24 research outputs found

    Performance Evaluation of Impulse Radio UWB Systems with Pulse-Based Polarity Randomization

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    In this paper, the performance of a binary phase shift keyed random time-hopping impulse radio system with pulse-based polarity randomization is analyzed. Transmission over frequency-selective channels is considered and the effects of inter-frame interference and multiple access interference on the performance of a generic Rake receiver are investigated for both synchronous and asynchronous systems. Closed form (approximate) expressions for the probability of error that are valid for various Rake combining schemes are derived. The asynchronous system is modelled as a chip-synchronous system with uniformly distributed timing jitter for the transmitted pulses of interfering users. This model allows the analytical technique developed for the synchronous case to be extended to the asynchronous case. An approximate closed-form expression for the probability of bit error, expressed in terms of the autocorrelation function of the transmitted pulse, is derived for the asynchronous case. Then, transmission over an additive white Gaussian noise channel is studied as a special case, and the effects of multiple-access interference is investigated for both synchronous and asynchronous systems. The analysis shows that the chip-synchronous assumption can result in over-estimating the error probability, and the degree of over-estimation mainly depends on the autocorrelation function of the ultra-wideband pulse and the signal-to-interference-plus-noise-ratio of the system. Simulations studies support the approximate analysis.Comment: To appear in the IEEE Transactions on Signal Processin

    A Genetic Algorithm Based Finger Selection Scheme for UWB MMSE Rake Receivers

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    Due to a large number of multipath components in a typical ultra wideband (UWB) system, selective Rake (SRake) receivers, which combine energy from a subset of multipath components, are commonly employed. In order to optimize system performance, an optimal selection of multipath components to be employed at fingers of an SRake receiver needs to be considered. In this paper, this finger selection problem is investigated for a minimum mean square error (MMSE) UWB SRake receiver. Since the optimal solution is NP hard, a genetic algorithm (GA) based iterative scheme is proposed, which can achieve near-optimal performance after a reasonable number of iterations. Simulation results are presented to compare the performance of the proposed finger selection algorithm with those of the conventional and optimal schemes.Comment: To appear in the Proc. IEEE International Conference on Ultrawideband (ICU-2005

    Optimal and Suboptimal Finger Selection Algorithms for MMSE Rake Receivers in Impulse Radio Ultra-Wideband Systems

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    Convex relaxations of the optimal finger selection algorithm are proposed for a minimum mean square error (MMSE) Rake receiver in an impulse radio ultra-wideband system. First, the optimal finger selection problem is formulated as an integer programming problem with a non-convex objective function. Then, the objective function is approximated by a convex function and the integer programming problem is solved by means of constraint relaxation techniques. The proposed algorithms are suboptimal due to the approximate objective function and the constraint relaxation steps. However, they can be used in conjunction with the conventional finger selection algorithm, which is suboptimal on its own since it ignores the correlation between multipath components, to obtain performances reasonably close to that of the optimal scheme that cannot be implemented in practice due to its complexity. The proposed algorithms leverage convexity of the optimization problem formulations, which is the watershed between `easy' and `difficult' optimization problems.Comment: To appear in IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC 2005), New Orleans, LA, March 13-17, 200

    Ultra Wideband Impulse Radio Systems with Multiple Pulse Types

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    In an ultra wideband (UWB) impulse radio (IR) system, a number of pulses, each transmitted in an interval called a "frame", is employed to represent one information symbol. Conventionally, a single type of UWB pulse is used in all frames of all users. In this paper, IR systems with multiple types of UWB pulses are considered, where different types of pulses can be used in different frames by different users. Both stored-reference (SR) and transmitted-reference (TR) systems are considered. First, the spectral properties of a multi-pulse IR system with polarity randomization is investigated. It is shown that the average power spectral density is the average of the spectral contents of different pulse shapes. Then, approximate closed-form expressions for the bit error probability of a multi-pulse SR-IR system are derived for RAKE receivers in asynchronous multiuser environments. The effects of both inter-frame interference (IFI) and multiple-access interference (MAI) are analyzed. The theoretical and simulation results indicate that SR-IR systems that are more robust against IFI and MAI than a "conventional" SR-IR system can be designed with multiple types of ultra-wideband pulses. Finally, extensions to multi-pulse TR-IR systems are briefly described.Comment: To appear in the IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications - Special Issue on Ultrawideband Wireless Communications: Theory and Application

    Optimal and Suboptimal Linear Receivers for Impulse Radio UWB Systems

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    The high time resolution of ultra-wideband (UWB) signals results in a large number of multipath components (MPCs) arriving at the receiver, which presents a source of diversity. In addition to this multipath diversity, there is also repetition diversity inherent in impulse radio (IR) UWB systems, since a number of pulses are transmitted for each information symbol. In order to make optimal use of both multipath and repetition diversity, the receiver needs to consider the optimal conbination of contributions from both different frames and different MPCs. In this overview paper, the optimal linear receiver for a given user in frequency-selective multiuser environment, which combines all the samples from the received signal according to the minimum mean square error (MMSE), criterion is studied. Due to the complexity of this optimal receiver, two suboptimal receivers with lower complexity are considered, optimal frame combining (OFC) and optimal multipath combining (OMC) receivers, which reduce computational complexity by suboptimal combining in the multipath diversity and repetition domains, respectively. Finally, a two-step MMSE algorithm which reduces complexity by performing MMSE combining in two steps is presented, and its optimality properties are discussed. Simulations are performed to compare the performance of different receivers

    Energy-Efficient Power Control in Impulse Radio UWB Wireless Networks

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    In this paper, a game-theoretic model for studying power control for wireless data networks in frequency-selective multipath environments is analyzed. The uplink of an impulse-radio ultrawideband system is considered. The effects of self-interference and multiple-access interference on the performance of generic Rake receivers are investigated for synchronous systems. Focusing on energy efficiency, a noncooperative game is proposed in which users in the network are allowed to choose their transmit powers to maximize their own utilities, and the Nash equilibrium for the proposed game is derived. It is shown that, due to the frequency selective multipath, the noncooperative solution is achieved at different signal-to-interference-plus-noise ratios, depending on the channel realization and the type of Rake receiver employed. A large-system analysis is performed to derive explicit expressions for the achieved utilities. The Pareto-optimal (cooperative) solution is also discussed and compared with the noncooperative approach.Comment: Submitted to the IEEE Journal on Selected Topics in Signal Processing - Special issue on Performance Limits of Ultra-Wideband System

    The Trade-off between Processing Gains of an Impulse Radio UWB System in the Presence of Timing Jitter

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    In time hopping impulse radio, NfN_f pulses of duration TcT_c are transmitted for each information symbol. This gives rise to two types of processing gain: (i) pulse combining gain, which is a factor NfN_f, and (ii) pulse spreading gain, which is Nc=Tf/TcN_c=T_f/T_c, where TfT_f is the mean interval between two subsequent pulses. This paper investigates the trade-off between these two types of processing gain in the presence of timing jitter. First, an additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN) channel is considered and approximate closed form expressions for bit error probability are derived for impulse radio systems with and without pulse-based polarity randomization. Both symbol-synchronous and chip-synchronous scenarios are considered. The effects of multiple-access interference and timing jitter on the selection of optimal system parameters are explained through theoretical analysis. Finally, a multipath scenario is considered and the trade-off between processing gains of a synchronous impulse radio system with pulse-based polarity randomization is analyzed. The effects of the timing jitter, multiple-access interference and inter-frame interference are investigated. Simulation studies support the theoretical results.Comment: To appear in the IEEE Transactions on Communication