7 research outputs found

    Perfect subsets of generalized Baire spaces and long games

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    We extend Solovay's theorem about definable subsets of the Baire space to the generalized Baire space λλ{}^\lambda\lambda, where λ\lambda is an uncountable cardinal with λ<λ=λ\lambda^{<\lambda}=\lambda. In the first main theorem, we show that that the perfect set property for all subsets of λλ{}^{\lambda}\lambda that are definable from elements of λOrd{}^\lambda\mathrm{Ord} is consistent relative to the existence of an inaccessible cardinal above λ\lambda. In the second main theorem, we introduce a Banach-Mazur type game of length λ\lambda and show that the determinacy of this game, for all subsets of λλ{}^\lambda\lambda that are definable from elements of λOrd{}^\lambda\mathrm{Ord} as winning conditions, is consistent relative to the existence of an inaccessible cardinal above λ\lambda. We further obtain some related results about definable functions on λλ{}^\lambda\lambda and consequences of resurrection axioms for definable subsets of λλ{}^\lambda\lambda

    Laver trees in the generalized Baire space

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    We prove that any suitable generalization of Laver forcing to the space κκ, for uncountable regular κ, necessarily adds a Cohen κ-real. We also study a dichotomy and an ideal naturally related to generalized Laver forcing. Using this dichotomy, we prove the following stronger result: if κ&lt;κ = κ, then every &lt;κ-distributive tree forcing on κκ adding a dominating κ-real which is the image of the generic under a continuous function in the ground model, adds a Cohen κ-real. This is a contribution to the study of generalized Baire spaces and answers a question from [1]


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    The open dihypergraph dichotomy for generalized Baire spaces and its applications

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    The open graph dichotomy for a subset XX of the Baire space ωω{}^\omega\omega states that any open graph on XX either admits a coloring in countably many colors or contains a perfect complete subgraph. This strong version of the open graph axiom for XX was introduced by Feng and Todor\v{c}evi\'c to investigate definable sets of reals. We first show that its recent generalization to infinite dimensional directed hypergraphs by Carroy, Miller and Soukup holds for all subsets of the Baire space in Solovay's model, extending a theorem of Feng in dimension 22. The main theorem lifts this result to generalized Baire spaces κκ{}^\kappa\kappa in two ways. (1) For any regular infinite cardinal κ\kappa, the following holds after a L\'evy collapse of an inaccessible cardinal λ>κ\lambda>\kappa to κ+\kappa^+. Suppose that HH is a κ\kappa-dimensional box-open directed hypergraph on a subset of κκ{}^\kappa\kappa such that HH is definable from a κ\kappa-sequence of ordinals. Then either HH admits a coloring in κ\kappa many colors or there exists a continuous homomorphism from a canonical large directed hypergraph to HH. (2) If λ\lambda is a Mahlo cardinal, then the previous result extends to all box-open directed hypergraphs on any subset of κκ{}^\kappa\kappa that is definable from a κ\kappa-sequence of ordinals. We derive several applications to definable subsets of generalized Baire spaces, among them variants of the Hurewicz dichotomy that characterizes subsets of KσK_\sigma sets, an asymmetric version of the Baire property, an analogue of the Kechris-Louveau-Woodin dichotomy that characterizes when two disjoint sets can be separated by an FσF_\sigma set, the determinacy of V\"a\"an\"anen's perfect set game for all subsets of κκ{}^\kappa\kappa, and an analogue of the Jayne-Rogers theorem that characterizes functions which are σ\sigma-continuous with closed pieces.Comment: 115 pages, 11 figures. Added new results in Section 6.2.2 which strengthen and replace the results in Section 6.3 of the previous version. Improved results in Section 5.3. Various other minor corrections. Comments are welcom