17 research outputs found

    Performance of Group Testing Algorithms With Near-Constant Tests-per-Item

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    We consider the nonadaptive group testing with N items, of which K = Θ(Nθ) are defective. We study a test design in which each item appears in nearly the same number of tests. For each item, we independently pick L tests uniformly at random with replacement, and place the item in those tests. We analyse the performance of these designs with simple and practical decoding algorithms in a range of sparsity regimes, and show that the performance is consistently improved in comparison with standard Bernoulli designs.We show that our new design requires roughly 23% fewer tests than a Bernoulli design when paired with the simple decoding algorithms known as COMP and DD. This gives the best known nonadaptive group testing performance for θ > 0:43, and the best proven performance with a practical decoding algorithm for all θ ∈ (0, 1). We also give a converse result showing that the DD algorithm is optimal with respect to our randomised design when θ > 1/2. We complement our theoretical results with simulations that show a notable improvement over Bernoulli designs in both sparse and dense regimes

    Nearly Optimal Sparse Group Testing

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    Group testing is the process of pooling arbitrary subsets from a set of nn items so as to identify, with a minimal number of tests, a "small" subset of dd defective items. In "classical" non-adaptive group testing, it is known that when dd is substantially smaller than nn, Θ(dlog(n))\Theta(d\log(n)) tests are both information-theoretically necessary and sufficient to guarantee recovery with high probability. Group testing schemes in the literature meeting this bound require most items to be tested Ω(log(n))\Omega(\log(n)) times, and most tests to incorporate Ω(n/d)\Omega(n/d) items. Motivated by physical considerations, we study group testing models in which the testing procedure is constrained to be "sparse". Specifically, we consider (separately) scenarios in which (a) items are finitely divisible and hence may participate in at most γo(log(n))\gamma \in o(\log(n)) tests; or (b) tests are size-constrained to pool no more than ρo(n/d)\rho \in o(n/d)items per test. For both scenarios we provide information-theoretic lower bounds on the number of tests required to guarantee high probability recovery. In both scenarios we provide both randomized constructions (under both ϵ\epsilon-error and zero-error reconstruction guarantees) and explicit constructions of designs with computationally efficient reconstruction algorithms that require a number of tests that are optimal up to constant or small polynomial factors in some regimes of n,d,γ,n, d, \gamma, and ρ\rho. The randomized design/reconstruction algorithm in the ρ\rho-sized test scenario is universal -- independent of the value of dd, as long as ρo(n/d)\rho \in o(n/d). We also investigate the effect of unreliability/noise in test outcomes. For the full abstract, please see the full text PDF

    Group Testing with Runlength Constraints for Topological Molecular Storage

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    Motivated by applications in topological DNA-based data storage, we introduce and study a novel setting of Non-Adaptive Group Testing (NAGT) with runlength constraints on the columns of the test matrix, in the sense that any two 1's must be separated by a run of at least d 0's. We describe and analyze a probabilistic construction of a runlength-constrained scheme in the zero-error and vanishing error settings, and show that the number of tests required by this construction is optimal up to logarithmic factors in the runlength constraint d and the number of defectives k in both cases. Surprisingly, our results show that runlength-constrained NAGT is not more demanding than unconstrained NAGT when d=O(k), and that for almost all choices of d and k it is not more demanding than NAGT with a column Hamming weight constraint only. Towards obtaining runlength-constrained Quantitative NAGT (QNAGT) schemes with good parameters, we also provide lower bounds for this setting and a nearly optimal probabilistic construction of a QNAGT scheme with a column Hamming weight constraint