1 research outputs found

    Parsimonious and Adaptive Contextual Information Acquisition in Recommender Systems

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    Also published online by CEUR Workshop Proceedings (CEUR-WS.org, ISSN 1613-0073) Context-Aware Recommender System (CARS) models are trained on datasets of context-dependent user preferences (ratings and context information). Since the number of context-dependent preferences increases exponentially with the number of contextual factors, and certain contextual in- formation is still hard to acquire automatically (e.g., the user's mood or for whom the user is buying the searched item) it is fundamental to identify and acquire those factors that truly in uence the user preferences and the ratings. In particular, this ensures that (i) the user e ort in specifying contextual information is kept to a minimum, and (ii) the system's performance is not negatively impacted by irrele- vant contextual information. In this paper, we propose a novel method which, unlike existing ones, directly estimates the impact of context on rating predictions and adaptively identi es the contextual factors that are deemed to be useful to be elicited from the users. Our experimental evaluation shows that it compares favourably to various state-of-the-art context selection methods