11,161 research outputs found

    Leveraging Deep Visual Descriptors for Hierarchical Efficient Localization

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    Many robotics applications require precise pose estimates despite operating in large and changing environments. This can be addressed by visual localization, using a pre-computed 3D model of the surroundings. The pose estimation then amounts to finding correspondences between 2D keypoints in a query image and 3D points in the model using local descriptors. However, computational power is often limited on robotic platforms, making this task challenging in large-scale environments. Binary feature descriptors significantly speed up this 2D-3D matching, and have become popular in the robotics community, but also strongly impair the robustness to perceptual aliasing and changes in viewpoint, illumination and scene structure. In this work, we propose to leverage recent advances in deep learning to perform an efficient hierarchical localization. We first localize at the map level using learned image-wide global descriptors, and subsequently estimate a precise pose from 2D-3D matches computed in the candidate places only. This restricts the local search and thus allows to efficiently exploit powerful non-binary descriptors usually dismissed on resource-constrained devices. Our approach results in state-of-the-art localization performance while running in real-time on a popular mobile platform, enabling new prospects for robotics research.Comment: CoRL 2018 Camera-ready (fix typos and update citations

    SketchyGAN: Towards Diverse and Realistic Sketch to Image Synthesis

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    Synthesizing realistic images from human drawn sketches is a challenging problem in computer graphics and vision. Existing approaches either need exact edge maps, or rely on retrieval of existing photographs. In this work, we propose a novel Generative Adversarial Network (GAN) approach that synthesizes plausible images from 50 categories including motorcycles, horses and couches. We demonstrate a data augmentation technique for sketches which is fully automatic, and we show that the augmented data is helpful to our task. We introduce a new network building block suitable for both the generator and discriminator which improves the information flow by injecting the input image at multiple scales. Compared to state-of-the-art image translation methods, our approach generates more realistic images and achieves significantly higher Inception Scores.Comment: Accepted to CVPR 201

    KinshipGAN: Synthesizing of Kinship Faces From Family Photos by Regularizing a Deep Face Network

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    In this paper, we propose a kinship generator network that can synthesize a possible child face by analyzing his/her parent's photo. For this purpose, we focus on to handle the scarcity of kinship datasets throughout the paper by proposing novel solutions in particular. To extract robust features, we integrate a pre-trained face model to the kinship face generator. Moreover, the generator network is regularized with an additional face dataset and adversarial loss to decrease the overfitting of the limited samples. Lastly, we adapt cycle-domain transformation to attain a more stable results. Experiments are conducted on Families in the Wild (FIW) dataset. The experimental results show that the contributions presented in the paper provide important performance improvements compared to the baseline architecture and our proposed method yields promising perceptual results.Comment: Accepted to IEEE ICIP 201

    Unsupervised Object Discovery and Localization in the Wild: Part-based Matching with Bottom-up Region Proposals

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    This paper addresses unsupervised discovery and localization of dominant objects from a noisy image collection with multiple object classes. The setting of this problem is fully unsupervised, without even image-level annotations or any assumption of a single dominant class. This is far more general than typical colocalization, cosegmentation, or weakly-supervised localization tasks. We tackle the discovery and localization problem using a part-based region matching approach: We use off-the-shelf region proposals to form a set of candidate bounding boxes for objects and object parts. These regions are efficiently matched across images using a probabilistic Hough transform that evaluates the confidence for each candidate correspondence considering both appearance and spatial consistency. Dominant objects are discovered and localized by comparing the scores of candidate regions and selecting those that stand out over other regions containing them. Extensive experimental evaluations on standard benchmarks demonstrate that the proposed approach significantly outperforms the current state of the art in colocalization, and achieves robust object discovery in challenging mixed-class datasets.Comment: CVPR 201

    Synthetic-Neuroscore: Using A Neuro-AI Interface for Evaluating Generative Adversarial Networks

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    Generative adversarial networks (GANs) are increasingly attracting attention in the computer vision, natural language processing, speech synthesis and similar domains. Arguably the most striking results have been in the area of image synthesis. However, evaluating the performance of GANs is still an open and challenging problem. Existing evaluation metrics primarily measure the dissimilarity between real and generated images using automated statistical methods. They often require large sample sizes for evaluation and do not directly reflect human perception of image quality. In this work, we describe an evaluation metric we call Neuroscore, for evaluating the performance of GANs, that more directly reflects psychoperceptual image quality through the utilization of brain signals. Our results show that Neuroscore has superior performance to the current evaluation metrics in that: (1) It is more consistent with human judgment; (2) The evaluation process needs much smaller numbers of samples; and (3) It is able to rank the quality of images on a per GAN basis. A convolutional neural network (CNN) based neuro-AI interface is proposed to predict Neuroscore from GAN-generated images directly without the need for neural responses. Importantly, we show that including neural responses during the training phase of the network can significantly improve the prediction capability of the proposed model. Materials related to this work are provided at https://github.com/villawang/Neuro-AI-Interface