4 research outputs found

    Leveraging Application Development for the Internet of Mobile Things

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    So far, most of research and development for the Internet of Things has been focused at systems where the smart objects, WPAN beacons, sensors, and actuators are mainly stationary and associated with a fixed location (such as appliances in a home or office, an energy meter for a building), and are not capable of handling unrestricted/arbitrary forms of mobility. However, our current lifestyle and economy are increasingly mobile, as people, vehicles, and goods move independently in public and private areas (e.g., automated logistics, retail). Therefore, we are witnessing an increasing need to support Machine to Machine (M2M) communication, data collection, and processing and actuation control for mobile smart things, establishing what is called the Internet of Mobile Things (IoMT). Examples of mobile smart things that fit in the definition of IoMT include Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs), all sorts of human-crewed vehicles (e.g., cars, buses), and even people with wearable devices such as smart watches or fitness and health monitoring devices. Among these mobile IoT applications, there are several that only require occasional data probes from a mobile sensor, or need to control a smart device only in some specific conditions, or context, such as only when any user is in the ambient. While IoT systems still lack some general programming concepts and abstractions, this is even more so for IoMT. This paper discusses the definition and implementation of suitable programming concepts for mobile smart things - given several examples and scenarios of mobility-specific sensoring and actuation control, both regarding smart things individually, or in terms of collective smart things behaviors. We then show a proposal of programming constructs and language, and show how we will implement an IoMT application programming model, namely OBSACT, on the top of our current middleware ContextNet


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    With technological advances and the popularization of the Internet of Things (IoT), more concepts of Smart Cities have been adopted in large urban centers,in particular, in smart buildings, that use sensors to better control their facilities. One of the areas of smart buildings is the presence and meeting management that manages the displacement and location of occupants in the building. The detection of people in indoor environments is becoming increasingly useful, espe- cially in times of pandemic, when it is important to identify which people were close to each other in the same place and for how long. Considering this scenario, this study presents a distributed software architecture that uses four components that provide services for storing and consulting data, meeting notifications, and identifying the devices involved. In a flexible way, beacons and Android devices can be used to represent both people and physical spaces. In addition, the proposed architecture enables to determine attendances in real time, calculate the total time of stay, and check meetings of people. The effectiveness of the proposed solution was demonstrated through an experimental evaluation simulating its use.Com o avanço tecnológico e a popularização da Internet das Coisas (IoT), aplicações para Cidades Inteligentes tem sido mais frequentes, em particular, nos prédios inteligentes, que utilizam sensores para melhor gerir seus recursos. Uma das áreas de atuação da IoT, no contexto de prédios inteligentes, consiste na gestão de presença e encontros de pessoas em ambientes fechados. A detecção de pessoas em ambientes internos torna-se relevante, especialmente em tempos de pandemia, em que é fundamental identificar os locais que uma pessoa esteve, por quanto tempo e se houve encontro entre pessoas. Este trabalho apresenta uma arquitetura de software distribuída que serve de base para o desenvolvimento de aplicações que requeiram a gestão de presenças e encontros de pessoas em ambientes internos. Composta por quatro componentes, a arquitetura proposta utiliza beacons Bluetooth e dispositivos Android para representar pessoas e espaços físicos. Com a integração dos componentes, a arquitetura pode detectar presença de pessoas em tempo real, calcular o tempo total de permanência, e verificar encontros de pessoas. A efetividade da solução proposta foi demonstrada através da obtenção de resultados promissores em uma avaliação experimental que comparou o tempo real de permanência de uma pessoa em um espaço físico com o tempo computado pela arquitetura


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    The Internet of Things (IoT) is increasingly present in people's daily lives. In this paradigm, everyday objects can connect to the Internet, interact with each other and exchange information with people. IoT operates in domains such as health and well being, logistics, industry, and smart cities. Data gathered in these domains comes from dierent devices. A frequent solution for the heterogeneity of devices is the use of middleware, which aims to serve as a basis for the development of IoT applications. IoT applications have security requirements. Among the various existing IoT middleware solutions, only a few show eorts to provide security mechanisms. The objective of this study is to facilitate the secure distribution of context data in Internet of Mobile Things (IoMT) applications, through the development of a security service. The security service provides mechanisms for establishing a secure communication channel, authentication and access control. Experiments were conducted in a mobile application to compare the cost of memory and processing with and without the use of security features. Results conrm that the security features can be used without requiring excessive computational cost.A Internet das Coisas (IoT) está cada vez mais presente no cotidiano das pessoas. Neste paradigma, objetos do cotidiano podem se conectar à Internet, interagir entre si e trocar informações com pessoas. A IoT percorre diversos domínios como saúde e bem estar, logística, indústria, e cidades inteligentes. Os dados coletados nestes domínios são provenientes de diferentes dispositivos. Uma solução frequente para a heterogeneidade de dispositivos consiste no uso de middleware, o qual tem como objetivo servir de base para o desenvolvimento de aplicações IoT. Aplicações de IoT possuem requisitos de segurança. Entre as diversas soluções de middleware de IoT existentes, apenas algumas exibem esforços para prover mecanismos de segurança. O objetivo deste trabalho é facilitar a distribuição segura de dados de contexto em aplicações de Internet das Coisas Móveis (IoMT), por meio do desenvolvimento de um serviço de segurança. O serviço de segurança oferece mecanismos para o estabelecimento de comunicação segura, autenticação e controle de acesso. Experimentos foram conduzidos em uma aplicação móvel para comparar o custo de memória e processamento com e sem a utilização dos recursos de segurança. Os resultados confirmam que as funcionalidades de segurança podem ser utilizadas sem requerer excessivo custo computacional

    Past, Present and Future of the ContextNet IoMT Middleware

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    The Internet of Things with support to mobility is already transforming many application domains, such as smart cities and homes, environmental monitoring, health care, manufacturing, logistics, public security etc. in that it allows to collect and analyze data from the environment, people and machines, and to implement some form of control or steering on these elements of the physical world. But in order to speed the development of applications for the Internet of Mobile Things (IoMT), some middleware is required. This paper summarizes seven years of research and development on the ContextNet middle ware aimed at IoMT, discusses what we achieved and what we have learned so far. We also share our vision of possible future challenges and developments in the Internet of Mobile Things