1,348 research outputs found

    Hopf structures on the multiplihedra

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    We investigate algebraic structures that can be placed on vertices of the multiplihedra, a family of polytopes originating in the study of higher categories and homotopy theory. Most compelling among these are two distinct structures of a Hopf module over the Loday-Ronco Hopf algebra.Comment: 24 pages, 112 .eps file

    Convexity of tableau sets for type A Demazure characters (key polynomials), parabolic Catalan numbers

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    This is the first of three papers that develop structures which are counted by a "parabolic" generalization of Catalan numbers. Fix a subset R of {1,..,n-1}. Consider the ordered partitions of {1,..,n} whose block sizes are determined by R. These are the "inverses" of (parabolic) multipermutations whose multiplicities are determined by R. The standard forms of the ordered partitions are refered to as "R-permutations". The notion of 312-avoidance is extended from permutations to R-permutations. Let lambda be a partition of N such that the set of column lengths in its shape is R or R union {n}. Fix an R-permutation pi. The type A Demazure character (key polynomial) in x_1, .., x_n that is indexed by lambda and pi can be described as the sum of the weight monomials for some of the semistandard Young tableau of shape lambda that are used to describe the Schur function indexed by lambda. Descriptions of these "Demazure" tableaux developed by the authors in earlier papers are used to prove that the set of these tableaux is convex in Z^N if and only if pi is R-312-avoiding if and only if the tableau set is the entire principal ideal generated by the key of pi. These papers were inspired by results of Reiner and Shimozono and by Postnikov and Stanley concerning coincidences between Demazure characters and flagged Schur functions. This convexity result is used in the next paper to deepen those results from the level of polynomials to the level of tableau sets. The R-parabolic Catalan number is defined to be the number of R-312-avoiding permutations. These special R-permutations are reformulated as "R-rightmost clump deleting" chains of subsets of {1,..,n} and as "gapless R-tuples"; the latter n-tuples arise in multiple contexts in these papers.Comment: 20 pp with 2 figs. Identical to v.3, except for the insertion of the publication data for the DMTCS journal (dates and volume/issue/number). This is one third of our "Parabolic Catalan numbers ..", arXiv:1612.06323v

    Brick polytopes, lattice quotients, and Hopf algebras

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    This paper is motivated by the interplay between the Tamari lattice, J.-L. Loday's realization of the associahedron, and J.-L. Loday and M. Ronco's Hopf algebra on binary trees. We show that these constructions extend in the world of acyclic kk-triangulations, which were already considered as the vertices of V. Pilaud and F. Santos' brick polytopes. We describe combinatorially a natural surjection from the permutations to the acyclic kk-triangulations. We show that the fibers of this surjection are the classes of the congruence ≡k\equiv^k on Sn\mathfrak{S}_n defined as the transitive closure of the rewriting rule UacV1b1⋯VkbkW≡kUcaV1b1⋯VkbkWU ac V_1 b_1 \cdots V_k b_k W \equiv^k U ca V_1 b_1 \cdots V_k b_k W for letters a<b1,…,bk<ca < b_1, \dots, b_k < c and words U,V1,…,Vk,WU, V_1, \dots, V_k, W on [n][n]. We then show that the increasing flip order on kk-triangulations is the lattice quotient of the weak order by this congruence. Moreover, we use this surjection to define a Hopf subalgebra of C. Malvenuto and C. Reutenauer's Hopf algebra on permutations, indexed by acyclic kk-triangulations, and to describe the product and coproduct in this algebra and its dual in term of combinatorial operations on acyclic kk-triangulations. Finally, we extend our results in three directions, describing a Cambrian, a tuple, and a Schr\"oder version of these constructions.Comment: 59 pages, 32 figure

    Disjunctive Normal Level Set: An Efficient Parametric Implicit Method

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    Level set methods are widely used for image segmentation because of their capability to handle topological changes. In this paper, we propose a novel parametric level set method called Disjunctive Normal Level Set (DNLS), and apply it to both two phase (single object) and multiphase (multi-object) image segmentations. The DNLS is formed by union of polytopes which themselves are formed by intersections of half-spaces. The proposed level set framework has the following major advantages compared to other level set methods available in the literature. First, segmentation using DNLS converges much faster. Second, the DNLS level set function remains regular throughout its evolution. Third, the proposed multiphase version of the DNLS is less sensitive to initialization, and its computational cost and memory requirement remains almost constant as the number of objects to be simultaneously segmented grows. The experimental results show the potential of the proposed method.Comment: 5 page

    Cambrian Lattices

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    For an arbitrary finite Coxeter group W we define the family of Cambrian lattices for W as quotients of the weak order on W with respect to certain lattice congruences. We associate to each Cambrian lattice a complete fan, which we conjecture is the normal fan of a polytope combinatorially isomorphic to the generalized associahedron for W. In types A and B we obtain, by means of a fiber-polytope construction, combinatorial realizations of the Cambrian lattices in terms of triangulations and in terms of permutations. Using this combinatorial information, we prove in types A and B that the Cambrian fans are combinatorially isomorphic to the normal fans of the generalized associahedra and that one of the Cambrian fans is linearly isomorphic to Fomin and Zelevinsky's construction of the normal fan as a "cluster fan." Our construction does not require a crystallographic Coxeter group and therefore suggests a definition, at least on the level of cellular spheres, of a generalized associahedron for any finite Coxeter group. The Tamari lattice is one of the Cambrian lattices of type A, and two "Tamari" lattices in type B are identified and characterized in terms of signed pattern avoidance. We also show that open intervals in Cambrian lattices are either contractible or homotopy equivalent to spheres.Comment: Revisions in exposition (partly in response to the suggestions of an anonymous referee) including many new figures. Also, Conjecture 1.4 and Theorem 1.5 are replaced by slightly more detailed statements. To appear in Adv. Math. 37 pages, 8 figure

    The f-vector of the descent polytope

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    For a positive integer n and a subset S of [n-1], the descent polytope DP_S is the set of points x_1, ..., x_n in the n-dimensional unit cube [0,1]^n such that x_i >= x_{i+1} for i in S and x_i <= x_{i+1} otherwise. First, we express the f-vector of DP_S as a sum over all subsets of [n-1]. Second, we use certain factorizations of the associated word over a two-letter alphabet to describe the f-vector. We show that the f-vector is maximized when the set S is the alternating set {1,3,5, ...}. We derive a generating function for the f-polynomial F_S(t) of DP_S, written as a formal power series in two non-commuting variables with coefficients in Z[t]. We also obtain the generating function for the Ehrhart polynomials of the descent polytopes.Comment: 14 pages; to appear in Discrete & Computational Geometr

    Structure of the Loday-Ronco Hopf algebra of trees

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    Loday and Ronco defined an interesting Hopf algebra structure on the linear span of the set of planar binary trees. They showed that the inclusion of the Hopf algebra of non-commutative symmetric functions in the Malvenuto-Reutenauer Hopf algebra of permutations factors through their Hopf algebra of trees, and these maps correspond to natural maps from the weak order on the symmetric group to the Tamari order on planar binary trees to the boolean algebra. We further study the structure of this Hopf algebra of trees using a new basis for it. We describe the product, coproduct, and antipode in terms of this basis and use these results to elucidate its Hopf-algebraic structure. We also obtain a transparent proof of its isomorphism with the non-commutative Connes-Kreimer Hopf algebra of Foissy, and show that this algebra is related to non-commutative symmetric functions as the (commutative) Connes-Kreimer Hopf algebra is related to symmetric functions.Comment: 32 pages, many .eps pictures in color. Minor revision
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