72 research outputs found

    Disaggregated optical network control and orchestration of heterogeneous domains

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    Network softwarization and disaggregation are two trends that are revolutionizing the network-cloud ecosystem. This paper details possible solutions to control and monitor an infrastructure including an IoT domain, a Cloud domain and a packet-optical network domain

    Network Slicing Landscape: A holistic architectural approach, orchestration and management with applicability in mobile and fixed networks and clouds

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    Tutorial at IEEE NetSoft2018 - 29th June 2018 Montreal Abstract: A holistic architectural approach, orchestration and management with applicability in mobile and fixed networks and clouds Topics: Key Slicing concepts and history Slicing Key Characteristics & Usage scenarios & Value Chain Multi-Domain Network Function Virtualisation Review of Research projects and results in network and cloud slicing Open Source Orchestrators Standard Organization activities: NGMN, ITU-T, ONF, 3GPP, ETSI, BBF, IETF Industrial perspective on Network Slicing Review of industry Use Cases Network Slicing Challenges Concluding remarks of Network Slicing Acknowledgements & Reference

    Quality of service, security and trustworthiness for network slices

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    (English) The telecommunications' systems are becoming much more intelligent and dynamic due to the expansion of the multiple network types (i.e., wired, wireless, Internet of Things (IoT) and cloud-based networks). Due to this network variety, the old model of designing a specific network for a single purpose and so, the coexistence of different and multiple control systems is evolving towards a new model in which the use of a more unified control system is able to offer a wide range of services for multiple purposes with different requirements and characteristics. To achieve this situation, the networks have become more digital and virtual thanks to the creation of the Software-Defined Networking (SDN) and the Network Function Virtualization (NFV).Network Slicing takes the strengths from these two technologies and allows the network control systems to improve their performance as the services may be deployed and their interconnection configured through multiple-transport domains by using NFV/SDN tools such as NFV-Orchestrators (NFV-O) and SDN Controllers. This thesis has the main objective to contribute to the state of the art of Network Slicing, with a special focus on security aspects towards the architectures and processes to deploy, monitor and enforce secured and trusted resources to compose network slices. Finally, this document is structured in eight chapters: Chapter 1 provides the motivation and objectives of this thesis which describes to where this thesis contributes and what it was expected to study, evaluate and research. Chapter 2 presents the background necessary to understand the following chapters. This chapter presents a state of the art with three clear sections: 1) the key technologies necessary to create network slices, 2) an overview about the relationship between Service Level Agreements (SLAs) and network slices with a specific view on Security Service Level Agreements (SSLAs), and, 3) the literature related about distributed architectures and systems and the use of abstraction models to generate trust, security, and avoid management centralization. Chapter 3 introduces the research done associated to Network Slicing. First with the creation of network slices using resources placed multiple computing and transport domains. Then, this chapter illustrates how the use of multiple virtualization technologies allows to have more efficient network slices deployments and where each technology fits better to accomplish the performance improvements. Chapter 4 presents the research done about the management of network slices and the definition of SLAs and SSLAs to define the service and security requirements to accomplish the expected QoS and the right security level. Chapter 5 studies the possibility to change at certain level the trend to centralise the control and management architectures towards a distributed design. Chapter 6 follows focuses on the generation of trust among service resources providers. This chapter first describes how the concept of trust is mapped into an analytical system and then, how the trust management among providers and clients is done in a transparent and fair way. Chapter 7 is devoted to the dissemination results and presents the set of scientific publications produced in the format of journals, international conferences or collaborations. Chapter 8 concludes the work and outcomes previously presented and presents possible future research.(Català) Els sistemes de telecomunicacions s'estan tornant molt més intel·ligents i dinàmics degut a l'expansió de les múltiples classes de xarxes (i.e., xarxes amb i sense fils, Internet of Things (IoT) i xarxes basades al núvol). Tenint en consideració aquesta varietat d'escenaris, el model antic de disseny d'una xarxa enfocada a una única finalitat i, per tant, la una coexistència de varis i diferents sistemes de control està evolucionant cap a un nou model en el qual es busca unificar el control cap a un sistema més unificat capaç d'oferir una amplia gama de serveis amb diferents finalitats, requeriments i característiques. Per assolir aquesta nova situació, les xarxes han hagut de canviar i convertir-se en un element més digitalitzat i virtualitzat degut a la creació de xarxes definides per software i la virtualització de les funcions de xarxa (amb anglès Software-Defined Networking (SDN) i Network Function Virtualization (NFV), respectivament). Network Slicing fa ús dels punts forts de les dues tecnologies anteriors (SDN i NFV) i permet als sistemes de control de xarxes millorar el seu rendiment ja que els serveis poden ser desaplegats i la seva interconnexió a través de múltiples dominis de transport configurada fent servir eines NFV/SDN com per exemple orquestradors NFV (NFV-O) i controladors SDN. Aquesta tesi té com a objectiu principal, contribuir en diferents aspectes a la literatura actual al voltant de les network slices. Més concretament, el focus és en aspectes de seguretat de cara a les arquitectures i processos necessaris per desplegar, monitoritzar i aplicar recursos segurs i fiables per generar network slices. Finalment, el document es divideix en 8 capítols: El Capítol 1correspon a la introducció de la temàtica principal, la motivació per estudiar-la i els objectius plantejats a l'inici dels estudis de doctorat. El Capítol 2 presenta un recull d'elements i exemples en la literatura actual per presentar els conceptes bàsics i necessaris en relació a les tecnologies NFV, SDN i Network Slicing. El Capítol 3 introdueix el lector a les tasques i resultats obtinguts per l'estudiant respecte l'ús de network slices enfocades en escenaris amb múltiples dominis de transport i posteriorment en la creació i gestió de network slices Híbrides que utilitzen diferents tecnologies de virtualització. El Capítol 4 s'enfoca en l'ús d’eines de monitorització tant en avaluar i assegurar que es compleixen els nivells esperats de qualitat del servei i sobretot de qualitat de seguretat de les network slices desplegades. Per fer-ho s'estudia l'ús de contractes de servei i de seguretat, en anglès: Service Level Agreements i Security Service Level Agreements. El Capítol 5 estudia la possibilitat de canviar el model d'arquitectura per tal de no seguir centralitzant la gestió de tots els dominis en un únic element, aquest capítol presenta la feina feta en l'ús del Blockchain com a eina per canviar el model de gestió de recursos de múltiples dominis cap a un punt de vista cooperatiu i transparent entre dominis. El Capítol 6 segueix el camí iniciat en el capítol anterior i presenta un escenari en el qual a part de tenir múltiples dominis, també tenim múltiples proveïdors oferint un mateix servei (multi-stakeholder). En aquest cas, l'objectiu del Blockchain passa a ser la generació, gestió i distribució de paràmetres de reputació que defineixin un nivell de fiabilitat associat a cada proveïdor. De manera que, quan un client vulgui demanar un servei, pugui veure quins proveïdors són més fiables i en quins aspectes tenen millor reputació. El Capítol 7 presenta les tasques de disseminació fetes al llarg de la tesi. El Capítol 8 finalitza la tesi amb les conclusions finals.Postprint (published version

    5G Network Slicing using SDN and NFV: A Survey of Taxonomy, Architectures and Future Challenges

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    In this paper, we provide a comprehensive review and updated solutions related to 5G network slicing using SDN and NFV. Firstly, we present 5G service quality and business requirements followed by a description of 5G network softwarization and slicing paradigms including essential concepts, history and different use cases. Secondly, we provide a tutorial of 5G network slicing technology enablers including SDN, NFV, MEC, cloud/Fog computing, network hypervisors, virtual machines & containers. Thidly, we comprehensively survey different industrial initiatives and projects that are pushing forward the adoption of SDN and NFV in accelerating 5G network slicing. A comparison of various 5G architectural approaches in terms of practical implementations, technology adoptions and deployment strategies is presented. Moreover, we provide a discussion on various open source orchestrators and proof of concepts representing industrial contribution. The work also investigates the standardization efforts in 5G networks regarding network slicing and softwarization. Additionally, the article presents the management and orchestration of network slices in a single domain followed by a comprehensive survey of management and orchestration approaches in 5G network slicing across multiple domains while supporting multiple tenants. Furthermore, we highlight the future challenges and research directions regarding network softwarization and slicing using SDN and NFV in 5G networks.Comment: 40 Pages, 22 figures, published in computer networks (Open Access

    On the Rollout of Network Slicing in Carrier Networks: A Technology Radar

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    Network slicing is a powerful paradigm for network operators to support use cases with widely diverse requirements atop a common infrastructure. As 5G standards are completed, and commercial solutions mature, operators need to start thinking about how to integrate network slicing capabilities in their assets, so that customer-facing solutions can be made available in their portfolio. This integration is, however, not an easy task, due to the heterogeneity of assets that typically exist in carrier networks. In this regard, 5G commercial networks may consist of a number of domains, each with a different technological pace, and built out of products from multiple vendors, including legacy network devices and functions. These multi-technology, multi-vendor and brownfield features constitute a challenge for the operator, which is required to deploy and operate slices across all these domains in order to satisfy the end-to-end nature of the services hosted by these slices. In this context, the only realistic option for operators is to introduce slicing capabilities progressively, following a phased approach in their roll-out. The purpose of this paper is to precisely help designing this kind of plan, by means of a technology radar. The radar identifies a set of solutions enabling network slicing on the individual domains, and classifies these solutions into four rings, each corresponding to a different timeline: (i) as-is ring, covering today’s slicing solutions; (ii) deploy ring, corresponding to solutions available in the short term; (iii) test ring, considering medium-term solutions; and (iv) explore ring, with solutions expected in the long run. This classification is done based on the technical availability of the solutions, together with the foreseen market demands. The value of this radar lies in its ability to provide a complete view of the slicing landscape with one single snapshot, by linking solutions to information that operators may use for decision making in their individual go-to-market strategies.H2020 European Projects 5G-VINNI (grant agreement No. 815279) and 5G-CLARITY (grant agreement No. 871428)Spanish national project TRUE-5G (PID2019-108713RB-C53

    Data-Driven resource orchestration in sliced 5G Networks

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    En los últimos años la quinta generación de comunicaciones móviles ha comenzado a desarrollarse. El 5G supone un gran cambio si se compara con las anteriores generaciones de comunicaciones móviles, puesto que no se centra meramente en aumentar el ancho de banda, reducir la latencia o mejorar la eficiencia espectral, sino en ofrecer un amplio rango de servicios y aplicaciones, con requisitos muy dispares entre sí, a una gran variedad de tipos de usuario. Estos objetivos pretenden ser alcanzados empleando nuevas tecnologías: Network Function Virtualization, Software Defined Networks, Network Slicing, Mobile Edge Computing, etc. El objetivo de este Trabajo de Fin de Máster es analizar el soporte actual de end-to-end Network Slicing en un entorno 5G Open Source y desarrollar una maqueta 5G con software que admita Network-slicing.In the past few years the fifth generation in mobile communications started to arise. 5G supposes a great change compared with the past mobile communication generations, it doesn’t aim merely at improving bandwidth, reducing delay or upgrading spectral efficiency but at offering a wide range of services and applications, with huge differentrequirements, to a vast variety of users. These objectives are to be accomplished using new technologies such as: Network Function Virtualization, Software Defined Networks, Network Slicing, Mobile Edge Computing, etc. The objective of this Master Thesisis to analyze the current support for end-to-end Network Slicing in a 5G Open Source environment and to developan open source5GTestbedwith recent Software contributions in Network Slicing.Máster Universitario en Ingeniería de Telecomunicación (M125

    Resource sharing efficiency in network slicing

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    The economic sustainability of future mobile networks will largely depend on the strong specialization of its offered services. Network operators will need to provide added value to their tenants, by moving from the traditional one-size-fits-all strategy to a set of virtual end-to-end instances of a common physical infrastructure, named network slices , which are especially tailored to the requirements of each application. Implementing network slicing has significant consequences in terms of resource management: service customization entails assigning to each slice fully dedicated resources, which may also be dynamically reassigned and overbooked in order to increase the cost-efficiency of the system. In this paper, we adopt a data-driven approach to quantify the efficiency of resource sharing in future sliced networks. Building on metropolitan-scale real-world traffic measurements, we carry out an extensive parametric analysis that highlights how diverse performance guarantees, technological settings, and slice configurations impact the resource utilization at different levels of the infrastructure in presence of network slicing. Our results provide insights on the achievable efficiency of network slicing architectures, their dimensioning, and their interplay with resource management algorithms at different locations and reconfiguration timescales.The work of University Carlos III of Madrid was supported by the H2020 5G-MoNArch project (Grant Agreement No. 761445) and the work of NEC Laboratories Europe by the 5GTransformer project (Grant Agreement No. 761536). The work of CNR-IEIIT was partially supported by the ANR CANCAN project (ANR-18-CE25-0011).Publicad
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