3,610 research outputs found

    Latent Multi-task Architecture Learning

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    Multi-task learning (MTL) allows deep neural networks to learn from related tasks by sharing parameters with other networks. In practice, however, MTL involves searching an enormous space of possible parameter sharing architectures to find (a) the layers or subspaces that benefit from sharing, (b) the appropriate amount of sharing, and (c) the appropriate relative weights of the different task losses. Recent work has addressed each of the above problems in isolation. In this work we present an approach that learns a latent multi-task architecture that jointly addresses (a)--(c). We present experiments on synthetic data and data from OntoNotes 5.0, including four different tasks and seven different domains. Our extension consistently outperforms previous approaches to learning latent architectures for multi-task problems and achieves up to 15% average error reductions over common approaches to MTL.Comment: To appear in Proceedings of AAAI 201

    Correlation-based Intrinsic Evaluation of Word Vector Representations

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    We introduce QVEC-CCA--an intrinsic evaluation metric for word vector representations based on correlations of learned vectors with features extracted from linguistic resources. We show that QVEC-CCA scores are an effective proxy for a range of extrinsic semantic and syntactic tasks. We also show that the proposed evaluation obtains higher and more consistent correlations with downstream tasks, compared to existing approaches to intrinsic evaluation of word vectors that are based on word similarity.Comment: RepEval 2016, 5 page

    Combination of Genetic Algorithm and Brill Tagger Algorithm for Part of Speech Tagging Bahasa Madura

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    Part of speech (POS) is commonly known as word types in a sentence such as verbs, adjectives, nouns, and so on. Part of Speech (POS) Tagging is a process of marking the word class or part of speech in every word in a sentence. Part of Speech Tagging has an important role to be used as a basis for research in Natural Language Processing. That is why research on Part of Speech Tagging for Bahasa Madura as an effort to preserve and develop the use of regional languages. In this research, POS Tagging is done using the Brill Tagger Algorithm which is combined with the Genetic Algorithm. Brill Tagger is a POS Tagging Algorithm that has the best level of accuracy when implemented in other languages. Genetic Algorithms used in the contextual learner process with consideration in previous studies can increase the speed of the training process so that it is more efficient. The results of this study are then compared with the results of the previous study so that we can find out suitable algorithms used for the development of text processing in Bahasa Madura. From a series of experiments, the average accuracy obtained by using Brill Tagger is 86.4% with the highest accuracy of 86.7%, while using GA Brill Tagger shows an average accuracy of 86.5% with the highest accuracy of 86.6%. Testing by observing OOV (Out of Vocabulary) achieves an average accuracy of 67.7% for Brill Taggers and 64.6% for GA Brill Taggers. Testing by considering multiple POS with Brill Tagger produces an average accuracy of 73.3% while testing using GA Brill Tagger produces an average accuracy of 90.9%. This shows that the accuracy with GA Brill Tagger is better than Brill Tagger, especially if considering multiple POS. This is because GA Brill Tagger can generate rules for handling the existence of multiple POS more than pure Brill Tagger.Part of speech (POS) is commonly known as word types in a sentence such as verbs, adjectives, nouns, and so on. Part of Speech (POS) Tagging is a process of marking the word class or part of speech in every word in a sentence. Part of Speech Tagging has an important role to be used as a basis for research in Natural Language Processing. That is why research on Part of Speech Tagging for Bahasa Madura as an effort to preserve and develop the use of regional languages. In this research, POS Tagging is done using the Brill Tagger Algorithm which is combined with the Genetic Algorithm. Brill Tagger is a POS Tagging Algorithm that has the best level of accuracy when implemented in other languages. Genetic Algorithms used in the contextual learner process with consideration in previous studies can increase the speed of the training process so that it is more efficient. The results of this study are then compared with the results of the previous study so that we can find out suitable algorithms used for the development of text processing in Bahasa Madura. From a series of experiments, the average accuracy obtained by using Brill Tagger is 86.4% with the highest accuracy of 86.7%, while using GA Brill Tagger shows an average accuracy of 86.5% with the highest accuracy of 86.6%. Testing by observing OOV (Out of Vocabulary) achieves an average accuracy of 67.7% for Brill Taggers and 64.6% for GA Brill Taggers. Testing by considering multiple POS with Brill Tagger produces an average accuracy of 73.3% while testing using GA Brill Tagger produces an average accuracy of 90.9%. This shows that the accuracy with GA Brill Tagger is better than Brill Tagger, especially if considering multiple POS. This is because GA Brill Tagger can generate rules for handling the existence of multiple POS more than pure Brill Tagge

    ACO-tagger: A Novel Method for Part-of-Speech Tagging using Ant Colony Optimization

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    Swarm Intelligence algorithms have gained significant attention in recent years as a means of solving complex and non-deterministic problems. These algorithms are inspired by the collective behavior of natural creatures, and they simulate this behavior to develop intelligent agents for computational tasks. One such algorithm is Ant Colony Optimization (ACO), which is inspired by the foraging behavior of ants and their pheromone laying mechanism. ACO is used for solving difficult problems that are discrete and combinatorial in nature. Part-of-Speech (POS) tagging is a fundamental task in natural language processing that aims to assign a part-of-speech role to each word in a sentence. In this research paper, proposed a high-performance POS-tagging method based on ACO called ACO-tagger. This method achieved a high accuracy rate of 96.867%, outperforming several state-of-the-art methods. The proposed method is fast and efficient, making it a viable option for practical applications

    Temporal Information in Data Science: An Integrated Framework and its Applications

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    Data science is a well-known buzzword, that is in fact composed of two distinct keywords, i.e., data and science. Data itself is of great importance: each analysis task begins from a set of examples. Based on such a consideration, the present work starts with the analysis of a real case scenario, by considering the development of a data warehouse-based decision support system for an Italian contact center company. Then, relying on the information collected in the developed system, a set of machine learning-based analysis tasks have been developed to answer specific business questions, such as employee work anomaly detection and automatic call classification. Although such initial applications rely on already available algorithms, as we shall see, some clever analysis workflows had also to be developed. Afterwards, continuously driven by real data and real world applications, we turned ourselves to the question of how to handle temporal information within classical decision tree models. Our research brought us the development of J48SS, a decision tree induction algorithm based on Quinlan's C4.5 learner, which is capable of dealing with temporal (e.g., sequential and time series) as well as atemporal (such as numerical and categorical) data during the same execution cycle. The decision tree has been applied into some real world analysis tasks, proving its worthiness. A key characteristic of J48SS is its interpretability, an aspect that we specifically addressed through the study of an evolutionary-based decision tree pruning technique. Next, since a lot of work concerning the management of temporal information has already been done in automated reasoning and formal verification fields, a natural direction in which to proceed was that of investigating how such solutions may be combined with machine learning, following two main tracks. First, we show, through the development of an enriched decision tree capable of encoding temporal information by means of interval temporal logic formulas, how a machine learning algorithm can successfully exploit temporal logic to perform data analysis. Then, we focus on the opposite direction, i.e., that of employing machine learning techniques to generate temporal logic formulas, considering a natural language processing scenario. Finally, as a conclusive development, the architecture of a system is proposed, in which formal methods and machine learning techniques are seamlessly combined to perform anomaly detection and predictive maintenance tasks. Such an integration represents an original, thrilling research direction that may open up new ways of dealing with complex, real-world problems.Data science is a well-known buzzword, that is in fact composed of two distinct keywords, i.e., data and science. Data itself is of great importance: each analysis task begins from a set of examples. Based on such a consideration, the present work starts with the analysis of a real case scenario, by considering the development of a data warehouse-based decision support system for an Italian contact center company. Then, relying on the information collected in the developed system, a set of machine learning-based analysis tasks have been developed to answer specific business questions, such as employee work anomaly detection and automatic call classification. Although such initial applications rely on already available algorithms, as we shall see, some clever analysis workflows had also to be developed. Afterwards, continuously driven by real data and real world applications, we turned ourselves to the question of how to handle temporal information within classical decision tree models. Our research brought us the development of J48SS, a decision tree induction algorithm based on Quinlan's C4.5 learner, which is capable of dealing with temporal (e.g., sequential and time series) as well as atemporal (such as numerical and categorical) data during the same execution cycle. The decision tree has been applied into some real world analysis tasks, proving its worthiness. A key characteristic of J48SS is its interpretability, an aspect that we specifically addressed through the study of an evolutionary-based decision tree pruning technique. Next, since a lot of work concerning the management of temporal information has already been done in automated reasoning and formal verification fields, a natural direction in which to proceed was that of investigating how such solutions may be combined with machine learning, following two main tracks. First, we show, through the development of an enriched decision tree capable of encoding temporal information by means of interval temporal logic formulas, how a machine learning algorithm can successfully exploit temporal logic to perform data analysis. Then, we focus on the opposite direction, i.e., that of employing machine learning techniques to generate temporal logic formulas, considering a natural language processing scenario. Finally, as a conclusive development, the architecture of a system is proposed, in which formal methods and machine learning techniques are seamlessly combined to perform anomaly detection and predictive maintenance tasks. Such an integration represents an original, thrilling research direction that may open up new ways of dealing with complex, real-world problems
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