5 research outputs found

    Systematic Review of Social Networking Support Groups for Genetic-Disorders Pain Management

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    The pervasive opioid crisis in the United States highlights the challenges that many individuals have with pain management. One population that struggles with pain management are communities that experience genetic disorders. In this paper we present a literature review that examines the findings of the extant literature regarding pain management for genetic disorders on social media. We find that while research regarding social media in healthcare management has been increasing, there are still relatively few papers that address social media and pain management, We present a research agenda for the study of pain management techniques enabled by social media

    How nurses perceive the impact of health IT applications on their performance and satisfaction: Examining the organizational, social, and personal factors

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    Applying information technology tools in the healthcare industry is an appropriate solution to integrate and record medical data and provide complete access of patients’ information. However, the effectiveness of these technologies depends on their successful implementation and adaptation. This study addresses the impact of result observability, autonomy, perceived barriers, task structure, privacy and security anxiety, and communication (social) patterns on the perception of the performance and satisfaction of nurses using IT applications in healthcare. Furthermore, the effects of nurses’ years of experience, age, different hospitals, different electronic medical records (EMR) applications, and personality factors are examined as a moderator factors on the relationships between the organizational and social factors, and nurses’ performance and satisfaction. This study proposes a model of the relationship of organizational and social variables as predictor factors on the perception of performance and satisfaction with EMR among nurses. Multivariate linear regression was used to build models for the perception of performance and the perception of EMR satisfaction. Professional autonomy, communication patterns, privacy and security anxiety, and result observability are the most important predictors for the nurses’ perception of performance relationship. Personality factors do not have a direct relationship with the perception of performance and satisfaction; however, they have moderator effects on the relationship of the independent and dependent variables. Based on the result, financial incentives and sufficient training could influence the nurses’ perception of EMR effectiveness. Based on the findings of this study, the healthcare administrators could focus on increasing employee awareness about the results and tangible benefits of EMR applications and their effects on their performance and satisfaction. EMR development companies in collaboration with healthcare administrators could design the EMR applications more flexible in terms of professional autonomy and give the healthcare staff more freedom to make decisions and deliver care to patients. Moreover, EMR companies may need to reconsider the communication patterns among healthcare staff and patients

    Hospital information systems implementation framework: critical success factors for Malaysian public hospitals

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    The delivery of high quality health services is among the most important government policies in healthcare; it is demonstrated via the significant investment committed to expand the sector. In order to provide quality health services, Hospital Information Systems (HIS) development and adoption has to be initiated; though evidence has shown that implementing HIS is not easy. To ensure continuous successful implementation, the understanding and determination of HIS implementation factors has become a crucial consideration for health providers. This study, instigated to alleviate this problem, identified critical factors that influence HIS implementation and examined structured indicators to measure HIS implementation.Based on the critical success factors (CSFs) and DeLone and McLean’s Information Systems success model, the research study developed an implementation framework comprised of essential elements to guide HIS implementation. In the framework, the DeLone and McLean IS success measures were adapted and presented as a reflective second order factor to capture the multifaceted nature of success. A total of 500 questionnaires were distributed to six public hospitals in Malaysia and 213 were used for analysis. This reflects a high response rate of 42.6 percent. To evaluate the extent of success, the partial least squares (PLS) based structural equation modeling (SEM) approach was employed. The findings of the study revealed that the CSFs in Malaysia differ from studies in developed countries. Three out of seven success factors namely system selection, enterprise-wide communication and team composition proved to be significant. Key implementation factors such as top management support, business planning, project management and change management were found to be insignificant.The study is among the few that have tested empirically an implementation framework in the Malaysian settings; as such, it contributes significantly to theoretical, methodological and practical aspects of research. Theoretically, it established a new classification of CSFs that could influence HIS implementation. This new categorization is a significant effort to provide a practical list of CSFs that allows practitioners to focus on key areas during system implementation.Additionally, the study presents a new model that suggests links or correlations between the CSFs and how these factors should be implemented.With regard to research methodology, the study collected data from Malaysian public hospitals having a Total Hospital Information System (THIS) implementation; the type of data is rare considering the complex procedures involved. Also, the quantitative approach employed is suitable to attest the effectiveness of the implementation model. This study also utilized the SEM component-based or PLS analysis for assessing the implementation model. At present, it is still uncommon to find HIS implementation studies that utilize PLS analysis in Malaysia.In terms of a practical contribution, the study provides guidelines for managers in decision-making and planning future HIS implementation. The risks of failures for HIS implementation could be reduced as the study also proposed the approach on how the CSFs should be implemented. Most importantly, this study has established a model that could assists practitioners and researchers in understanding the implementation process of HIS, specifically for Malaysian public hospitals. Additionally, its contribution can be used in analogous domains such as information systems (IS), enterprise resource planning (ERP) and enterprise systems (ES)

    Holistic Approach Framework for Cloud Computing Strategic Decision-Making in the Healthcare Sector (HAF-CCS)

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    Cloud Computing is an evolving information technology paradigm that impacts many sectors in many countries. Cloud Computing offers IT services anytime, anywhere via any device and is applicable to healthcare organisations, offering a potential cost saving of 15% to 37%. This research investigates Cloud Computing as a facilitating technology to solve some of the challenges experienced by healthcare organisations such as the high cost of implementing IT solutions. The purpose of this research is to develop and apply an Holistic Approach Framework for Cloud Computing Strategic Decision-Making in the Healthcare Sector (HAF-CCS) to provide a systematic approach to the adoption of Cloud Computing that considers different perspectives. Although, Cloud Computing is becoming widely used, there is limited evidence in the literature concerning its application in the Saudi healthcare sector. In the thesis, current cloud adoption decision-making frameworks are analysed and the need to develop a strategic framework for Cloud Computing decision-making processes which emphasises a multidisciplinary holistic approach is identified. Understanding the different strategic aspects of Cloud Computing is important and could encourage organisations to adopt this model of computing since the decision regarding whether to adopt Cloud Computing is potentially a complex process; there are many perspectives to be considered, and studying this process requires a multiple perspective framework. The framework developed in this thesis aims to support decision-makers in healthcare organisations by covering five perspectives of Cloud Computing adoption: Organisation, Technology, Environment, Human and Business. The framework integrates the TOE (Technology-Organisation-Environment) framework with the Information Systems Strategy Triangle (IS Triangle) and the HOT-fit (Human- Organisation-Technology) model to support an holistic evaluation of the determinants of Cloud Computing adoption in healthcare organisations. The factors that will affect Cloud Computing adoption in healthcare organisations in Saudi Arabia have been identified using quantitative and qualitative methods, and a case study approach was implemented to validate the framework. The results of the validation showed that the framework can support decision-makers in understanding an organisation’s position regarding Cloud Computing and identifying any gaps that may hinder Cloud Computing adoption. The framework can also provide healthcare organisations with a strategic assessment tool to help in gaining the advantages of Cloud Computing

    Introduzione della cartella clinica elettronica nell'ULSS 9 di Treviso - Approccio Metodologico -

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    Summary Introduction We are now witnessing an increasing interest of Public Health Institutions towards the introduction of ICT. However, although several data/information are available, each Aziende Sanitaria and clinical units often employ individual digital systems that are not connected to each other. With the start of the ESCAPE project the Azienda ULSS 9 in Treviso developed a model for the management of digital signed documents that could be shared between the different clinical units of the Hospitals (Treviso and Oderzo) and the citizens. This first experience of clinical response dematerialization allowed putting the basis for the extension of the process to all the documents associated with hospitalization. In fact, the main objective of this project, named OSCAR (Ospedale Senza CARta), is to extend the digital processes to all the clinical records of patients during his hospital admission, thus helping to move from the Medical Paper (MP), towards the Electronic Health Record (EHR). Objective Only few data are available in the literature about the use of ICT in the Health System. In particular, no methodological approaches have been developed to test the introduction in the clinical use of the Electronic Medical Record (EMR). In particular we need to identify tools for the estimation of risk/benefit ratio, and learn how to manage changes within the organization. The scope is to minimize unfavourable responses associated with CCE introduction. How to develop this new approach is the main object of the present study. Materials and methods We studied the introduction of EMR in the Cardiology Unit. Analysis of the process furnished valuable data about the presence of criticisms that could limit the diffusion of EMR to all the others clinics. The methodological approach was based on the following points which in several cases are connected with “Project Management”: - Study of economic feasibility based on benefit/risk ratio. - Detailed analysis of software-hardware - Development of a training program through both frontal lessons and live demonstrations. We also tested the efficacy of EMR in comparison with the MP. In particular we focused on the following “end points”: - Comparison of MP and EMR in term of quality (such as clarity, complete drawing up, head for reading). In particular we compared 100 consecutive MP (year 2008) with 100 consecutive EMR (year 2012) of the Cardiology Unit. Analysis of quality was based on the compilation of check lists developed according to “Joint Commission International Quality Standards” and “Accreditation Canada”, criteria. - To identify, by the use of a questioner, personnel’ prejudices associated with the introduction of EMR. - Analysis of the risks potentially associated with EMR introduction. The analysis was performed by using FMEA/FMECA approach. - To evaluate the level and the trend of clinical documents digitalization. Results Comparison of quality between MP and EMR showed that the latter was superior in almost all the 34 points of the checklist, reaching the maximum score in 25 over 34. Questioners about satisfaction of the personnel showed a significant difference between medical doctors and nurses. In fact, while the satisfaction score was optimum in 12 over 15 questions for medical doctors, the level reach by nurses was significantly lower in all the items investigated. Risk analysis performed by using FMEA/FMECA before and after EMR introduction allowed to identify errors/risks with high index of priority correlated to both the use of MP and EMR. We were able to demonstrate that these errors/risks were different between MP and EMR. In particular errors with high priority associated to MP used were absent after EMR introduction. On the contrary the following same therapy errors were more evident after EMR introduction. Results were used to perform risk re-analysis through periodic team discussion and implementation of preventive measures. The trend of clinical digitalization was excellent. The high level of participation showed by the personnel involved mainly explains this finding. Discussion and conclusion The present study investigated the efficacy of a novel methodological approach for the EMR introduction in the clinical practice. Success is mainly based on a high level of involvement of Direzione Strategica Ospedaliera that is mandatory to obtain enough economic and personnel support for the project development. EMR showed higher quality level compared to MP according to “Joint Commission International Quality Standards” and “Accreditation Canada”, standards. The analysis of the risks allowed demonstrating that MP and EMR used are associated with profound differences in term of risks related to hospitalization. The excellent trend observed for the introduction of digitalized clinical documents in the different units represents an encouraging observation. This finding suggests that, by using adequate planning, training and appropriate methodological approaches (mainly based on appropriate risks evaluation) digitalization can be introduced in the everyday clinical practice without experiencing significant obstacles and improving the quality of health care