5 research outputs found

    Analysis of the Data Consistency of Medical Imaging Information Systems: An Exploratory Study

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    In the context of medical imaging, a considerable amount of data is created on daily basis, which are produced and managed by multiple medical imaging and information systems. The professional and department performance, as well as the respective characterization, are supported by these data, which makes their quality a critical aspect to take into account. The work developed had the objective of analysing the existence of nonconformities related to the consistency of the Radiology Information Systems (RIS) and Picture and Communication System (PACS) databases, as well as their precision, accuracy, integrity and associated risks for the healthcare practice. Data belonging to 1068 computed radiography studies were analysed and ten nonconformities were identified, related to the patient name, patient age, patient date of birth, patient gender, study date, study time, institution identification, radiologist identification, number of radiographic projections performed, and billing code. The work carried out allowed identifying some lack of data quality, sometimes evidenced in the absence of consistency, precision, accuracy and integrity.publishe

    Análise da consistência de informação imagiológica: estudo exploratório no âmbito RIS/PACS

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    Mestrado em Tecnologias da Imagem Médica“No âmbito da Imagiologia, é produzido diariamente, um grande volume de dados, os quais são transferidos entre diferentes Sistemas de Informação (SI), nomeadamente entre o Radiology Information System (RIS) e o Picture Archiving and Communication System (PACS). A par com a interoperabilidade entre diferentes SI e equipamentos, a qualidade dos dados trocados e armazenados em ambiente clínico tem merecido a atenção por parte da comunidade científica. Apesar do desenvolvimento e divulgação de standards para a promoção da interoperabilidade entre diferentes SI, mas também para a gestão da informação produzida, parecem ainda existir processos que, juntamente com a intervenção humana, promovem a inconformidade da informação entre os dados armazenados na base de dados do RIS e do PACS. O principal objetivo deste estudo foi o de analisar comparativamente a informação existente na base de dados dos sistemas RIS e PACS, analisando a consistência entre os dados armazenados nos campos das duas bases de dados, assim como a existência de inconformidades relativamente aos dados dos pacientes, aos estudos realizados por estes, e o seu Grau de Severidade (GS) (Alto, Médio e Baixo risco). Para além da consistência foram também analisadas as dimensões da qualidade Precisão, Exatidão e Integridade. O trabalho exploratório foi realizado sobre uma amostra constituída por estudos realizados na modalidade de radiologia convencional ao Tórax, Abdómen e Anca, num total de 1068 estudos analisados. A análise efetuada às bases de dados do RIS e do PACS permitiu detetar campos de dados inexistentes no RIS ou no PACS e também campos de dados que apesar de presentes não se encontram preenchidos com informação. Foram identificadas 10 inconformidades nos estudos imagiológicos e correspondente informação dos pacientes e verificada a sua frequência no espaço temporal de um mês. Foi assim reconhecida alguma falta de consistência dos dados armazenados que podem comprometer a caraterização da prestação de cuidados e que parece justificar o desenvolvimento de ferramentas com o objetivo de garantir a melhoria contínua da informação Imagiológica armazenada nas bases de dados do RIS e PACS”.“In medical imaging, a large data volume is daily produced and transferred between different Information Systems, namely Radiology Information System (RIS) and Picture Archiving and Communication System (PACS). Along with interoperability between systems and equipment, the quality of exchanged and stored data in a clinical environment earned particular attention by the scientific community. Despite development and disclosure of standards towards the promotion of interoperability between different information systems, plus produced information management, seem to still exist some processes that, along with human intervention, promote information non-conformities between stored data in RIS and PACS. This study’s main purpose was to analyze and compare pre-existent information in RIS and PACS’s data bases, analyzing stored data consistency in both data bases, as well as the existence of non-conformities relative to patient data, studies performed and severity degree (high, medium and low risk). In addition to consistency the quality dimensions Precision, Accuracy and Integrity were also assessed. The exploratory work was carried out over a sample made of Conventional Radiology exams, namely Thorax, Abdomen and Hip, a total of 1068 studies. The data base analysis allowed the detection of inexistent fields as well as fields that, even though present, were not filled with information. A total of 10 non-conformities in imaging studies and correspondent data information were identified and their frequency, within a month, was verified. Was thus recognized a lack of stored data consistency, which could compromise characterization of care, and seems to justify the development of new tools with the purpose to guarantee a continuous improvement of imaging information stored in RIS and PACS’s data base.

    Patient Exam Data Reconciliation Tool

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    Patient Exam Data Reconciliation Tool

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    Since the introduction of Picture Archiving and Communications Systems (PACS) into the medical radiology community, the efficiency and workflow of radiology departments adopting this technology has been improved to a degree much greater than initially anticipated. Although technological advances fuel efficiency and improve workflow, medical mistakes become prevalent as a result. This observation underscores the need for active measures by PACS quality assurance personnel to prevent human and machine errors from contributing to the total of avoidable medical errors, particularly in the area of diagnostic imaging