17,647 research outputs found

    A convenient category of locally preordered spaces

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    As a practical foundation for a homotopy theory of abstract spacetime, we extend a category of certain compact partially ordered spaces to a convenient category of locally preordered spaces. In particular, we show that our new category is Cartesian closed and that the forgetful functor to the category of compactly generated spaces creates all limits and colimits.Comment: 26 pages, 0 figures, partially presented at GETCO 2005; changes: claim of Prop. 5.11 weakened to finite case and proof changed due to problems with proof of Lemma 3.26, now removed; Eg. 2.7, statement before Lem. 2.11, typos, and other minor problems corrected throughout; extensive rewording; proof of Lem. 3.31, now 3.30, adde

    Primary Facets Of Order Polytopes

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    Mixture models on order relations play a central role in recent investigations of transitivity in binary choice data. In such a model, the vectors of choice probabilities are the convex combinations of the characteristic vectors of all order relations of a chosen type. The five prominent types of order relations are linear orders, weak orders, semiorders, interval orders and partial orders. For each of them, the problem of finding a complete, workable characterization of the vectors of probabilities is crucial---but it is reputably inaccessible. Under a geometric reformulation, the problem asks for a linear description of a convex polytope whose vertices are known. As for any convex polytope, a shortest linear description comprises one linear inequality per facet. Getting all of the facet-defining inequalities of any of the five order polytopes seems presently out of reach. Here we search for the facet-defining inequalities which we call primary because their coefficients take only the values -1, 0 or 1. We provide a classification of all primary, facet-defining inequalities of three of the five order polytopes. Moreover, we elaborate on the intricacy of the primary facet-defining inequalities of the linear order and the weak order polytopes

    Stochastic order on metric spaces and the ordered Kantorovich monad

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    In earlier work, we had introduced the Kantorovich probability monad on complete metric spaces, extending a construction due to van Breugel. Here we extend the Kantorovich monad further to a certain class of ordered metric spaces, by endowing the spaces of probability measures with the usual stochastic order. It can be considered a metric analogue of the probabilistic powerdomain. The spaces we consider, which we call L-ordered, are spaces where the order satisfies a mild compatibility condition with the metric itself, rather than merely with the underlying topology. As we show, this is related to the theory of Lawvere metric spaces, in which the partial order structure is induced by the zero distances. We show that the algebras of the ordered Kantorovich monad are the closed convex subsets of Banach spaces equipped with a closed positive cone, with algebra morphisms given by the short and monotone affine maps. Considering the category of L-ordered metric spaces as a locally posetal 2-category, the lax and oplax algebra morphisms are exactly the concave and convex short maps, respectively. In the unordered case, we had identified the Wasserstein space as the colimit of the spaces of empirical distributions of finite sequences. We prove that this extends to the ordered setting as well by showing that the stochastic order arises by completing the order between the finite sequences, generalizing a recent result of Lawson. The proof holds on any metric space equipped with a closed partial order.Comment: 49 pages. Removed incorrect statement (Theorem 6.1.10 of previous version

    Rowmotion and generalized toggle groups

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    We generalize the notion of the toggle group, as defined in [P. Cameron-D. Fon-der-Flaass '95] and further explored in [J. Striker-N. Williams '12], from the set of order ideals of a poset to any family of subsets of a finite set. We prove structure theorems for certain finite generalized toggle groups, similar to the theorem of Cameron and Fon-der-Flaass in the case of order ideals. We apply these theorems and find other results on generalized toggle groups in the following settings: chains, antichains, and interval-closed sets of a poset; independent sets, vertex covers, acyclic subgraphs, and spanning subgraphs of a graph; matroids and convex geometries. We generalize rowmotion, an action studied on order ideals in [P. Cameron-D. Fon-der-Flaass '95] and [J. Striker-N. Williams '12], to a map we call cover-closure on closed sets of a closure operator. We show that cover-closure is bijective if and only if the set of closed sets is isomorphic to the set of order ideals of a poset, which implies rowmotion is the only bijective cover-closure map.Comment: 26 pages, 5 figures, final journal versio
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