57,720 research outputs found

    Perfectly secure message transmission in two rounds

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    In the model that has become known as "Perfectly Secure Message Transmission"(PSMT), a sender Alice is connected to a receiver Bob through n parallel two-way channels. A computationally unbounded adversary Eve controls t of these channels, meaning she can acquire and alter any data that is transmitted over these channels. The sender Alice wishes to communicate a secret message to Bob privately and reliably, i.e. in such a way that Eve will not get any information about the message while Bob will be able to recover it completely. In this paper, we focus on protocols that work in two transmission rounds for n= 2t+1. We break from previous work by following a conceptually simpler blueprint for achieving a PSMT protocol. We reduce the previously best-known communication complexity, i.e. the number of transmitted bits necessary to communicate a 1-bit secret, from O(n^3 log n) to O(n^2 log n). Our protocol also answers a question raised by Kurosawa and Suzuki and hitherto left open: their protocol reaches optimal transmission rate for a secret of size O(n^2 log n) bits, and the authors raised the problem of lowering this threshold. The present solution does this for a secret of O(n log n) bits

    Two-Round Perfectly Secure Message Transmission with Optimal Transmission Rate

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    Perfectly Secure Message Transmission Tolerating Mixed Adversary

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    In this paper, we study the issues related to the possibility, feasibility and optimality for perfectly secure message transmission (PSMT) in an undirected synchronous network, under the influence of a mixed adversary having unbounded computing power, who can corrupt some of the nodes in the network in Byzantine, fail-stop and passive fashion respectively. Specifically, we answer the following questions: (a) Possibility: Given a network and a mixed adversary, what are the necessary and sufficient conditions for the existence of any PSMT protocol over the network tolerating the adversary? (b) Feasibility: Once the existence of a protocol is ensured, then does there exist a polynomial time and efficient protocol on the given network? (c) Optimality: Given a message of specific length, what is the minimum communication complexity (lower bound) needed by any PSMT protocol to transmit the message and how to design a polynomial time protocol whose total communication complexity matches the lower bound on the communication complexity? We answer the above questions by considering two different types of mixed adversary, namely static mixed adversary and mobile mixed adversary. Intuitively, it is more difficult to tolerate a mobile mixed adversary (who can corrupt different set of nodes during different stages of the protocol) in comparison to its static counter part (who corrupts the same set of nodes throughout the protocol). However, surprisingly, we show that the connectivity requirement in the network and lower bound on communication complexity of PSMT protocols is same against both static and mobile mixed adversary. To design our protocols against static and mobile mixed adversary, we use several new techniques, which are of independent interest

    Simple and Efficient Single Round Almost Perfectly Secure Message Transmission Tolerating Generalized Adversary

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    Patra et al. gave a necessary and sufficient condition for the possibility of almost perfectly secure message transmission protocols tolerating general, non-threshold Q^2 adversary structure. However, their protocol requires at least three rounds and performs exponential (exponential in the size of the adversary structure) computation and communication. Moreover, they have left it as an open problem to design efficient protocol for almost perfectly secure message transmission, tolerating Q^2 adversary structure. In this paper, we show the first single round almost perfectly secure message transmission protocol tolerating Q^2 adversary structure. The computation and communication complexities of the protocol are both polynomial} in the size of underlying linear secret sharing scheme (LSSS) and adversary structure. This solves the open problem raised by Patra et al.. When we restrict our general protocol to threshold adversary with n=2t+1, we obtain a single round, communication optimal almost secure message transmission protocol tolerating threshold adversary, which is much more computationally efficient and relatively simpler than the previous communication optimal protocol of Srinathan et al

    General Perfectly Secure Message Transmission Using Linear Codes

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    We study perfectly secure message transmission (PSMT) from a sender S to a receiver R in the general adversary model. In this model, instead of being bounded by a threshold, the Byzantine adversary in a network is characterized by an adversary structure. By regarding monotone general access structures as linear codes, we introduce some new properties that allow us to design efficient PSMT protocols. We give a number of efficient PSMT protocols in both undirected and directed network graphs. These protocols comprehensively improve the transmission complexity of some previous results in this area. More significantly, as all of our protocols are executed in either 3 or 2 rounds, our result is the first, in the context of PSMT in the general adversary model, to have constant round complexity when using interaction

    Perfectly Secure Message Transmission Scheme against Rational Adversaries

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    Secure Message Transmission (SMT) is a two-party cryptographic scheme by which a sender securely and reliably sends messages to a receiver using nn channels. Suppose that an adversary corrupts at most tt out of nn channels and makes eavesdropping or tampering over the corrupted channels. It is known that if t<n/2t < n/2 then the perfect SMT (PSMT) in the information-theoretic sense is achievable and if tn/2t\ge n/2 then no PSMT scheme is possible to construct. If we are allowed to use a public channel in addition to the normal channels, we can achieve the almost reliable SMT (ARSMT), which admits transmission failures of small probability, against t<nt < n corruptions. In the standard setting in cryptography, the participants are classified into honest ones and corrupted ones: every honest participant follows the protocol but corrupted ones are controlled by the adversary and behave maliciously. As a real setting, the notion of rationality in the game theory is often incorporated into cryptography. In this paper, we first consider ``rational adversary\u27\u27 who behaves according to his own preference in SMT. We show that it is possible to achieve PSMT even against any t<nt < n corruptions under some reasonable settings for rational adversaries. \end{abstract

    Secure message transmission and its applications

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    In this thesis we focus on various aspects of secure message transmission protocols. Such protocols achieve the secure transmission of a message from a sender to a receiver - where the term “secure” encapsulates the notion of privacy and reliability of message transmission. These two parties are connected using an underlying network in which a static computationally unlimited active adversary able to corrupt up to t network nodes is assumed to be present. Such protocols are important to study as they are used extensively in various cryptographic protocols and are of interest to other research areas such as ad-hoc networks, military networks amongst others. Optimal bounds for the number of phases (communication from sender to receiver or vice versa), connectivity requirements (number of node disjoint network paths connecting sender and receiver - denoted by n), communication complexity (complexity of the number of field elements sent - where F is the finite field used and jFj = q) and transmission complexity (proportion of communication complexity to complexity of secrets transmitted) for secure message transmission protocols have been proven in previous work. In the one-phase model it has been shown that n 3t+1 node disjoint paths are required to achieve perfect communication. In the two phase model only n 2t + 1 node disjoint paths are necessary. This connectivity is also the required bound for almost perfectly secure one-phase protocols - protocols which achieve perfect privacy but with a negligible probability may fail to achieve reliability. In such cases the receiver accepts a different message to that transmitted by the sender or does not accept any message. The main focus of recent research in secure message transmission protocols has been to present new protocols which achieve optimal transmission complexity. This has been achieved through the transmission of multiple messages. If a protocol has a communication complexity of O(n3) field elements, to achieve optimal transmission complexity O(n2) secrets will have to be communicated. This has somewhat ignored the simplification and improvement of protocols which securely transmit a single secret. Such improvements include constructing more efficient protocols with regards to communication complexity, computational complexity and the number of field elements sent throughout the whole protocol. In the thesis we first consider one-phase almost perfectly secure message transmission and present two new protocols which improve on previous work. We present a polynomial time protocol of O(n2) communication complexity which at the time of writing this thesis, is computationally more efficient than any other protocol of similar communication complexity for the almost perfectly secure transmission of a single message. Even though our first almost perfectly secure transmission protocol is of polynomial time, it is important to study other protocols also and improve previous work presented by other researchers. This is the idea behind the second one-phase almost perfectly secure message transmission protocol we present which requires an exponential complexity of field operations but lower (O(n)) communication complexity. This protocol also improves on previous protocols of similar communication complexity, requiring in the order of O(log q) less computation to complete - where q denotes the size of the finite field used. Even though this protocol is of exponential time, for small values of n (e.g. when t = 1, t = 2 or t = 3) it may be beneficial to use this protocol for almost perfectly secure communication as opposed to using the polynomial time protocol. This is because less field elements need to be transmitted over the whole network which connects a sender and a receiver. Furthermore, an optimal almost perfectly secure transmission protocol will be one with O(n) communication complexity and with polynomial computational complexity. We hope that in the future, other researchers will be inspired by our proposed protocol, improve on our work and ideally achieve these optimal results. We also consider multi-phase protocols. By combining various cryptographic schemes, we present a new two-phase perfectly secure single message transmission protocol. At the time of writing this thesis, the protocol is the most efficient protocol when considering communication complexity. Our protocol has a communication complexity of O(n2) compared to O(n3) of previous work thus improving on the communication complexity by an order of O(n) for the perfectly secure message transmission of a single message. This protocol is then extended to a three phase protocol where a multi-recipient broadcast end channel network setting is considered. As opposed to point to point networks where a path from a sender reaches a single receiver, this network model is new in the field of message transmission protocols. In this model each path from a sender reaches multiple receivers, with all receivers receiving the same information from their common network communication channel. We show how the use of this protocol upon such a network can lead to great savings in the transmission and computation carried out by a single sender. We also discuss the importance and relevance of such a multi-recipient setting to practical applications. The first protocols in the field of perfectly secure message transmission with a human receiver are also presented. This is a topic proposed by my supervisor Professor Yvo Desmedt for which I constructed solutions. In such protocols, one of the communicating parties is considered to be a human who does not have access to a computational device. Because of this, solutions for such protocols need to be computationally efficient and computationally simple so that they can be executed by the human party. Experiments with human participants were carried out to assess how easily and accurately human parties used the proposed protocols. The experimental results are presented and these identify how well human participants used the protocols. In addition to the security of messages, we also consider how one can achieve anonymity of message transmission protocols. For such protocols, considering a single-receiver multi-sender scenario, the presence of a t-threshold bounded adversary and the transmission of multiple secrets (as many as the number of sender), once the protocols ends one should not be able to identify the sender of a received message. Considering a passive and active adversary new protocols are presented which achieve the secure and anonymous transmission of messages in the information-theoretic security model. Our proposed solutions can also be applied (with minor alterations) to the dual problem when a single-sender multi-recipient communication setting is considered. The contributions of the thesis are primarily theoretical - thus no implementation of the proposed protocols was carried out. Despite this, we reflect on practical aspects of secure message transmission protocols. We review the feasibility of implementing secure message transmission protocols in general upon various networks - focusing on the Internet which can be considered as the most important communication network at this time. We also describe in theory how concepts of secure message transmission protocols could possibly be used in practical implementations for secure communication on various existing communication networks. Open problems that remain unsolved in the research area of the proposed protocols are also discussed and we hope that these inspire research and future solutions for the design (and implementation) of better and more efficient secure message transmission protocols

    Two-Round Perfectly Secure Message Transmission with Optimal Transmission Rate

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    In the model of Perfectly Secure Message Transmission (PSMT), a sender Alice is connected to a receiver Bob via nn parallel two-way channels, and Alice holds an \ell symbol secret that she wishes to communicate to Bob. There is an unbounded adversary Eve that controls tt of the channels, where n=2t+1n=2t+1. Eve is able to corrupt any symbol sent through the channels she controls, and furthermore may attempt to infer Alice\u27s secret by observing the symbols sent through the channels she controls. The transmission is required to be (a) reliable, i.e., Bob must always be able to recover Alice\u27s secret, regardless of Eve\u27s corruptions; and (b) private, i.e., Eve may not learn anything about Alice\u27s secret. We focus on the two-round model, where Bob is permitted to first transmit to Alice, and then Alice responds to Bob. In this work we provide upper and lower bounds for the PSMT model when the length of the communicated secret \ell is asymptotically large. Specifically, we first construct a protocol that allows Alice to communicate an \ell symbol secret to Bob by transmitting at most 2(1+o(1))n2(1+o_{\ell \to \infty}(1))n\ell symbols. Under a reasonable assumption (which is satisfied by all known efficient two-round PSMT protocols), we complement this with a lower bound showing that 2n2n\ell symbols are necessary for Alice to privately and reliably communicate her secret. This provides strong evidence that our construction is optimal (even up to the leading constant)

    Truly Efficient 2-Round Perfectly Secure Message Transmission Scheme

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    In the model of perfectly secure message transmission schemes (PSMTs), there are nn channels between a sender and a receiver. An infinitely powerful adversary \A may corrupt (observe and forge)the messages sent through tt out of nn channels. The sender wishes to send a secret ss to the receiver perfectly privately and perfectly reliably without sharing any key with the receiver. In this paper, we show the first 22-round PSMT for n=2t+1n=2t+1 such that not only the transmission rate is O(n)O(n) but also the computational costs of the sender and the receiver are both polynomial in nn. This means that we solve the open problem raised by Agarwal, Cramer and de Haan at CRYPTO 2006