733 research outputs found

    Performance Analysis of SAP-NFC Protocol

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    The operations cost of authentication session is considered as strict indicator to evaluate the authentication protocols side by side with the security requirements achievements in the Near Field Communication (NFC) technology. The secure authentication protocol for the NFC mobile payment systems (SAP-NFC) one of the recent authentication protocols that have proposed to achieve high level of security features such as the fully mutual authentication, anonymity and untraceability. Moreover, the SAP-NFC protocol can prevent the current security attacks. This paper, analyzes the performance of the SAP-NFC protocol comparing with the other recent NFC mobile payment protocols in the NFC devices that are included in the system. The performance analysis has illustrated that the SAP-NFC protocol not only supports strong security features, but also offers low cost in term of amount of computations

    A New Secure Lightweight Authentication Protocol for NFC mobile Payment

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    As mobile applications grow, securing these applications become an important factor for their success. Especially, when these applications are related to financial transactions. Nowadays, mobile payment that is based on NFC technology is considered one of these important topics. In this paper, we propose A New Secure and Lightweight Authentication Protocol for NFC mobile Payment (NSLA) protocol. NSLA protocol presents a new method to update the users’ identities and the valid session keys, which preserves the privacy and ensures the integrity of the system. The presented performance analysis shows that NSLA protocol satisfies low computation overhead. Moreover, the security analysis proves that NSLA protocol has an immunity against replay attack, brute force attack, denial of service attack, and others types of attacks

    Attacks On Near Field Communication Devices

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    For some years, Near Field Communication (NFC) has been a popularly known technology characterized by its short-distance wireless communication, mainly used in providing different agreeable services such as payment with mobile phones in stores, Electronic Identification, Transportation Electronic Ticketing, Patient Monitoring, and Healthcare. The ability to quickly connect devices offers a level of secure communication. That notwithstanding, looking deeply at NFC and its security level, identifying threats leading to attacks that can alter the user’s confidentiality and data privacy becomes obvious. This paper summarizes some of these attacks, emphasizing four main attack vectors, bringing out a taxonomy of these attack vectors on NFC, and presenting security issues alongside privacy threats within the application environment

    Development of an Open-source, Custom Environmental Data Logger for Spatially Scalable Data Collection

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    Characterizing the processes that lead to differences in ecosystem productivity and watershed hydrology across complex terrain remains a challenge. This difficulty can be partially attributed to the cost of installing networks of proprietary data loggers that monitor differences in the biophysical factors contributing to vegetation growth or hydrological processes. Studies that aim to compare concurrent time-series data sets across multiple locations must therefore balance the high cost of these data logger systems with the need for spatial resolution in their data. Here, we present the design, implementation, and case study for an open-source “Pinecone” data logger system, released under the GNU General Public License that can be manufactured for under $70 USD per unit. The system was designed to accommodate a wide range of generic and proprietary environmental sensors, and to be inexpensive enough to build and deploy large numbers to a study site. A case study was performed in which 54 data loggers were deployed to North Fork Elk Creek, a mountainous watershed located in Lubrecht Experimental Forest in the Garnet mountain range in Northwest Montana for a one year period. The data loggers were deployed across 6 hillsides in the watershed, representing combinations of differing elevations and aspects, at 9 study locations on each hillslope. At each of these locations we recorded air temperature, vapor pressure, soil water content, sap flow velocity, and tree basal area at 30 minute intervals. We evaluated the reliability of the systems in a case study over an 8 month period in 2016 and 4 month period in 2017. Our results suggest that open-source technologies such as the Pinecone logger can make it possible to develop dependable and spatially distributed sensor network within the confines of a typical research budget

    The Smart Mobile Application Framework (SMAF) - Exploratory Evaluation in the Smart City Contex

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    What makes mobile apps "smart"? This paper challenges this question by seeking to identify the inherent characteristics of smartness. Starting with the etymological foundations of the term, elements of smart behavior in software applications are extracted from the literature, elaborated and contrasted. Based on these findings we propose a Smart Mobile Application Framework incorporating a set of activities and qualities associated with smart mobile software. The framework is applied to analyze a specific mobile application in the context of Smart Cities and proves its applicability for uncovering the implementation of smart concepts in real-world settings. Hence, this work contributes to research by conceptualizing a new type of application and provides useful insights to practitioners who want to design, implement or evaluate smart mobile applications
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