5 research outputs found

    Automated crop plant detection based on the fusion of color and depth images for robotic weed control

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    Robotic weeding enables weed control near or within crop rows automatically, precisely and effectively. A computer‐vision system was developed for detecting crop plants at different growth stages for robotic weed control. Fusion of color images and depth images was investigated as a means of enhancing the detection accuracy of crop plants under conditions of high weed population. In‐field images of broccoli and lettuce were acquired 3–27 days after transplanting with a Kinect v2 sensor. The image processing pipeline included data preprocessing, vegetation pixel segmentation, plant extraction, feature extraction, feature‐based localization refinement, and crop plant classification. For the detection of broccoli and lettuce, the color‐depth fusion algorithm produced high true‐positive detection rates (91.7% and 90.8%, respectively) and low average false discovery rates (1.1% and 4.0%, respectively). Mean absolute localization errors of the crop plant stems were 26.8 and 7.4 mm for broccoli and lettuce, respectively. The fusion of color and depth was proved beneficial to the segmentation of crop plants from background, which improved the average segmentation success rates from 87.2% (depth‐based) and 76.4% (color‐based) to 96.6% for broccoli, and from 74.2% (depth‐based) and 81.2% (color‐based) to 92.4% for lettuce, respectively. The fusion‐based algorithm had reduced performance in detecting crop plants at early growth stages

    Synthetic bootstrapping of convolutional neural networks for semantic plant part segmentation

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    A current bottleneck of state-of-the-art machine learning methods for image segmentation in agriculture, e.g. convolutional neural networks (CNNs), is the requirement of large manually annotated datasets on a per-pixel level. In this paper, we investigated how related synthetic images can be used to bootstrap CNNs for successful learning as compared to other learning strategies. We hypothesise that a small manually annotated empirical dataset is sufficient for fine-tuning a synthetically bootstrapped CNN. Furthermore we investigated (i) multiple deep learning architectures, (ii) the correlation between synthetic and empirical dataset size on part segmentation performance, (iii) the effect of post-processing using conditional random fields (CRF) and (iv) the generalisation performance on other related datasets. For this we have performed 7 experiments using the Capsicum annuum (bell or sweet pepper) dataset containing 50 empirical and 10,500 synthetic images with 7 pixel-level annotated part classes. Results confirmed our hypothesis that only 30 empirical images were required to obtain the highest performance on all 7 classes (mean IOU = 0.40) when a CNN was bootstrapped on related synthetic data. Furthermore we found optimal empirical performance when a VGG-16 network was modified to include à trous spatial pyramid pooling. Adding CRF only improved performance on the synthetic data. Training binary classifiers did not improve results. We have found a positive correlation between dataset size and performance. For the synthetic dataset, learning stabilises around 3000 images. Generalisation to other related datasets proved possible