43 research outputs found

    Cooperative diversity techniques for future wireless communications systems.

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    Thesis (Ph.D.)-University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban, 2013.Multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) systems have been extensively studied in the past decade. The attractiveness of MIMO systems is due to the fact that they drastically reduce the deleterious e ects of multipath fading leading to high system capacity and low error rates. In situations where wireless devices are restrained by their size and hardware complexity, such as mobile phones, transmit diversity is not achievable. A new paradigm called cooperative communication is a viable solution. In a cooperative scenario, a single-antenna device is assisted by another single-antenna device to relay its message to the destination or base station. This creates a virtual multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) system. There exist two cooperative strategies: amplify-and-forward (AF) and decode-and-forward (DF). In the former, the relay ampli es the noisy signal received from the source before forwarding it to the destination. No form of demodulation is required. In the latter, the relay rst decodes the source signal before transmitting an estimate to the destination. In this work, focus is on the DF method. A drawback of an uncoded DF cooperative strategy is error propagation at the relay. To avoid error propagation in DF, various relay selection schemes can be used. Coded cooperation can also be used to avoid error propagation at the relay. Various error correcting codes such as convolutional codes or turbo codes can be used in a cooperative scenario. The rst part of this work studies a variation of the turbo codes in cooperative diversity, that further reduces error propagation at the relay, hence lowering the end-to-end error rate. The union bounds on the bit-error rate (BER) of the proposed scheme are derived using the pairwise error probability via the transfer bounds and limit-before-average techniques. In addition, the outage analysis of the proposed scheme is presented. Simulation results of the bit error and outage probabilities are presented to corroborate the analytical work. In the case of outage probability, the computer simulation results are in good agreement with the the analytical framework presented in this chapter. Recently, most studies have focused on cross-layer design of cooperative diversity at the physical layer and truncated automatic-repeat request (ARQ) at the data-link layer using the system throughput as the performance metric. Various throughput optimization strategies have been investigated. In this work, a cross-relay selection approach that maximizes the system throughput is presented. The cooperative network is comprised of a set of relays and the reliable relay(s) that maximize the throughput at the data-link layer are selected to assist the source. It can be shown through simulation that this novel scheme outperforms from a throughput point of view, a system throughput where the all the reliable relays always participate in forwarding the source packet. A power optimization of the best relay uncoded DF cooperative diversity is investigated. This optimization aims at maximizing the system throughput. Because of the non-concavity and non-convexity of the throughput expression, it is intractable to derive a closed-form expression of the optimal power through the system throughput. However, this can be done via the symbol-error rate (SER) optimization, since it is shown that minimizing the SER of the cooperative system is equivalent to maximizing the system throughput. The SER of the retransmission scheme at high signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) was obtained and it was noted that the derived SER is in perfect agreement with the simulated SER at high SNR. Moreover, the optimal power allocation obtained under a general optimization problem, yields a throughput performance that is superior to non-optimized power values from moderate to high SNRs. The last part of the work considers the throughput maximization of the multi-relay adaptive DF over independent and non-identically distributed (i.n.i.d.) Rayleigh fading channels, that integrates ARQ at the link layer. The aim of this chapter is to maximize the system throughput via power optimization and it is shown that this can be done by minimizing the SER of the retransmission. Firstly, the closed-form expressions for the exact SER of the multi-relay adaptive DF are derived as well as their corresponding asymptotic bounds. Results showed that the optimal power distribution yields maximum throughput. Furthermore, the power allocated at a relay is greatly dependent of its location relative to the source and destination

    Stochastic Geometry Analysis of a Class of Cooperative Relaying Protocols

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    This thesis examines wireless relay networks that use hybrid-ARQ protocols. Relays networks efficiently combat fading and exploit the spatial diversity present in the channel. Hybrid-ARQ involves retransmitting the signal if it is not decoded correctly. In conventional HARQ, the retransmission comes from the source, but in cooperative HARQ the retransmission could come from a relay that has successfully decoded the message, thus attaining transmit diversity.;A Markov chain model is conceived and used to compute the effective throughput and outage probability in the presence of Rayleigh fading. The analytical results are validated with simulations. The spatial configuration of the network plays an important role in the performance of the network. The behavior of the protocols for fixed network topologies and random topologies is examined. The impact of parameters such as path loss exponent, number of relays, and Signal to Noise Ratio are determined.;Spatial averaging is helpful in capturing the spatial variations present in the system. When network topology is random, the analysis proceeds by first assuming the number of relays is fixed, in which case they are drawn from a Binomial Point Process (BPP). For each network realization, the outage probability, throughput and effective throughput are found, and the spatial average of these quantities are found by averaging over a large number of network realizations. Moreover, the maximum throughput is found for each network realization, leading to a characterization of the distribution of throughputs achievable in a random network. Finally, networks with a random number of relays are considered, including the important case that the number of relays in a given area is Poisson distributed, in which case they are drawn from a Poisson Point Process (PPP)

    On Noisy ARQ in Block-Fading Channels

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    Assuming noisy feedback channels, this paper investigates the data transmission efficiency and robustness of different automatic repeat request (ARQ) schemes using adaptive power allocation. Considering different block-fading channel assumptions, the long-term throughput, the delay-limited throughput, the outage probability and the feedback load of different ARQ protocols are studied. A closed-form expression for the power-limited throughput optimization problem is obtained which is valid for different ARQ protocols and feedback channel conditions. Furthermore, the paper presents numerical investigations on the robustness of different ARQ protocols to feedback errors. It is shown that many analytical assertions about the ARQ protocols are valid both when the channel remains fixed during all retransmission rounds and when it changes in each round (in)dependently. As demonstrated, optimal power allocation is crucial for the performance of noisy ARQ schemes when the goal is to minimize the outage probability

    Link Quality Control Mechanism for Selective and Opportunistic AF Relaying in Cooperative ARQs: A MLSD Perspective

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    Incorporating relaying techniques into Automatic Repeat reQuest (ARQ) mechanisms gives a general impression of diversity and throughput enhancements. Allowing overhearing among multiple relays is also a known approach to increase the number of participating relays in ARQs. However, when opportunistic amplify-and-forward (AF) relaying is applied to cooperative ARQs, the system design becomes nontrivial and even involved. Based on outage analysis, the spatial and temporal diversities are first found sensitive to the received signal qualities of relays, and a link quality control mechanism is then developed to prescreen candidate relays in order to explore the diversity of cooperative ARQs with a selective and opportunistic AF (SOAF) relaying method. According to the analysis, the temporal and spatial diversities can be fully exploited if proper thresholds are set for each hop along the relaying routes. The SOAF relaying method is further examined from a packet delivery viewpoint. By the principle of the maximum likelihood sequence detection (MLSD), sufficient conditions on the link quality are established for the proposed SOAF-relaying-based ARQ scheme to attain its potential diversity order in the packet error rates (PERs) of MLSD. The conditions depend on the minimum codeword distance and the average signal-to-noise ratio (SNR). Furthermore, from a heuristic viewpoint, we also develop a threshold searching algorithm for the proposed SOAF relaying and link quality method to exploit both the diversity and the SNR gains in PER. The effectiveness of the proposed thresholding mechanism is verified via simulations with trellis codes.Comment: This paper has been withdrawn by the authors due to an improper proof for Theorem 2. To avoid a misleading understanding, we thus decide to withdraw this pape


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    ABSTRACT This article develops an extremely simple and tight closed-form approximation for the moment generating function (MGF) of signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) for two-hop amplify-and-forward relayed paths over generalized fading environments. The resulting expression facilitates efficient analysis of twohop cooperative amplify-and-forward (CAF) multi-relay networks over a myriad of stochastic channel models (including mixed-fading scenarios where fading statistics of distinct links in the relayed path may be from different family of distributions). The efficacy of our proposed MGF expression for computing the average symbol error rate (ASER), outage probability, and the ergodic capacity (with limited channel side-information among cooperating nodes) is also studied. Numerical results indicate that the proposed MGF expression tightly approximates the exact MGF formulas and outperforms the existing MGF of lower and upper bounds of the half-harmonic mean (HM) SNR, while overcoming the difficulties associated in deriving a