1,380,510 research outputs found

    Modifications to the NASA Ames Space Station Proximity Operations (PROX OPS) Simulator

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    As the United States is approaching an operational space station era, flight simulators are required to investigate human design and performance aspects associated with orbital operations. Among these are proximity operations (PROX OPS), those activities occurring within a 1-km sphere of Space Station including rendezvous, docking, rescue, and repair. The Space Station Proximity Operations Simulator at NASA Ames Research Center was modified to provide the capability for investigations into human performance aspects of proximity operations. Accurate flight equations of motion were installed to provide the appropriate visual scene to test subjects performing simulated missions. Also, the flight control system was enhanced by enabling pilot control over thruster acceleration values. Currently, research is under way to examine human performance in a variety of mission scenarios

    Measurement of performance using acceleration control and pulse control in simulated spacecraft docking operations

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    Nine commercial airline pilots served as test subjects in a study to compare acceleration control with pulse control in simulated spacecraft maneuvers. Simulated remote dockings of an orbital maneuvering vehicle (OMV) to a space station were initiated from 50, 100, and 150 meters along the station's -V-bar (minus velocity vector). All unsuccessful missions were reflown. Five way mixed analysis of variance (ANOVA) with one between factor, first mode, and four within factors (mode, bloch, range, and trial) were performed on the data. Recorded performance measures included mission duration and fuel consumption along each of the three coordinate axes. Mission duration was lower with pulse mode, while delta V (fuel consumption) was lower with acceleration mode. Subjects used more fuel to travel faster with pulse mode than with acceleration mode. Mission duration, delta V, X delta V, Y delta V., and Z delta V all increased with range. Subjects commanded the OMV to 'fly' at faster rates from further distances. These higher average velocities were paid for with increased fuel consumption. Asymmetrical transfer was found in that the mode transitions could not be predicted solely from the mission duration main effect. More testing is advised to understand the manual control aspects of spaceflight maneuvers better

    Min-Max MPC based on a computationally efficient upper bound of the worst case cost

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    Min-Max MPC (MMMPC) controllers [P.J. Campo, M. Morari, Robust model predictive control, in: Proc. American Control Conference, June 10–12, 1987, pp. 1021–1026] suffer from a great computational burden which limits their applicability in the industry. Sometimes upper bounds of the worst possible case of a performance index have been used to reduce the computational burden. This paper proposes a computationally efficient MMMPC control strategy in which the worst case cost is approximated by an upper bound based on a diagonalization scheme. The upper bound can be computed with O(n3) operations and using only simple matrix operations. This implies that the algorithm can be coded easily even in non-mathematical oriented programming languages such as those found in industrial embedded control hardware. A simulation example is given in the paper

    Superadiabatic Control of Quantum Operations

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    Adiabatic pulses are used extensively to enable robust control of quantum operations. We introduce a new approach to adiabatic control that uses the superadiabatic quality or QQ-factor as a performance metric to design robust, high fidelity pulses. This approach permits the systematic design of quantum control schemes to maximize the adiabaticity of a unitary operation in a particular time interval given the available control resources. The interplay between adiabaticity, fidelity and robustness of the resulting pulses is examined for the case of single-qubit inversion, and superadiabatic pulses are demonstrated to have improved robustness to control errors. A numerical search strategy is developed to find a broader class of adiabatic operations, including multi-qubit adiabatic unitaries. We illustrate the utility of this search strategy by designing control waveforms that adiabatically implement a two-qubit entangling gate for a model NMR system.Comment: 10 pages, 9 figure

    High-order noise filtering in nontrivial quantum logic gates

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    Treating the effects of a time-dependent classical dephasing environment during quantum logic operations poses a theoretical challenge, as the application of non-commuting control operations gives rise to both dephasing and depolarization errors that must be accounted for in order to understand total average error rates. We develop a treatment based on effective Hamiltonian theory that allows us to efficiently model the effect of classical noise on nontrivial single-bit quantum logic operations composed of arbitrary control sequences. We present a general method to calculate the ensemble-averaged entanglement fidelity to arbitrary order in terms of noise filter functions, and provide explicit expressions to fourth order in the noise strength. In the weak noise limit we derive explicit filter functions for a broad class of piecewise-constant control sequences, and use them to study the performance of dynamically corrected gates, yielding good agreement with brute-force numerics.Comment: Revised and expanded to include filter function terms beyond first order in the Magnus expansion. Related manuscripts available from http://www.physics.usyd.edu.au/~mbiercu

    Distributed Spacecraft Path Planning and Collision Avoidance via Reciprocal Velocity Obstacle Approach

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    This paper presents the development of a combined linear quadratic regulation and reciprocal velocity obstacle (LQR/RVO) control algorithm for multiple satellites during close proximity operations. The linear quadratic regulator (LQR) control effort drives the spacecraft towards their target position while the reciprocal velocity obstacle (RVO) provides collision avoidance capabilities. Each spacecraft maneuvers independently, without explicit communication or knowledge in term of collision avoidance decision making of the other spacecraft in the formation. To assess the performance of this novel controller different test cases are implemented. Numerical results show that this method guarantees safe and collision-free maneuvers for all the satellites in the formation and the control performance is presented in term of Δv and fuel consumption

    Dissipative Quantum Dynamics and Optimal Control using Iterative Time Ordering: An Application to Superconducting Qubits

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    We combine a quantum dynamical propagator that explicitly accounts for quantum mechanical time ordering with optimal control theory. After analyzing its performance with a simple model, we apply it to a superconducting circuit under so-called Pythagorean control. Breakdown of the rotating-wave approximation is the main source of the very strong time-dependence in this example. While the propagator that accounts for the time ordering in an iterative fashion proves its numerical efficiency for the dynamics of the superconducting circuit, its performance when combined with optimal control turns out to be rather sensitive to the strength of the time-dependence. We discuss the kind of quantum gate operations that the superconducting circuit can implement including their performance bounds in terms of fidelity and speed.Comment: 16 pages, 11 figure
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