87 research outputs found

    A linear optimization technique for graph pebbling

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    Graph pebbling is a network model for studying whether or not a given supply of discrete pebbles can satisfy a given demand via pebbling moves. A pebbling move across an edge of a graph takes two pebbles from one endpoint and places one pebble at the other endpoint; the other pebble is lost in transit as a toll. It has been shown that deciding whether a supply can meet a demand on a graph is NP-complete. The pebbling number of a graph is the smallest t such that every supply of t pebbles can satisfy every demand of one pebble. Deciding if the pebbling number is at most k is \Pi_2^P-complete. In this paper we develop a tool, called the Weight Function Lemma, for computing upper bounds and sometimes exact values for pebbling numbers with the assistance of linear optimization. With this tool we are able to calculate the pebbling numbers of much larger graphs than in previous algorithms, and much more quickly as well. We also obtain results for many families of graphs, in many cases by hand, with much simpler and remarkably shorter proofs than given in previously existing arguments (certificates typically of size at most the number of vertices times the maximum degree), especially for highly symmetric graphs. Here we apply the Weight Function Lemma to several specific graphs, including the Petersen, Lemke, 4th weak Bruhat, Lemke squared, and two random graphs, as well as to a number of infinite families of graphs, such as trees, cycles, graph powers of cycles, cubes, and some generalized Petersen and Coxeter graphs. This partly answers a question of Pachter, et al., by computing the pebbling exponent of cycles to within an asymptotically small range. It is conceivable that this method yields an approximation algorithm for graph pebbling

    Critical Pebbling Numbers of Graphs

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    We define three new pebbling parameters of a connected graph GG, the rr-, gg-, and uu-critical pebbling numbers. Together with the pebbling number, the optimal pebbling number, the number of vertices nn and the diameter dd of the graph, this yields 7 graph parameters. We determine the relationships between these parameters. We investigate properties of the rr-critical pebbling number, and distinguish between greedy graphs, thrifty graphs, and graphs for which the rr-critical pebbling number is 2d2^d.Comment: 26 page

    Pebbling in Semi-2-Trees

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    Graph pebbling is a network model for transporting discrete resources that are consumed in transit. Deciding whether a given configuration on a particular graph can reach a specified target is NP{\sf NP}-complete, even for diameter two graphs, and deciding whether the pebbling number has a prescribed upper bound is Π2P\Pi_2^{\sf P}-complete. Recently we proved that the pebbling number of a split graph can be computed in polynomial time. This paper advances the program of finding other polynomial classes, moving away from the large tree width, small diameter case (such as split graphs) to small tree width, large diameter, continuing an investigation on the important subfamily of chordal graphs called kk-trees. In particular, we provide a formula, that can be calculated in polynomial time, for the pebbling number of any semi-2-tree, falling shy of the result for the full class of 2-trees.Comment: Revised numerous arguments for clarity and added technical lemmas to support proof of main theorem bette


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    abstract: Graph pebbling is a network optimization model for transporting discrete resources that are consumed in transit: the movement of 2 pebbles across an edge consumes one of the pebbles. The pebbling number of a graph is the fewest number of pebbles t so that, from any initial configuration of t pebbles on its vertices, one can place a pebble on any given target vertex via such pebbling steps. It is known that deciding whether a given configuration on a particular graph can reach a specified target is NP-complete, even for diameter 2 graphs, and that deciding whether the pebbling number has a prescribed upper bound is Π[P over 2]-complete. On the other hand, for many families of graphs there are formulas or polynomial algorithms for computing pebbling numbers; for example, complete graphs, products of paths (including cubes), trees, cycles, diameter 2 graphs, and more. Moreover, graphs having minimum pebbling number are called Class 0, and many authors have studied which graphs are Class 0 and what graph properties guarantee it, with no characterization in sight. In this paper we investigate an important family of diameter 3 chordal graphs called split graphs; graphs whose vertex set can be partitioned into a clique and an independent set. We provide a formula for the pebbling number of a split graph, along with an algorithm for calculating it that runs in O(n[superscript β]) time, where β = 2ω/(ω + 1) [= over ∼] 1.41 and ω [= over ∼] 2.376 is the exponent of matrix multiplication. Furthermore we determine that all split graphs with minimum degree at least 3 are Class 0
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