3 research outputs found

    Symplectic analysis of time-frequency spaces

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    We present a different symplectic point of view in the definition of weighted modulation spaces and weighted Wiener amalgam spaces. All the classical time-frequency representations, such as the short-time Fourier transform (STFT), the τ-Wigner distributions and the ambiguity function, can be written as metaplectic Wigner distributions \mu(A)(f\otimes\bar g), where \mu(A) is the metaplectic operator and A is the associated symplectic matrix. Namely, time-frequency representations can be represented as images of metaplectic operators, which become the real protagonists of time-frequency analysis. In [13], the authors suggest that any metaplectic Wigner distribution that satisfies the so-called shift-invertibility condition can replace the STFT in the definition of modulation spaces. In this work, we prove that shift-invertibility alone is not sufficient, but it has to be complemented by an upper-triangularity condition for this characterization to hold, whereas a lower-triangularity property comes into play for Wiener amalgam spaces. The shift-invertibility property is necessary: Rihaczek and conjugate Rihaczek distributions are not shift-invertible and they fail the characterization of the above spaces. We also exhibit examples of shift-invertible distributions without upper-triangularity condition which do not define modulation spaces. Finally, we provide new families of time-frequency representations that characterize modulation spaces, with the purpose of replacing the time-frequency shifts with other atoms that allow to decompose signals differently, with possible new outcomes in applications

    First order structure-preserving perturbation theory for eigenvalues of symplectic matrices

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    A first order perturbation theory for eigenvalues of real or complex J-symplectic matrices under structure- preserving perturbations is developed. As main tools structured canonical forms and Lidskii-like formulas for eigenvalues of multiplicative perturbations are used. Explicit formulas, depending only on appropriately normalized left and right eigenvectors, are obtained for the leading terms of asymptotic expansions describing the perturbed eigenvalues. Special attention is given to eigenvalues on the unit circle, especially to the exceptional eigenvalues ±1, whose behavior under structure-preserving perturbations is known to differ significantly from the behavior under general perturbations. Several numerical examples are used to illustrate the asymptotic expansions