2 research outputs found

    Performance analysis of mobile applications based on web technologies

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    V magistrski nalogi raziskujemo analizo zmogljivosti mobilnih aplikacij, temelječih na domorodnih in spletnih tehnologijah. V uvodnem delu naloge predstavimo področje razvoja mobilnih aplikacij, njihove prednosti in slabosti ter razvojna orodja. V nalogi smo predlagali model za ocenjevanje zmogljivosti mobilnih aplikacij, ki smo ga preverili s pomočjo eksperimenta, v okviru katerega smo analizirali zmogljivost, zadovoljstvo uporabnikov in uporabniško izkušnjo. Predlagani model smo ovrednotili na primeru aplikacij Facebook, Twitter, YouTube in GMail. Na osnovi empiričnih podatkov, pridobljenih v eksperimentu, smo analizirali in primerjali dojemanje odzivnosti, hitrosti, enostavnosti uporabe, vizualne izdelave, uporabniške izkušnje in zadovoljstva uporabnikov. Rezultati na osnovi empiričnih podatkov so pokazali višjo stopnjo dojemanja uporabniške izkušnje ob uporabi domorodnih mobilnih rešitev v primerjavi z njihovimi spletno zasnovanimi rešitvami.The following master thesis analyzes the performance abilities of native and web mobile applications. We introduce the current state of mobile applications, explore the main paradigms as well as their pros and cons, along with tools of the trade. Based on the research and gathered data, a research model is introduced with a set of confirmed performance factors. An experiment was performed in order to justify the research model and its performance factors, along with user experience and satisfaction. The model was evaluated with mobile applications such as Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and Gmail. Based on the gathered empirical data from the experiment, the data was analyzed and compared by perceived responsiveness, speed, ease of use, visual interface, user experience and user satisfaction. Results based on empirical data have shown a higher level of perceived user experience and satisfaction while using native mobile applications compared to their web counterparts

    Performance Characterization of Web Applications with HTML5 Enhancements

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    In the age of Mobile Internet, web browsing has become more fundamental, and a number of applications are built on top of popular browser engines such as WebKit [1]. In latest developments, HTML5 has been proposed to enable more powerful web applications. HTML5 based operating systems, like Chrome OS and Firefox OS, are also emerging as alternatives to current generation mobile platforms. However, web-based platforms still have a long way to catch up with iOS/Android and their native apps in terms of performance and user experiences. Therefore, understanding and optimizing the performance of HTML5 based applications/systems are invaluable work for speeding up their adoption. As a first step, we make an in-depth analysis on the performance of a popular web browsing engine, WebKit. Our work covers a set of important aspects of both the traditional web browsing, and new features of the HTML5 standard. This study exposes some interesting observations, from which we make reasonings and provide guidelines for developing efficient web-based applications. The analysis in this work can also serve as a basis for the optimization of HTML5 based operating system design.Computer Science, Information SystemsComputer Science, Theory & MethodsCPCI-S(ISTP)