103 research outputs found

    Partially-Fair Computation from Timed-Release Encryption and Oblivious Transfer

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    We describe a new protocol to achieve two party ϵ\epsilon-fair exchange: at any point in the unfolding of the protocol the difference in the probabilities of the parties having acquired the desired term is bounded by a value ϵ\epsilon that can be made as small as necessary. Our construction uses oblivious transfer and sidesteps previous impossibility results by using a timed-release encryption, that releases its contents only after some lower bounded time. We show that our protocol can be easily generalized to an ϵ\epsilon-fair two-party protocol for all functionalities. To our knowledge, this is the first protocol to truly achieve ϵ\epsilon-fairness for all functionalities. All previous constructions achieving some form of fairness for all functionalities (without relying on a trusted third party) had a strong limitation: the fairness guarantee was only guaranteed to hold if the honest parties are at least as powerful as the corrupted parties and invest a similar amount of resources in the protocol, an assumption which is often not realistic. Our construction does not have this limitation: our protocol provides a clear upper bound on the running time of all parties, and partial fairness holds even if the corrupted parties have much more time or computational power than the honest parties. Interestingly, this shows that a minimal use of timed-release encryption suffices to circumvent an impossibility result of Katz and Gordon regarding ϵ\epsilon-fair computation for all functionalities, without having to make the (unrealistic) assumption that the honest parties are as computationally powerful as the corrupted parties - this assumption was previously believed to be unavoidable in order to overcome this impossibility result. We present detailed security proofs of the new construction, which are non-trivial and form the core technical contribution of this work

    Collusion-Deterrent Threshold Information Escrow

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    An information escrow (IE) service allows its users to encrypt a message such that the message is unlocked only when a user-specified condition is satisfied. Its instantiations include timed-release encryption and allegation escrows with applications ranging from e-auctions to the #metoo movement. The proposed IE systems typically employ threshold cryptography towards mitigating the single-point-of-failure problem. Here, a set of escrow agents securely realize the IE functionality as long as a threshold or more agents behave honestly. Nevertheless, these threshold information escrow (TIE) protocols are vulnerable to premature and undetectable unlocking of messages through collusion among rational agents offering the IE service. This work presents a provably secure TIE scheme in the mixed-behavior model consisting of rational and malicious escrow agents.; any collusion attempt among the agents towards premature decryption results in penalization through a loss of (crypto-)currency and getting banned from the system. The proposed collusion-deterrent escrow (CDE) scheme introduces a novel incentive-penalty mechanism among the agents to stay honest until the user-specified decryption condition is met. In particular, each agent makes a cryptocurrency deposit before the start of the protocol instance such that the deposit amount is returned to the agent when the user-specified condition is met or can be transferred by anyone who holds a secret key corresponding to a public key associated with the instance. Using a novel combination of oblivious transfer, robust bit watermarking, and secure multi-party computation, CDE ensures that whenever the agents collude to decrypt the user data prematurely, one or more whistle-blower agents can withdraw/transfer the deposits of all other agents, thereby penalizing them. We model collusion as a game induced among rational agents offering the CDE service and show that the agents do not collude at equilibrium in game-theoretic terms. We also present a prototype implementation of the CDE protocol and demonstrate its efficiency towards use in practice. While this work does not aim to solve the collusion problem fully, it significantly raises the bar for collusion. It offers an important step towards weakening the strong non-collusion assumption pervasive across multi-party computation applications

    Authentication and Key Management Automation in Decentralized Secure Email and Messaging via Low-Entropy Secrets

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    We revisit the problem of entity authentication in decentralized end-to-end encrypted email and secure messaging to propose a practical and self-sustaining cryptographic solution based on password-authenticated key exchange (PAKE). This not only allows users to authenticate each other via shared low-entropy secrets, e.g., memorable words, without a public key infrastructure or a trusted third party, but it also paves the way for automation and a series of cryptographic enhancements; improves security by minimizing the impact of human error and potentially improves usability. First, we study a few vulnerabilities in voice-based out-of-band authentication, in particular a combinatorial attack against lazy users, which we analyze in the context of a secure email solution. Next, we propose solving the problem of secure equality test using PAKE to achieve entity authentication and to establish a shared high-entropy secret key. Our solution lends itself to offline settings, compatible with the inherently asynchronous nature of email and modern messaging systems. The suggested approach enables enhancements in key management such as automated key renewal and future key pair authentications, multi-device synchronization, secure secret storage and retrieval, and the possibility of post-quantum security as well as facilitating forward secrecy and deniability in a primarily symmetric-key setting. We also discuss the use of auditable PAKEs for mitigating a class of online guess and abort attacks in authentication protocols

    Weighted average problem revisited under hybrid and malicious model

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    It is getting more common for two or more parties to jointly compute some statistics, say for marketing, by combining information on their private databases without disclosing the private data to the others. The core problem is usually known as secure multi-party computation (SMC). A number of solutions have been proposed. However, almost all of them assume a semi-honest model which is unrealistic. On the other hand, protocols that work under the malicious model (all participating parties can be malicious) are usually complicated and expensive in terms of communication and computation. In this paper, we try to consider a more reasonable model, the hybrid security model, in which at least one party is semi-honest. We want to make sure that the malicious parties will not get the correct final result if they perform malicious behaviors. We propose a scheme to solve the two-party weighted average problem (WAP) under this hybrid security model. We also show that the scheme can be extended to work under the malicious model using any fair exchange scheme. We formally show that our schemes are secure. We also implemented the schemes and showed that our scheme under the hybrid security model is reasonably fast and efficient for practical use. © 2012 AICIT.published_or_final_versio

    On Fairness in Secure Computation

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    Secure computation is a fundamental problem in modern cryptography in which multiple parties join to compute a function of their private inputs without revealing anything beyond the output of the function. A series of very strong results in the 1980's demonstrated that any polynomial-time function can be computed while guaranteeing essentially every desired security property. The only exception is the fairness property, which states that no player should receive their output from the computation unless all players receive their output. While it was shown that fairness can be achieved whenever a majority of players are honest, it was also shown that fairness is impossible to achieve in general when half or more of the players are dishonest. Indeed, it was proven that even boolean XOR cannot be computed fairly by two parties The fairness property is both natural and important, and as such it was one of the first questions addressed in modern cryptography (in the context of signature exchange). One contribution of this thesis is to survey the many approaches that have been used to guarantee different notions of partial fairness. We then revisit the topic of fairness within a modern security framework for secure computation. We demonstrate that, despite the strong impossibility result mentioned above, certain interesting functions can be computed fairly, even when half (or more) of the parties are malicious. We also provide a new notion of partial fairness, demonstrate feasibility of achieving this notion for a large class of functions, and show impossibility for certain functions outside this class. We consider fairness in the presence of rational adversaries, and, finally, we further study the difficulty of achieving fairness by exploring how much external help is necessary for enabling fair secure computation

    Synchronizable Exchange

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    Fitzi, Garay, Maurer, and Ostrovsky (Journal of Cryptology 2005) showed that in the presence of a dishonest majority, no primitive of cardinality n1n - 1 is complete for realizing an arbitrary nn-party functionality with guaranteed output delivery. In this work, we introduce a new 22-party primitive FSyX\mathcal{F}_{\mathsf{SyX}} (``synchronizable fair exchange\u27\u27) and show that it is complete for realizing any nn-party functionality with fairness in a setting where all nn parties are pairwise connected by independent instances of FSyX\mathcal{F}_{\mathsf{SyX}}. In the FSyX\mathcal{F}_{\mathsf{SyX}}-hybrid model, the two parties load FSyX\mathcal{F}_{\mathsf{SyX}} with some input, and following this, either party can trigger FSyX\mathcal{F}_{\mathsf{SyX}} with a suitable ``witness\u27\u27 at a later time to receive the output from FSyX\mathcal{F}_{\mathsf{SyX}}. Crucially the other party also receives output from FSyX\mathcal{F}_{\mathsf{SyX}} when FSyX\mathcal{F}_{\mathsf{SyX}} is triggered. The trigger witnesses allow us to synchronize the trigger phases of multiple instances of FSyX\mathcal{F}_{\mathsf{SyX}}, thereby aiding in the design of fair multiparty protocols. Additionally, a pair of parties may reuse a single a priori loaded instance of FSyX\mathcal{F}_{\mathsf{SyX}} in any number of multiparty protocols (possibly involving different sets of parties)

    Multi-instance publicly verifiable time-lock puzzle and its applications

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    Time-lock puzzles are elegant protocols that enable a party to lock a message such that no one else can unlock it until a certain time elapses. Nevertheless, existing schemes are not suitable for the case where a server is given multiple instances of a puzzle scheme at once and it must unlock them at different points in time. If the schemes are naively used in this setting, then the server has to start solving all puzzles as soon as it receives them, that ultimately imposes significant computation cost and demands a high level of parallelisation. We put forth and formally define a primitive called “multi-instance time-lock puzzle” which allows composing a puzzle’s instances. We propose a candidate construction: “chained time-lock puzzle” (C-TLP). It allows the server, given instances’ composition, to solve puzzles sequentially, without having to run parallel computations on them. C-TLP makes black-box use of a standard time-lock puzzle scheme and is accompanied by a lightweight publicly verifiable algorithm. It is the first time-lock puzzle that offers a combination of the above features. We use C-TLP to build the first “outsourced proofs of retrievability” that can support real-time detection and fair payment while having lower overhead than the state of the art. As another application of C-TLP, we illustrate in certain cases, one can substitute a “verifiabledelay function” with C-TLP, to gain much better efficiency

    General Certificateless Encryption and Timed-Release Encryption

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    While recent timed-release encryption (TRE) schemes are implicitly supported by a certificateless encryption (CLE) mechanism, the security models of CLE and TRE differ and there is no generic transformation from a CLE to a TRE. This paper gives a generalized model for CLE that fulfills the requirements of TRE. This model is secure against adversaries with adaptive trapdoor extraction capabilities, decryption capabilities for arbitrary public keys, and partial decryption capabilities. It also supports hierarchical identifiers. We propose a concrete scheme under our generalized model and prove it secure without random oracles, yielding the first strongly-secure security-mediated CLE and the first TRE in the standard model. In addition, our technique of partial decryption is different from the previous approach

    Versatile and Sustainable Timed-Release Encryption and Sequential Time-Lock Puzzles

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    Timed-release encryption (TRE) makes it possible to send information ``into the future\u27\u27 such that a pre-determined amount of time needs to pass before the information can be decrypted, which has found numerous applications. The most prominent construction is based on sequential squaring in RSA groups, proposed by Rivest et al. in 1996. Malavolta and Thyagarajan (CRYPTO\u2719) recently proposed an interesting variant of TRE called homomorphic time-lock puzzles (HTLPs). Here one considers multiple puzzles which can be independently generated by different entities. One can homomorphically evaluate a circuit over these puzzles to obtain a new puzzle. Solving this new puzzle yields the output of a circuit evaluated on all solutions of the original puzzles. While this is an interesting concept and enables various new applications, for constructions under standard assumptions one has to rely on sequential squaring. We observe that viewing HTLPs as homomorphic TRE gives rise to a simple generic construction that avoids the homomorphic evaluation on the puzzles and thus the restriction of relying on sequential squaring. It can be instantiated based on any TLP, such as those based on one-way functions and the LWE assumption (via randomized encodings), while providing essentially the same functionality for applications. Moreover, it overcomes the limitation of the approach of Malavolta and Thyagarajan that, despite the homomorphism, one puzzle needs to be solved per decrypted ciphertext. Hence, we obtain a ``solve one, get many for free\u27\u27 property for an arbitrary amount of encrypted data, as we only need to solve a single puzzle independent of the number of ciphertexts. In addition, we introduce the notion of incremental TLPs as a particularly useful generalization of TLPs, which yields particularly practical (homomorphic) TRE schemes. Finally, we demonstrate various applications by firstly showcasing their cryptographic application to construct dual variants of timed-release functional encryption and also show that we can instantiate previous applications of HTLPs in a simpler and more efficient way

    TARDIS: A Foundation of Time-Lock Puzzles in UC

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    Time-based primitives like time-lock puzzles (TLP) are finding widespread use in practical protocols, partially due to the surge of interest in the blockchain space where TLPs and related primitives are perceived to solve many problems. Unfortunately, the security claims are often shaky or plainly wrong since these primitives are used under composition. One reason is that TLPs are inherently not UC secure and time is tricky to model and use in the UC model. On the other hand, just specifying standalone notions of the intended task, left alone correctly using standalone notions like non-malleable TLPs only, might be hard or impossible for the given task. And even when possible a standalone secure primitive is harder to apply securely in practice afterwards as its behavior under composition is unclear. The ideal solution would be a model of TLPs in the UC framework to allow simple modular proofs. In this paper we provide a foundation for proving composable security of practical protocols using time-lock puzzles and related timed primitives in the UC model. We construct UC-secure TLPs based on random oracles and show that using random oracles is necessary. In order to prove security, we provide a simple and abstract way to reason about time in UC protocols. Finally, we demonstrate the usefulness of this foundation by constructing applications that are interesting in their own right, such as UC-secure two-party computation with output-independent abort