3 research outputs found

    Differential Radio Link Protocol: An Improvement To Tcp Over Wireless Networks

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    New generations of wireless cellular networks, including 3G and 4G technologies, are envisaged to support more mobile users and a variety of wireless multimedia services. With an increasing demand for wireless multimedia services, the performance of TCP becomes a bottleneck as it cannot differentiate between the losses due to the nature of air as a medium and high data load on the network that leads to congestion. This misinterpretation by TCP leads to a reduction in the congestion window size thereby resulting in reduced throughput of the system. To overcome this scenario Radio Link Protocols are used at a lower layer which hides from TCP the channel related losses and effectively increases the throughput. This thesis proposes enhancements to the radio link protocol that works underneath TCP by identifying decisive frames and categorizing them as {\em crucial} and {\em non-crucial}. The fact that initial frames from the same upper layer segment can afford a few trials of retransmissions and the later frames cannot, motivates this work. The frames are treated differentially with respect to FEC coding and ARQ schemes. Specific cases of FEC and ARQ strategies are then considered and it is shown qualitatively as how the differential treatment of frames can improve the performance of the RLP and in effect that of TCP over wireless networks

    Techniques for End-to-End Tcp Performance Enhancement Over Wireless Networks

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    Today’s wireless network complexity and the new applications from various user devices call for an in-depth understanding of the mutual performance impact of networks and applications. It includes understanding of the application traffic and network layer protocols to enable end-to-end application performance enhancements over wireless networks. Although Transport Control Protocol (TCP) behavior over wireless networks is well known, it remains as one of the main drivers which may significantly impact the user experience through application performance as well as the network resource utilization, since more than 90% of the internet traffic uses TCP in both wireless and wire-line networks. In this dissertation, we employ application traffic measurement and packet analysis over a commercial Long Term Evolution (LTE) network combined with an in-depth LTE protocol simulation to identify three critical problems that may negatively affect the application performance and wireless network resource utilization: (i) impact of the wireless MAC protocol on the TCP throughput performance, (ii) impact of applications on network resource utilization, and (iii) impact of TCP on throughput performance over wireless networks. We further propose four novel mechanisms to improve the end-to-end application and wireless system performance: (i) an enhanced LTE uplink resource allocation mechanism to reduce network delay and help prevent a TCP timeout, (ii) a new TCP snooping mechanism, which according to our experiments, can save about 20% of system resources by preventing unnecessary video packet transmission through the air interface, and (iii) two Split-TCP protocols: an Enhanced Split-TCP (ES-TCP) and an Advanced Split-TCP (AS-TCP), which significantly improve the application throughput without breaking the end-to-end TCP semantics. Experimental results show that the proposed ES-TCP and AS-TCP protocols can boost the TCP throughput by more than 60% in average, when exercised over a 4G LTE network. Furthermore, the TCP throughput performance improvement may be even superior to 200%, depending on network and usage conditions. We expect that these proposed Split-TCP protocol enhancements, together with the new uplink resource allocation enhancement and the new TCP snooping mechanism may provide even greater performance gains when more advanced radio technologies, such as 5G, are deployed. Thanks to their superior resource utilization efficiency, such advanced radio technologies will put to greater use the techniques and protocol enhancements disclosed through this dissertation

    Efficient Data Transport in Wireless Overlay Networks

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