sn\mathcal{S}_n, and 2En2E_n, where EnE_n is the nn-th Euler number. In this paper we give recurrence relations for the remaining three essentially different cases. To complete the descriptions in [Kit3] and [KitMans], we consider avoidance of a pattern of the form x−y−zx-y-z (a classical 3-pattern) and beginning or ending with an increasing or decreasing pattern. Moreover, we generalize this problem: we demand that a permutation must avoid a 3-pattern, begin with a certain pattern and end with a certain pattern simultaneously. We find the number of such permutations in case of avoiding an arbitrary generalized 3-pattern and beginning and ending with increasing or decreasing patterns.Comment: 26 page