14 research outputs found

    Occlusion facial expression recognition based on feature fusion residual attention network

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    Recognizing occluded facial expressions in the wild poses a significant challenge. However, most previous approaches rely solely on either global or local feature-based methods, leading to the loss of relevant expression features. To address these issues, a feature fusion residual attention network (FFRA-Net) is proposed. FFRA-Net consists of a multi-scale module, a local attention module, and a feature fusion module. The multi-scale module divides the intermediate feature map into several sub-feature maps in an equal manner along the channel dimension. Then, a convolution operation is applied to each of these feature maps to obtain diverse global features. The local attention module divides the intermediate feature map into several sub-feature maps along the spatial dimension. Subsequently, a convolution operation is applied to each of these feature maps, resulting in the extraction of local key features through the attention mechanism. The feature fusion module plays a crucial role in integrating global and local expression features while also establishing residual links between inputs and outputs to compensate for the loss of fine-grained features. Last, two occlusion expression datasets (FM_RAF-DB and SG_RAF-DB) were constructed based on the RAF-DB dataset. Extensive experiments demonstrate that the proposed FFRA-Net achieves excellent results on four datasets: FM_RAF-DB, SG_RAF-DB, RAF-DB, and FERPLUS, with accuracies of 77.87%, 79.50%, 88.66%, and 88.97%, respectively. Thus, the approach presented in this paper demonstrates strong applicability in the context of occluded facial expression recognition (FER)

    Robust Facial Expression Recognition with Convolutional Visual Transformers

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    Facial Expression Recognition (FER) in the wild is extremely challenging due to occlusions, variant head poses, face deformation and motion blur under unconstrained conditions. Although substantial progresses have been made in automatic FER in the past few decades, previous studies are mainly designed for lab-controlled FER. Real-world occlusions, variant head poses and other issues definitely increase the difficulty of FER on account of these information-deficient regions and complex backgrounds. Different from previous pure CNNs based methods, we argue that it is feasible and practical to translate facial images into sequences of visual words and perform expression recognition from a global perspective. Therefore, we propose Convolutional Visual Transformers to tackle FER in the wild by two main steps. First, we propose an attentional selective fusion (ASF) for leveraging the feature maps generated by two-branch CNNs. The ASF captures discriminative information by fusing multiple features with global-local attention. The fused feature maps are then flattened and projected into sequences of visual words. Second, inspired by the success of Transformers in natural language processing, we propose to model relationships between these visual words with global self-attention. The proposed method are evaluated on three public in-the-wild facial expression datasets (RAF-DB, FERPlus and AffectNet). Under the same settings, extensive experiments demonstrate that our method shows superior performance over other methods, setting new state of the art on RAF-DB with 88.14%, FERPlus with 88.81% and AffectNet with 61.85%. We also conduct cross-dataset evaluation on CK+ show the generalization capability of the proposed method

    Ad-Corre: Adaptive Correlation-Based Loss for Facial Expression Recognition in the Wild

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    Automated Facial Expression Recognition (FER) in the wild using deep neural networks is still challenging due to intra-class variations and inter-class similarities in facial images. Deep Metric Learning (DML) is among the widely used methods to deal with these issues by improving the discriminative power of the learned embedded features. This paper proposes an Adaptive Correlation (Ad-Corre) Loss to guide the network towards generating embedded feature vectors with high correlation for within-class samples and less correlation for between-class samples. Ad-Corre consists of 3 components called Feature Discriminator, Mean Discriminator, and Embedding Discriminator. We design the Feature Discriminator component to guide the network to create the embedded feature vectors to be highly correlated if they belong to a similar class, and less correlated if they belong to different classes. In addition, the Mean Discriminator component leads the network to make the mean embedded feature vectors of different classes to be less similar to each other. We use Xception network as the backbone of our model, and contrary to previous work, we propose an embedding feature space that contains k feature vectors. Then, the Embedding Discriminator component penalizes the network to generate the embedded feature vectors, which are dissimilar. We trained our model using the combination of our proposed loss functions called Ad-Corre Loss jointly with the crossentropy loss. We achieved a very promising recognition accuracy on AffectNet, RAF-DB, and FER-2013. Our extensive experiments and ablation study indicate the power of our method to cope well with challenging FER tasks in the wild. The code is available on Github