445 research outputs found

    Pattern Formation by Robots with Inaccurate Movements

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    Arbitrary Pattern Formation is a fundamental problem in autonomous mobile robot systems. The problem asks to design a distributed algorithm that moves a team of autonomous, anonymous and identical mobile robots to form any arbitrary pattern F given as input. In this paper, we study the problem for robots whose movements can be inaccurate. Our movement model assumes errors in both direction and extent of the intended movement. Forming the given pattern exactly is not possible in this setting. So we require that the robots must form a configuration which is close to the given pattern F. We call this the Approximate Arbitrary Pattern Formation problem. With no agreement in coordinate system, the problem is unsolvable, even by fully synchronous robots, if the initial configuration 1) has rotational symmetry and there is no robot at the center of rotation or 2) has reflectional symmetry and there is no robot on the reflection axis. From all other initial configurations, we solve the problem by 1) oblivious, silent and semi-synchronous robots and 2) oblivious, asynchronous robots that can communicate using externally visible lights

    Emergent velocity agreement in robot networks

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    In this paper we propose and prove correct a new self-stabilizing velocity agreement (flocking) algorithm for oblivious and asynchronous robot networks. Our algorithm allows a flock of uniform robots to follow a flock head emergent during the computation whatever its direction in plane. Robots are asynchronous, oblivious and do not share a common coordinate system. Our solution includes three modules architectured as follows: creation of a common coordinate system that also allows the emergence of a flock-head, setting up the flock pattern and moving the flock. The novelty of our approach steams in identifying the necessary conditions on the flock pattern placement and the velocity of the flock-head (rotation, translation or speed) that allow the flock to both follow the exact same head and to preserve the flock pattern. Additionally, our system is self-healing and self-stabilizing. In the event of the head leave (the leading robot disappears or is damaged and cannot be recognized by the other robots) the flock agrees on another head and follows the trajectory of the new head. Also, robots are oblivious (they do not recall the result of their previous computations) and we make no assumption on their initial position. The step complexity of our solution is O(n)

    Plane Formation by Synchronous Mobile Robots in the Three Dimensional Euclidean Space

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    Creating a swarm of mobile computing entities frequently called robots, agents or sensor nodes, with self-organization ability is a contemporary challenge in distributed computing. Motivated by this, we investigate the plane formation problem that requires a swarm of robots moving in the three dimensional Euclidean space to land on a common plane. The robots are fully synchronous and endowed with visual perception. But they do not have identifiers, nor access to the global coordinate system, nor any means of explicit communication with each other. Though there are plenty of results on the agreement problem for robots in the two dimensional plane, for example, the point formation problem, the pattern formation problem, and so on, this is the first result for robots in the three dimensional space. This paper presents a necessary and sufficient condition for fully-synchronous robots to solve the plane formation problem that does not depend on obliviousness i.e., the availability of local memory at robots. An implication of the result is somewhat counter-intuitive: The robots cannot form a plane from most of the semi-regular polyhedra, while they can form a plane from every regular polyhedron (except a regular icosahedron), whose symmetry is usually considered to be higher than any semi-regular polyhedrdon

    Exploration of Finite 2D Square Grid by a Metamorphic Robotic System

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    We consider exploration of finite 2D square grid by a metamorphic robotic system consisting of anonymous oblivious modules. The number of possible shapes of a metamorphic robotic system grows as the number of modules increases. The shape of the system serves as its memory and shows its functionality. We consider the effect of global compass on the minimum number of modules necessary to explore a finite 2D square grid. We show that if the modules agree on the directions (north, south, east, and west), three modules are necessary and sufficient for exploration from an arbitrary initial configuration, otherwise five modules are necessary and sufficient for restricted initial configurations

    Positional Encoding by Robots with Non-Rigid Movements

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    Consider a set of autonomous computational entities, called \emph{robots}, operating inside a polygonal enclosure (possibly with holes), that have to perform some collaborative tasks. The boundary of the polygon obstructs both visibility and mobility of a robot. Since the polygon is initially unknown to the robots, the natural approach is to first explore and construct a map of the polygon. For this, the robots need an unlimited amount of persistent memory to store the snapshots taken from different points inside the polygon. However, it has been shown by Di Luna et al. [DISC 2017] that map construction can be done even by oblivious robots by employing a positional encoding strategy where a robot carefully positions itself inside the polygon to encode information in the binary representation of its distance from the closest polygon vertex. Of course, to execute this strategy, it is crucial for the robots to make accurate movements. In this paper, we address the question whether this technique can be implemented even when the movements of the robots are unpredictable in the sense that the robot can be stopped by the adversary during its movement before reaching its destination. However, there exists a constant δ>0\delta > 0, unknown to the robot, such that the robot can always reach its destination if it has to move by no more than δ\delta amount. This model is known in literature as \emph{non-rigid} movement. We give a partial answer to the question in the affirmative by presenting a map construction algorithm for robots with non-rigid movement, but having O(1)O(1) bits of persistent memory and ability to make circular moves
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