4,867 research outputs found

    Compressive Sensing Using Iterative Hard Thresholding with Low Precision Data Representation: Theory and Applications

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    Modern scientific instruments produce vast amounts of data, which can overwhelm the processing ability of computer systems. Lossy compression of data is an intriguing solution, but comes with its own drawbacks, such as potential signal loss, and the need for careful optimization of the compression ratio. In this work, we focus on a setting where this problem is especially acute: compressive sensing frameworks for interferometry and medical imaging. We ask the following question: can the precision of the data representation be lowered for all inputs, with recovery guarantees and practical performance? Our first contribution is a theoretical analysis of the normalized Iterative Hard Thresholding (IHT) algorithm when all input data, meaning both the measurement matrix and the observation vector are quantized aggressively. We present a variant of low precision normalized {IHT} that, under mild conditions, can still provide recovery guarantees. The second contribution is the application of our quantization framework to radio astronomy and magnetic resonance imaging. We show that lowering the precision of the data can significantly accelerate image recovery. We evaluate our approach on telescope data and samples of brain images using CPU and FPGA implementations achieving up to a 9x speed-up with negligible loss of recovery quality.Comment: 19 pages, 5 figures, 1 table, in IEEE Transactions on Signal Processin

    Reliable recovery of hierarchically sparse signals for Gaussian and Kronecker product measurements

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    We propose and analyze a solution to the problem of recovering a block sparse signal with sparse blocks from linear measurements. Such problems naturally emerge inter alia in the context of mobile communication, in order to meet the scalability and low complexity requirements of massive antenna systems and massive machine-type communication. We introduce a new variant of the Hard Thresholding Pursuit (HTP) algorithm referred to as HiHTP. We provide both a proof of convergence and a recovery guarantee for noisy Gaussian measurements that exhibit an improved asymptotic scaling in terms of the sampling complexity in comparison with the usual HTP algorithm. Furthermore, hierarchically sparse signals and Kronecker product structured measurements naturally arise together in a variety of applications. We establish the efficient reconstruction of hierarchically sparse signals from Kronecker product measurements using the HiHTP algorithm. Additionally, we provide analytical results that connect our recovery conditions to generalized coherence measures. Again, our recovery results exhibit substantial improvement in the asymptotic sampling complexity scaling over the standard setting. Finally, we validate in numerical experiments that for hierarchically sparse signals, HiHTP performs significantly better compared to HTP.Comment: 11+4 pages, 5 figures. V3: Incomplete funding information corrected and minor typos corrected. V4: Change of title and additional author Axel Flinth. Included new results on Kronecker product measurements and relations of HiRIP to hierarchical coherence measures. Improved presentation of general hierarchically sparse signals and correction of minor typo

    Fast and Provable Algorithms for Spectrally Sparse Signal Reconstruction via Low-Rank Hankel Matrix Completion

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    A spectrally sparse signal of order rr is a mixture of rr damped or undamped complex sinusoids. This paper investigates the problem of reconstructing spectrally sparse signals from a random subset of nn regular time domain samples, which can be reformulated as a low rank Hankel matrix completion problem. We introduce an iterative hard thresholding (IHT) algorithm and a fast iterative hard thresholding (FIHT) algorithm for efficient reconstruction of spectrally sparse signals via low rank Hankel matrix completion. Theoretical recovery guarantees have been established for FIHT, showing that O(r2log2(n))O(r^2\log^2(n)) number of samples are sufficient for exact recovery with high probability. Empirical performance comparisons establish significant computational advantages for IHT and FIHT. In particular, numerical simulations on 33D arrays demonstrate the capability of FIHT on handling large and high-dimensional real data

    Robust Regression via Hard Thresholding

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    We study the problem of Robust Least Squares Regression (RLSR) where several response variables can be adversarially corrupted. More specifically, for a data matrix X \in R^{p x n} and an underlying model w*, the response vector is generated as y = X'w* + b where b \in R^n is the corruption vector supported over at most C.n coordinates. Existing exact recovery results for RLSR focus solely on L1-penalty based convex formulations and impose relatively strict model assumptions such as requiring the corruptions b to be selected independently of X. In this work, we study a simple hard-thresholding algorithm called TORRENT which, under mild conditions on X, can recover w* exactly even if b corrupts the response variables in an adversarial manner, i.e. both the support and entries of b are selected adversarially after observing X and w*. Our results hold under deterministic assumptions which are satisfied if X is sampled from any sub-Gaussian distribution. Finally unlike existing results that apply only to a fixed w*, generated independently of X, our results are universal and hold for any w* \in R^p. Next, we propose gradient descent-based extensions of TORRENT that can scale efficiently to large scale problems, such as high dimensional sparse recovery and prove similar recovery guarantees for these extensions. Empirically we find TORRENT, and more so its extensions, offering significantly faster recovery than the state-of-the-art L1 solvers. For instance, even on moderate-sized datasets (with p = 50K) with around 40% corrupted responses, a variant of our proposed method called TORRENT-HYB is more than 20x faster than the best L1 solver.Comment: 24 pages, 3 figure