2,311 research outputs found

    Performance Profiling in a Virtualized Environment

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    Virtualization is a key enabling technology for cloud computing. Many applications deployed in a cloud run in virtual machines. However, profilers based on CPU performance counters do not work well in a virtualized environment. In this paper, we explore the possibilities for achieving performance profiling in virtual machine monitors (VMMs) built on paravirtualization, hardware assistance, and binary translation. We present the design and implementation of performance profiling for a VMM based on the x86 hardware extensions, with some preliminary experimental results

    Understand Your Chains: Towards Performance Profile-based Network Service Management

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    Allocating resources to virtualized network functions and services to meet service level agreements is a challenging task for NFV management and orchestration systems. This becomes even more challenging when agile development methodologies, like DevOps, are applied. In such scenarios, management and orchestration systems are continuously facing new versions of functions and services which makes it hard to decide how much resources have to be allocated to them to provide the expected service performance. One solution for this problem is to support resource allocation decisions with performance behavior information obtained by profiling techniques applied to such network functions and services. In this position paper, we analyze and discuss the components needed to generate such performance behavior information within the NFV DevOps workflow. We also outline research questions that identify open issues and missing pieces for a fully integrated NFV profiling solution. Further, we introduce a novel profiling mechanism that is able to profile virtualized network functions and entire network service chains under different resource constraints before they are deployed on production infrastructure.Comment: Submitted to and accepted by the European Workshop on Software Defined Networks (EWSDN) 201

    Optimizing Splicing Junction Detection in Next Generation Sequencing Data on a Virtual-GRID Infrastructure

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    The new protocol for sequencing the messenger RNA in a cell, named RNA-seq produce millions of short sequence fragments. Next Generation Sequencing technology allows more accurate analysis but increase needs in term of computational resources. This paper describes the optimization of a RNA-seq analysis pipeline devoted to splicing variants detection, aimed at reducing computation time and providing a multi-user/multisample environment. This work brings two main contributions. First, we optimized a well-known algorithm called TopHat by parallelizing some sequential mapping steps. Second, we designed and implemented a hybrid virtual GRID infrastructure allowing to efficiently execute multiple instances of TopHat running on different samples or on behalf of different users, thus optimizing the overall execution time and enabling a flexible multi-user environmen

    Understanding the Computational Requirements of Virtualized Baseband Units using a Programmable Cloud Radio Access Network Testbed

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    Cloud Radio Access Network (C-RAN) is emerging as a transformative architecture for the next generation of mobile cellular networks. In C-RAN, the Baseband Unit (BBU) is decoupled from the Base Station (BS) and consolidated in a centralized processing center. While the potential benefits of C-RAN have been studied extensively from the theoretical perspective, there are only a few works that address the system implementation issues and characterize the computational requirements of the virtualized BBU. In this paper, a programmable C-RAN testbed is presented where the BBU is virtualized using the OpenAirInterface (OAI) software platform, and the eNodeB and User Equipment (UEs) are implemented using USRP boards. Extensive experiments have been performed in a FDD downlink LTE emulation system to characterize the performance and computing resource consumption of the BBU under various conditions. It is shown that the processing time and CPU utilization of the BBU increase with the channel resources and with the Modulation and Coding Scheme (MCS) index, and that the CPU utilization percentage can be well approximated as a linear increasing function of the maximum downlink data rate. These results provide real-world insights into the characteristics of the BBU in terms of computing resource and power consumption, which may serve as inputs for the design of efficient resource-provisioning and allocation strategies in C-RAN systems.Comment: In Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Autonomic Computing (ICAC), July 201

    Performance Profiling of Virtual Machines

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    Profilers based on hardware performance counters are indispensable for performance debugging of complex software systems. All modern processors feature hardware performance counters, but current virtual machine monitors (VMMs) do not properly expose them to the guest operating systems. Existing profiling tools require privileged access to the VMM to profile the guest and are only available for VMMs based on paravirtualization. Diagnosing performance problems of software running in a virtualized environment is therefore quite difficult. This paper describes how to extend VMMs to support performance profiling. We present two types of profiling in a virtualized environment: guest-wide profiling and system-wide profiling. Guest-wide profiling shows the runtime behavior of a guest. The profiler runs in the guest and does not require privileged access to the VMM. System-wide profiling exposes the runtime behavior of both the VMM and any number of guests. It requires profilers both in the VMM and in those guests. Not every VMM has the right architecture to support both types of profiling. We determine the requirements for each of them, and explore the possibilities for their implementation in virtual machines using hardware assistance, paravirtualization, and binary translation. We implement both guest-wide and system-wide profiling for a VMM based on the x86 hardware virtualization extensions and system-wide profiling for a VMM based on binary translation. We demonstrate that these profilers provide good accuracy with only limited overhead

    VirtFogSim: A parallel toolbox for dynamic energy-delay performance testing and optimization of 5G Mobile-Fog-Cloud virtualized platforms

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    It is expected that the pervasive deployment of multi-tier 5G-supported Mobile-Fog-Cloudtechnological computing platforms will constitute an effective means to support the real-time execution of future Internet applications by resource- and energy-limited mobile devices. Increasing interest in this emerging networking-computing technology demands the optimization and performance evaluation of several parts of the underlying infrastructures. However, field trials are challenging due to their operational costs, and in every case, the obtained results could be difficult to repeat and customize. These emergingMobile-Fog-Cloud ecosystems still lack, indeed, customizable software tools for the performance simulation of their computing-networking building blocks. Motivated by these considerations, in this contribution, we present VirtFogSim. It is aMATLAB-supported software toolbox that allows the dynamic joint optimization and tracking of the energy and delay performance of Mobile-Fog-Cloud systems for the execution of applications described by general Directed Application Graphs (DAGs). In a nutshell, the main peculiar features of the proposed VirtFogSim toolbox are that: (i) it allows the joint dynamic energy-aware optimization of the placement of the application tasks and the allocation of the needed computing-networking resources under hard constraints on acceptable overall execution times, (ii) it allows the repeatable and customizable simulation of the resulting energy-delay performance of the overall system; (iii) it allows the dynamic tracking of the performed resource allocation under time-varying operational environments, as those typically featuring mobile applications; (iv) it is equipped with a user-friendly Graphic User Interface (GUI) that supports a number of graphic formats for data rendering, and (v) itsMATLAB code is optimized for running atop multi-core parallel execution platforms. To check both the actual optimization and scalability capabilities of the VirtFogSim toolbox, a number of experimental setups featuring different use cases and operational environments are simulated, and their performances are compared
