4,091 research outputs found

    How did the discussion go: Discourse act classification in social media conversations

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    We propose a novel attention based hierarchical LSTM model to classify discourse act sequences in social media conversations, aimed at mining data from online discussion using textual meanings beyond sentence level. The very uniqueness of the task is the complete categorization of possible pragmatic roles in informal textual discussions, contrary to extraction of question-answers, stance detection or sarcasm identification which are very much role specific tasks. Early attempt was made on a Reddit discussion dataset. We train our model on the same data, and present test results on two different datasets, one from Reddit and one from Facebook. Our proposed model outperformed the previous one in terms of domain independence; without using platform-dependent structural features, our hierarchical LSTM with word relevance attention mechanism achieved F1-scores of 71\% and 66\% respectively to predict discourse roles of comments in Reddit and Facebook discussions. Efficiency of recurrent and convolutional architectures in order to learn discursive representation on the same task has been presented and analyzed, with different word and comment embedding schemes. Our attention mechanism enables us to inquire into relevance ordering of text segments according to their roles in discourse. We present a human annotator experiment to unveil important observations about modeling and data annotation. Equipped with our text-based discourse identification model, we inquire into how heterogeneous non-textual features like location, time, leaning of information etc. play their roles in charaterizing online discussions on Facebook

    Analyzing and Interpreting Neural Networks for NLP: A Report on the First BlackboxNLP Workshop

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    The EMNLP 2018 workshop BlackboxNLP was dedicated to resources and techniques specifically developed for analyzing and understanding the inner-workings and representations acquired by neural models of language. Approaches included: systematic manipulation of input to neural networks and investigating the impact on their performance, testing whether interpretable knowledge can be decoded from intermediate representations acquired by neural networks, proposing modifications to neural network architectures to make their knowledge state or generated output more explainable, and examining the performance of networks on simplified or formal languages. Here we review a number of representative studies in each category

    A Deep Relevance Matching Model for Ad-hoc Retrieval

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    In recent years, deep neural networks have led to exciting breakthroughs in speech recognition, computer vision, and natural language processing (NLP) tasks. However, there have been few positive results of deep models on ad-hoc retrieval tasks. This is partially due to the fact that many important characteristics of the ad-hoc retrieval task have not been well addressed in deep models yet. Typically, the ad-hoc retrieval task is formalized as a matching problem between two pieces of text in existing work using deep models, and treated equivalent to many NLP tasks such as paraphrase identification, question answering and automatic conversation. However, we argue that the ad-hoc retrieval task is mainly about relevance matching while most NLP matching tasks concern semantic matching, and there are some fundamental differences between these two matching tasks. Successful relevance matching requires proper handling of the exact matching signals, query term importance, and diverse matching requirements. In this paper, we propose a novel deep relevance matching model (DRMM) for ad-hoc retrieval. Specifically, our model employs a joint deep architecture at the query term level for relevance matching. By using matching histogram mapping, a feed forward matching network, and a term gating network, we can effectively deal with the three relevance matching factors mentioned above. Experimental results on two representative benchmark collections show that our model can significantly outperform some well-known retrieval models as well as state-of-the-art deep matching models.Comment: CIKM 2016, long pape

    Neural Ranking Models with Weak Supervision

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    Despite the impressive improvements achieved by unsupervised deep neural networks in computer vision and NLP tasks, such improvements have not yet been observed in ranking for information retrieval. The reason may be the complexity of the ranking problem, as it is not obvious how to learn from queries and documents when no supervised signal is available. Hence, in this paper, we propose to train a neural ranking model using weak supervision, where labels are obtained automatically without human annotators or any external resources (e.g., click data). To this aim, we use the output of an unsupervised ranking model, such as BM25, as a weak supervision signal. We further train a set of simple yet effective ranking models based on feed-forward neural networks. We study their effectiveness under various learning scenarios (point-wise and pair-wise models) and using different input representations (i.e., from encoding query-document pairs into dense/sparse vectors to using word embedding representation). We train our networks using tens of millions of training instances and evaluate it on two standard collections: a homogeneous news collection(Robust) and a heterogeneous large-scale web collection (ClueWeb). Our experiments indicate that employing proper objective functions and letting the networks to learn the input representation based on weakly supervised data leads to impressive performance, with over 13% and 35% MAP improvements over the BM25 model on the Robust and the ClueWeb collections. Our findings also suggest that supervised neural ranking models can greatly benefit from pre-training on large amounts of weakly labeled data that can be easily obtained from unsupervised IR models.Comment: In proceedings of The 40th International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval (SIGIR2017
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