32 research outputs found

    Pattern-Affinitive Propagation across Depth, Surface Normal and Semantic Segmentation

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    In this paper, we propose a novel Pattern-Affinitive Propagation (PAP) framework to jointly predict depth, surface normal and semantic segmentation. The motivation behind it comes from the statistic observation that pattern-affinitive pairs recur much frequently across different tasks as well as within a task. Thus, we can conduct two types of propagations, cross-task propagation and task-specific propagation, to adaptively diffuse those similar patterns. The former integrates cross-task affinity patterns to adapt to each task therein through the calculation on non-local relationships. Next the latter performs an iterative diffusion in the feature space so that the cross-task affinity patterns can be widely-spread within the task. Accordingly, the learning of each task can be regularized and boosted by the complementary task-level affinities. Extensive experiments demonstrate the effectiveness and the superiority of our method on the joint three tasks. Meanwhile, we achieve the state-of-the-art or competitive results on the three related datasets, NYUD-v2, SUN-RGBD and KITTI.Comment: 10 pages, 9 figures, CVPR 201

    X-PDNet: Accurate Joint Plane Instance Segmentation and Monocular Depth Estimation with Cross-Task Distillation and Boundary Correction

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    Segmentation of planar regions from a single RGB image is a particularly important task in the perception of complex scenes. To utilize both visual and geometric properties in images, recent approaches often formulate the problem as a joint estimation of planar instances and dense depth through feature fusion mechanisms and geometric constraint losses. Despite promising results, these methods do not consider cross-task feature distillation and perform poorly in boundary regions. To overcome these limitations, we propose X-PDNet, a framework for the multitask learning of plane instance segmentation and depth estimation with improvements in the following two aspects. Firstly, we construct the cross-task distillation design which promotes early information sharing between dual-tasks for specific task improvements. Secondly, we highlight the current limitations of using the ground truth boundary to develop boundary regression loss, and propose a novel method that exploits depth information to support precise boundary region segmentation. Finally, we manually annotate more than 3000 images from Stanford 2D-3D-Semantics dataset and make available for evaluation of plane instance segmentation. Through the experiments, our proposed methods prove the advantages, outperforming the baseline with large improvement margins in the quantitative results on the ScanNet and the Stanford 2D-3D-S dataset, demonstrating the effectiveness of our proposals.Comment: Accepted to BMVC 202

    Multimodal Scale Consistency and Awareness for Monocular Self-Supervised Depth Estimation

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    Dense depth estimation is essential to scene-understanding for autonomous driving. However, recent self-supervised approaches on monocular videos suffer from scale-inconsistency across long sequences. Utilizing data from the ubiquitously copresent global positioning systems (GPS), we tackle this challenge by proposing a dynamically-weighted GPS-to-Scale (g2s) loss to complement the appearance-based losses. We emphasize that the GPS is needed only during the multimodal training, and not at inference. The relative distance between frames captured through the GPS provides a scale signal that is independent of the camera setup and scene distribution, resulting in richer learned feature representations. Through extensive evaluation on multiple datasets, we demonstrate scale-consistent and -aware depth estimation during inference, improving the performance even when training with low-frequency GPS data.Comment: Accepted at 2021 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA

    RigNet: Repetitive Image Guided Network for Depth Completion

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    Depth completion deals with the problem of recovering dense depth maps from sparse ones, where color images are often used to facilitate this task. Recent approaches mainly focus on image guided learning frameworks to predict dense depth. However, blurry guidance in the image and unclear structure in the depth still impede the performance of the image guided frameworks. To tackle these problems, we explore a repetitive design in our image guided network to gradually and sufficiently recover depth values. Specifically, the repetition is embodied in both the image guidance branch and depth generation branch. In the former branch, we design a repetitive hourglass network to extract discriminative image features of complex environments, which can provide powerful contextual instruction for depth prediction. In the latter branch, we introduce a repetitive guidance module based on dynamic convolution, in which an efficient convolution factorization is proposed to simultaneously reduce its complexity and progressively model high-frequency structures. Extensive experiments show that our method achieves superior or competitive results on KITTI benchmark and NYUv2 dataset.Comment: Accepted by ECCV202

    SA-BEV: Generating Semantic-Aware Bird's-Eye-View Feature for Multi-view 3D Object Detection

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    Recently, the pure camera-based Bird's-Eye-View (BEV) perception provides a feasible solution for economical autonomous driving. However, the existing BEV-based multi-view 3D detectors generally transform all image features into BEV features, without considering the problem that the large proportion of background information may submerge the object information. In this paper, we propose Semantic-Aware BEV Pooling (SA-BEVPool), which can filter out background information according to the semantic segmentation of image features and transform image features into semantic-aware BEV features. Accordingly, we propose BEV-Paste, an effective data augmentation strategy that closely matches with semantic-aware BEV feature. In addition, we design a Multi-Scale Cross-Task (MSCT) head, which combines task-specific and cross-task information to predict depth distribution and semantic segmentation more accurately, further improving the quality of semantic-aware BEV feature. Finally, we integrate the above modules into a novel multi-view 3D object detection framework, namely SA-BEV. Experiments on nuScenes show that SA-BEV achieves state-of-the-art performance. Code has been available at https://github.com/mengtan00/SA-BEV.git

    Adaptive Surface Normal Constraint for Depth Estimation

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    Egocentric Scene Understanding via Multimodal Spatial Rectifier

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    In this paper, we study a problem of egocentric scene understanding, i.e., predicting depths and surface normals from an egocentric image. Egocentric scene understanding poses unprecedented challenges: (1) due to large head movements, the images are taken from non-canonical viewpoints (i.e., tilted images) where existing models of geometry prediction do not apply; (2) dynamic foreground objects including hands constitute a large proportion of visual scenes. These challenges limit the performance of the existing models learned from large indoor datasets, such as ScanNet and NYUv2, which comprise predominantly upright images of static scenes. We present a multimodal spatial rectifier that stabilizes the egocentric images to a set of reference directions, which allows learning a coherent visual representation. Unlike unimodal spatial rectifier that often produces excessive perspective warp for egocentric images, the multimodal spatial rectifier learns from multiple directions that can minimize the impact of the perspective warp. To learn visual representations of the dynamic foreground objects, we present a new dataset called EDINA (Egocentric Depth on everyday INdoor Activities) that comprises more than 500K synchronized RGBD frames and gravity directions. Equipped with the multimodal spatial rectifier and the EDINA dataset, our proposed method on single-view depth and surface normal estimation significantly outperforms the baselines not only on our EDINA dataset, but also on other popular egocentric datasets, such as First Person Hand Action (FPHA) and EPIC-KITCHENS.Comment: Appearing in the Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 202