2 research outputs found

    Performance Aware Convolutional Neural Network Channel Pruning for Embedded GPUs

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    Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) are becoming a common presence in many applications and services, due to their superior recognition accuracy. They are increasingly being used on mobile devices, many times just by porting large models designed for server space, although several model compression techniques have been considered. One model compression technique intended to reduce computations is channel pruning. Mobile and embedded systems now have GPUs which are ideal for the parallel computations of neural networks and for their lower energy cost per operation. Specialized libraries perform these neural network computations through highly optimized routines. As we find in our experiments, these libraries are optimized for the most common network shapes, making uninstructed channel pruning inefficient. We evaluate higher level libraries, which analyze the input characteristics of a convolutional layer, based on which they produce optimized OpenCL (Arm Compute Library and TVM) and CUDA (cuDNN) code. However, in reality, these characteristics and subsequent choices intended for optimization can have the opposite effect. We show that a reduction in the number of convolutional channels, pruning 12% of the initial size, is in some cases detrimental to performance, leading to 2× slowdown. On the other hand, we also find examples where performance-aware pruning achieves the intended results, with performance speedups of 3× with cuDNN and above 10× with Arm Compute Library and TVM. Our findings expose the need for hardware-instructed neural network pruning

    DLAS: An Exploration and Assessment of the Deep Learning Acceleration Stack

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    Deep Neural Networks (DNNs) are extremely computationally demanding, which presents a large barrier to their deployment on resource-constrained devices. Since such devices are where many emerging deep learning applications lie (e.g., drones, vision-based medical technology), significant bodies of work from both the machine learning and systems communities have attempted to provide optimizations to accelerate DNNs. To help unify these two perspectives, in this paper we combine machine learning and systems techniques within the Deep Learning Acceleration Stack (DLAS), and demonstrate how these layers can be tightly dependent on each other with an across-stack perturbation study. We evaluate the impact on accuracy and inference time when varying different parameters of DLAS across two datasets, seven popular DNN architectures, four DNN compression techniques, three algorithmic primitives with sparse and dense variants, untuned and auto-scheduled code generation, and four hardware platforms. Our evaluation highlights how perturbations across DLAS parameters can cause significant variation and across-stack interactions. The highest level observation from our evaluation is that the model size, accuracy, and inference time are not guaranteed to be correlated. Overall we make 13 key observations, including that speedups provided by compression techniques are very hardware dependent, and that compiler auto-tuning can significantly alter what the best algorithm to use for a given configuration is. With DLAS, we aim to provide a reference framework to aid machine learning and systems practitioners in reasoning about the context in which their respective DNN acceleration solutions exist in. With our evaluation strongly motivating the need for co-design, we believe that DLAS can be a valuable concept for exploring the next generation of co-designed accelerated deep learning solutions