9 research outputs found

    Quantitative Assessment of Robotic Swarm Coverage

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    This paper studies a generally applicable, sensitive, and intuitive error metric for the assessment of robotic swarm density controller performance. Inspired by vortex blob numerical methods, it overcomes the shortcomings of a common strategy based on discretization, and unifies other continuous notions of coverage. We present two benchmarks against which to compare the error metric value of a given swarm configuration: non-trivial bounds on the error metric, and the probability density function of the error metric when robot positions are sampled at random from the target swarm distribution. We give rigorous results that this probability density function of the error metric obeys a central limit theorem, allowing for more efficient numerical approximation. For both of these benchmarks, we present supporting theory, computation methodology, examples, and MATLAB implementation code.Comment: Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics (ICINCO), Porto, Portugal, 29--31 July 2018. 11 pages, 4 figure

    Interacting particles with L\'{e}vy strategies: limits of transport equations for swarm robotic systems

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    L\'{e}vy robotic systems combine superdiffusive random movement with emergent collective behaviour from local communication and alignment in order to find rare targets or track objects. In this article we derive macroscopic fractional PDE descriptions from the movement strategies of the individual robots. Starting from a kinetic equation which describes the movement of robots based on alignment, collisions and occasional long distance runs according to a L\'{e}vy distribution, we obtain a system of evolution equations for the fractional diffusion for long times. We show that the system allows efficient parameter studies for a search problem, addressing basic questions like the optimal number of robots needed to cover an area in a certain time. For shorter times, in the hyperbolic limit of the kinetic equation, the PDE model is dominated by alignment, irrespective of the long range movement. This is in agreement with previous results in swarming of self-propelled particles. The article indicates the novel and quantitative modeling opportunities which swarm robotic systems provide for the study of both emergent collective behaviour and anomalous diffusion, on the respective time scales.Comment: 23 pages, 3 figures, to appear in SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematic

    Distributed Online Optimization for Multi-Agent Optimal Transport

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    In this work, we propose and investigate a scalable, distributed iterative algorithm for large-scale optimal transport of collectives of autonomous agents. We formulate the problem as one of steering the collective towards a target probability measure while minimizing the total cost of transport, with the additional constraint of distributed implementation imposed by a range-limited network topology. Working within the framework of optimal transport theory, we realize the solution as an iterative transport based on a proximal point algorithm. At each stage of the transport, the agents implement an online, distributed primal-dual algorithm to obtain local estimates of the Kantorovich potential for optimal transport from the current distribution of the collective to the target distribution. Using these estimates as their local objective functions, the agents then implement the transport by a proximal point algorithm. This two-step process is carried out recursively by the collective to converge asymptotically to the target distribution. We analyze the behavior of the algorithm via a candidate system of feedback interconnected PDEs for the continuous time and N→∞N \rightarrow \infty limit, and establish the asymptotic stability of this system of PDEs. We then test the behavior of the algorithm in simulation

    Controllability and Stabilization of Kolmogorov Forward Equations for Robotic Swarms

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    abstract: Numerous works have addressed the control of multi-robot systems for coverage, mapping, navigation, and task allocation problems. In addition to classical microscopic approaches to multi-robot problems, which model the actions and decisions of individual robots, lately, there has been a focus on macroscopic or Eulerian approaches. In these approaches, the population of robots is represented as a continuum that evolves according to a mean-field model, which is directly designed such that the corresponding robot control policies produce target collective behaviours. This dissertation presents a control-theoretic analysis of three types of mean-field models proposed in the literature for modelling and control of large-scale multi-agent systems, including robotic swarms. These mean-field models are Kolmogorov forward equations of stochastic processes, and their analysis is motivated by the fact that as the number of agents tends to infinity, the empirical measure associated with the agents converges to the solution of these models. Hence, the problem of transporting a swarm of agents from one distribution to another can be posed as a control problem for the forward equation of the process that determines the time evolution of the swarm density. First, this thesis considers the case in which the agents' states evolve on a finite state space according to a continuous-time Markov chain (CTMC), and the forward equation is an ordinary differential equation (ODE). Defining the agents' task transition rates as the control parameters, the finite-time controllability, asymptotic controllability, and stabilization of the forward equation are investigated. Second, the controllability and stabilization problem for systems of advection-diffusion-reaction partial differential equations (PDEs) is studied in the case where the control parameters include the agents' velocity as well as transition rates. Third, this thesis considers a controllability and optimal control problem for the forward equation in the more general case where the agent dynamics are given by a nonlinear discrete-time control system. Beyond these theoretical results, this thesis also considers numerical optimal transport for control-affine systems. It is shown that finite-volume approximations of the associated PDEs lead to well-posed transport problems on graphs as long as the control system is controllable everywhere.Dissertation/ThesisDoctoral Dissertation Mechanical Engineering 201