393,664 research outputs found

    Path diversity improves the identification of influential spreaders

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    Identifying influential spreaders in complex networks is a crucial problem which relates to wide applications. Many methods based on the global information such as kk-shell and PageRank have been applied to rank spreaders. However, most of related previous works overwhelmingly focus on the number of paths for propagation, while whether the paths are diverse enough is usually overlooked. Generally, the spreading ability of a node might not be strong if its propagation depends on one or two paths while the other paths are dead ends. In this Letter, we introduced the concept of path diversity and find that it can largely improve the ranking accuracy. We further propose a local method combining the information of path number and path diversity to identify influential nodes in complex networks. This method is shown to outperform many well-known methods in both undirected and directed networks. Moreover, the efficiency of our method makes it possible to be applied to very large systems.Comment: 6 pages, 6 figure

    Effect of Disorder Strength on Optimal Paths in Complex Networks

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    We study the transition between the strong and weak disorder regimes in the scaling properties of the average optimal path opt\ell_{\rm opt} in a disordered Erd\H{o}s-R\'enyi (ER) random network and scale-free (SF) network. Each link ii is associated with a weight τiexp(ari)\tau_i\equiv\exp(a r_i), where rir_i is a random number taken from a uniform distribution between 0 and 1 and the parameter aa controls the strength of the disorder. We find that for any finite aa, there is a crossover network size N(a)N^*(a) at which the transition occurs. For NN(a)N \ll N^*(a) the scaling behavior of opt\ell_{\rm opt} is in the strong disorder regime, with optN1/3\ell_{\rm opt} \sim N^{1/3} for ER networks and for SF networks with λ4\lambda \ge 4, and optN(λ3)/(λ1)\ell_{\rm opt} \sim N^{(\lambda-3)/(\lambda-1)} for SF networks with 3<λ<43 < \lambda < 4. For NN(a)N \gg N^*(a) the scaling behavior is in the weak disorder regime, with optlnN\ell_{\rm opt}\sim\ln N for ER networks and SF networks with λ>3\lambda > 3. In order to study the transition we propose a measure which indicates how close or far the disordered network is from the limit of strong disorder. We propose a scaling ansatz for this measure and demonstrate its validity. We proceed to derive the scaling relation between N(a)N^*(a) and aa. We find that N(a)a3N^*(a)\sim a^3 for ER networks and for SF networks with λ4\lambda\ge 4, and N(a)a(λ1)/(λ3)N^*(a)\sim a^{(\lambda-1)/(\lambda-3)} for SF networks with 3<λ<43 < \lambda < 4.Comment: 6 pages, 6 figures. submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Greedy Forwarding in Dynamic Scale-Free Networks Embedded in Hyperbolic Metric Spaces

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    We show that complex (scale-free) network topologies naturally emerge from hyperbolic metric spaces. Hyperbolic geometry facilitates maximally efficient greedy forwarding in these networks. Greedy forwarding is topology-oblivious. Nevertheless, greedy packets find their destinations with 100% probability following almost optimal shortest paths. This remarkable efficiency sustains even in highly dynamic networks. Our findings suggest that forwarding information through complex networks, such as the Internet, is possible without the overhead of existing routing protocols, and may also find practical applications in overlay networks for tasks such as application-level routing, information sharing, and data distribution

    Identifying a Criminal's Network of Trust

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    Tracing criminal ties and mining evidence from a large network to begin a crime case analysis has been difficult for criminal investigators due to large numbers of nodes and their complex relationships. In this paper, trust networks using blind carbon copy (BCC) emails were formed. We show that our new shortest paths network search algorithm combining shortest paths and network centrality measures can isolate and identify criminals' connections within a trust network. A group of BCC emails out of 1,887,305 Enron email transactions were isolated for this purpose. The algorithm uses two central nodes, most influential and middle man, to extract a shortest paths trust network.Comment: 2014 Tenth International Conference on Signal-Image Technology & Internet-Based Systems (Presented at Third International Workshop on Complex Networks and their Applications,SITIS 2014, Marrakesh, Morocco, 23-27, November 2014