2 research outputs found

    Storage Infrastructure at the INFN LHC Tier-1

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    In this paper we will describe the Storage Infrastructure of the INFN-CNAF Tier-1, used to store data of High Energy Physics experiments, in particular those operating at the Large Hadron Collider

    The CMS experiment workflows on StoRM based storage at Tier-1 and Tier-2 centers

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    Approaching LHC data taking, the CMS experiment is deploying, commissioning and operating the building tools of its grid-based computing infrastructure. The commissioning program includes testing, deployment and operation of various storage solutions to support the computing workflows of the experiment. Recently, some of the Tier-1 and Tier-2 centers supporting the collaboration have started to deploy StoRM based storage systems. These are POSIX-based disk storage systems on top of which StoRM implements the Storage Resource Manager (SRM) version 2 interface allowing for a standard-based access from the Grid. In this notes we briefly describe the experience so far achieved at the CNAF Tier-1 center and at the IFCA Tier-2 center