2 research outputs found

    Modelo de propagación para exteriores mejorado para frecuencias de 50 MHz a 1.2 GHz

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    An enhanced upgrade of a model for outdoor propagation at frequencies from 50 MHz up to 1.2 GHz is presented. The model, as well as the original one are mathematical characterizations of the FCC propagation curves F(50,50) in a wider bandwith. Some limitations of the original model have been mastered in the improved version presented here, namely, the model has been extended for distances of more than 40 mi (64 Km) and antenna heights up to 1800 m. Like its predecessor, the new model allows for the estimation of the median path loss, received power or electrical field strength, which usually is sufficient in a vast majority of practical applications for which a deeper knowledge of channel dynamics is not necessary

    Path loss exponents deduced from VHF & UHF measurements over Indian subcontinent and model comparison

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    With the increasing demand of users in the broadcasting and communication services, coverage and interference prediction techniques need to be more accurate and applicable under different conditions. No single propagation model satisfies all the variations observed by the signal. Tuning of the existing models and development of new models are continuing and ongoing processes. With this objective in the present study path loss exponents have been deduced from various VHF/URF measurements conducted over different regions of Indian subcontinent. These have been compared with the model of Perez-Vega and Zamanillo. The suitability of the model and the deviations has been presented in the paper