2 research outputs found

    Enhancing the E-Commerce Experience through Haptic Feedback Interaction

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    The sense of touch is important in our everyday lives and its absence makes it difficult to explore and manipulate everyday objects. Existing online shopping practice lacks the opportunity for physical evaluation, that people often use and value when making product choices. However, with recent advances in haptic research and technology, it is possible to simulate various physical properties such as heaviness, softness, deformation, and temperature. The research described here investigates the use of haptic feedback interaction to enhance e-commerce product evaluation, particularly haptic weight and texture evaluation. While other properties are equally important, besides being fundamental to the shopping experience of many online products, weight and texture can be simulated using cost-effective devices. Two initial psychophysical experiments were conducted using free motion haptic exploration in order to more closely resemble conventional shopping. One experiment was to measure weight force thresholds and another to measure texture force thresholds. The measurements can provide better understanding of haptic device limitation for online shopping in terms of the availability of different stimuli to represent physical products. The outcomes of the initial psychophysical experimental studies were then used to produce various absolute stimuli that were used in a comparative experimental study to evaluate user experience of haptic product evaluation. Although free haptic exploration was exercised on both psychophysical experiments, results were relatively consistent with previous work on haptic discrimination. The threshold for weight force discrimination represented as downward forces was 10 percent. The threshold for texture force discrimination represented as friction forces was 14.1 percent, when using dynamic coefficient of friction at any level of static coefficient of friction. On the other hand, the comparative experimental study to evaluate user experience of haptic product information indicated that haptic product evaluation does not change user performance significantly. However, although there was an increase in the time taken to complete the task, the number of button click actions tended to decrease. The results showed that haptic product evaluation could significantly increase the confidence of shopping decision. Nevertheless, the availability of haptic product evaluation does not necessarily impose different product choices but it complements other selection criteria such as price and appearance. The research findings from this work are a first step towards exploring haptic-based environments in e-commerce environments. The findings not only lay the foundation for designing online haptic shopping but also provide empirical support to research in this direction

    Análisis de usabilidad e interactividad en interfaces hápticas para sistemas 3D, aplicación a maqueta interactiva de transporte ESPOCH

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    El trabajo realizado propone investigar e identificar niveles de usabilidad e interactividad en interfaces hápticas (sentir objetos virtuales) para manipulación de aplicaciones 3D. Aplicándola a maqueta férrea a escala, manipulada por estudiantes de educación secundaria. La obtención de información se realizó mediante el método deductivo, recolectando datos sobre preferencias, necesidades, y requerimientos para elaborar un entorno virtual 3D utilizando 3DSMAX 2011 Trial (Software Modelado 3D) y Unity 4.3 Trial (Software Simulación), capaz de vincularse y transmitir información relevante sobre aspectos geográficos, sociales y culturales de la serranía central. Posteriormente complementada a una maqueta real controlada por sistemas electrónicos. La indagación realizada a estudiantes de bachillerato, muestra que el 56 % poseen capacidad y disposición de manipulación de interfaces, cometiendo errores leves o moderados. Se encontró también aceptación del 80 % en criterios de usabilidad y 84 % en interactividad hacia aplicaciones actuales en dispositivos móviles. Como evaluación final a la aplicación se demostró que la intervención de interfaces hápticas, remotamente controladas, en aplicaciones tridimensionales conectadas a entornos tangibles , incrementaron la usabilidad al 95 % y la interactividad al 100%, validando satisfactoriamente nuestra hipótesis planteada. Se concluye que combinar sistemas virtuales con reales acelera procesos de aprendizaje a nivel de educación secundaria, mejora la retención de información y permite al usuario participar activamente con entornos virtuales, convirtiendo aplicaciones lúdicas en herramientas académicas e investigativas. De igual forma incorporar interfaces hápticas orientadas hacia aplicaciones, constituye una necesidad debido a la evolución y constante mejora de sistemas