39 research outputs found

    Performance evaluation of a six-axis generalized force-reflecting teleoperator

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    Work in real-time distributed computation and control has culminated in a prototype force-reflecting telemanipulation system having a dissimilar master (cable-driven, force-reflecting hand controller) and a slave (PUMA 560 robot with custom controller), an extremely high sampling rate (1000 Hz), and a low loop computation delay (5 msec). In a series of experiments with this system and five trained test operators covering over 100 hours of teleoperation, performance was measured in a series of generic and application-driven tasks with and without force feedback, and with control shared between teleoperation and local sensor referenced control. Measurements defining task performance included 100-Hz recording of six-axis force/torque information from the slave manipulator wrist, task completion time, and visual observation of predefined task errors. The task consisted of high precision peg-in-hole insertion, electrical connectors, velcro attach-de-attach, and a twist-lock multi-pin connector. Each task was repeated three times under several operating conditions: normal bilateral telemanipulation, forward position control without force feedback, and shared control. In shared control, orientation was locally servo controlled to comply with applied torques, while translation was under operator control. All performance measures improved as capability was added along a spectrum of capabilities ranging from pure position control through force-reflecting teleoperation and shared control. Performance was optimal for the bare-handed operator

    Aerospace medicine and biology: A continuing bibliography with indexes (supplement 359)

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    This bibliography lists 164 reports, articles and other documents introduced into the NASA Scientific and Technical Information System during Jan. 1992. Subject coverage includes: aerospace medicine and physiology, life support systems and man/system technology, protective clothing, exobiology and extraterrestrial life, planetary biology, and flight crew behavior and performance

    Miniature Telerobots in Space Applications

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    Ground controlled telerobots can be used to reduce astronaut workload while retaining much of the human capabilities of planning, execution, and error recovery for specific tasks. Miniature robots can be used for delicate and time consuming tasks such as biological experiment servicing without incurring the significant mass and power penalties associated with larger robot systems. However, questions remain regarding the technical and economic effectiveness of such mini-telerobotic systems. This paper address some of these open issues and the details of two projects which will provide some of the needed answers. The Microtrex project is a joint University of Washington/NASA project which plans on flying a miniature robot as a Space Shuttle experiment to evaluate the effects of microgravity on ground-controlled manipulation while subject to variable time-delay communications. A related project involving the University of Washington and Boeing Defense and Space will evaluate the effectiveness f using a minirobot to service biological experiments in a space station experiment 'glove-box' rack mock-up, again while subject to realistic communications constraints

    Evaluation of force-torque displays for use with space station telerobotic activities

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    Recent experiments which addressed Space Station remote manipulation tasks found that tactile force feedback (reflecting forces and torques encountered at the end-effector through the manipulator hand controller) does not improve performance significantly. Subjective response from astronaut and non-astronaut test subjects indicated that force information, provided visually, could be useful. No research exists which specifically investigates methods of presenting force-torque information visually. This experiment was designed to evaluate seven different visual force-torque displays which were found in an informal telephone survey. The displays were prototyped in the HyperCard programming environment. In a within-subjects experiment, 14 subjects nullified forces and torques presented statically, using response buttons located at the bottom of the screen. Dependent measures included questionnaire data, errors, and response time. Subjective data generally demonstrate that subjects rated variations of pseudo-perspective displays consistently better than bar graph and digital displays. Subjects commented that the bar graph and digital displays could be used, but were not compatible with using hand controllers. Quantitative data show similar trends to the subjective data, except that the bar graph and digital displays both provided good performance, perhaps do to the mapping of response buttons to display elements. Results indicate that for this set of displays, the pseudo-perspective displays generally represent a more intuitive format for presenting force-torque information

    Diverse applications of advanced man-telerobot interfaces

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    Advancements in man-machine interfaces and control technologies used in space telerobotics and teleoperators have potential application wherever human operators need to manipulate multi-dimensional spatial relationships. Bilateral six degree-of-freedom position and force cues exchanged between the user and a complex system can broaden and improve the effectiveness of several diverse man-machine interfaces

    A new scheme of force reflecting control

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    A new scheme of force reflecting control has been developed that incorporates position-error-based force reflection and robot compliance control. The operator is provided with a kinesthetic force feedback which is proportional to the position error between the operator-commanded and the actual position of the robot arm. Robot compliance control, which increases the effective compliance of the robot, is implemented by low pass filtering the outputs of the force/torque sensor mounted on the base of robot hand and using these signals to alter the operator's position command. This position-error-based force reflection scheme combined with shared compliance control has been implemented successfully to the Advanced Teleoperation system consisting of dissimilar master-slave arms. Stability measurements have demonstrated unprecedentedly high force reflection gains of up to 2 or 3, even though the slave arm is much stiffer than operator's hand holding the force reflecting hand controller. Peg-in-hole experiments were performed with eight different operating modes to evaluate the new force-reflecting control scheme. Best task performance resulted with this new control scheme

    A new six-degree-of-freedom force-reflecting hand controller for space telerobotics

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    A new 6 degree of freedom universal Force Reflecting Hand Controller (FRHC) was designed for use as the man-machine interface in teleoperated and telerobotic flight systems. The features of this new design include highly intuitive operation, excellent kinesthetic feedback, high fidelity force/torque feedback, a kinematically simple structure, mechanically decoupled motion in all 6 DOF, good back-drivability, and zero backlash. In addition, the new design has a much larger work envelope, smaller stowage volume, greater stiffness and responsiveness, and better overlap of the human operator's range of motion than do previous designs. The utility and basic operation of a new, flight prototype FRHC called the Model X is briefly discussed. The design heritage, general design goals, and design implementation of this advanced new generation of FRHCs are presented, followed by a discussion of basic features and the results of initial testing

    The telerobot testbed: An architecture for remote servicing

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    The NASA/OAST Telerobot Testbed will reach its next increment in development by the end of FY-89. The testbed will have the capability for: force reflection in teleoperation, shared control, traded control, operator designate and relative update. These five capabilities will be shown in a module release and exchange operation using mockups of Orbital Replacement Units (ORU). This development of the testbed shows examples of the technologies needed for remote servicing, particularly under conditions of delay in transmissions to the servicing site. Here, the following topics are presented: the system architecture of the testbed which incorporates these telerobotic technologies for servicing, the implementation of the five capabilities and the operation of the ORU mockups

    Perspectives on the Evolution of Tactile, Haptic, and Thermal Displays

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