4 research outputs found

    Fault Detection and Diagnosis Methods for Fluid Power Pitch System Components – A Review

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    Wind turbines have become a significant part of the global power production and are still increasing in capacity. Pitch systems are an important part of modern wind turbines where they are used to apply aerodynamic braking for power regulation and emergency shutdowns. Studies have shown that the pitch system is responsible for up to 20% of the total down time of a wind turbine. Reducing the down time is an important factor for decreasing the total cost of energy of wind energy in order to make wind energy more competitive. Due to this, attention has come to condition monitoring and fault detection of such systems as an attempt to increase the reliability and availability, hereby the reducing the turbine downtime. Some methods for fault detection and condition monitoring of fluid power systems do exists, though not many are used in today’s pitch systems. This paper gives an overview of fault detection and condition monitoring methods of fluid power systems similar to fluid power pitch systems in wind turbines and discuss their applicability in relation to pitch systems. The purpose is to give an overview of which methods that exist and to find areas where new methods need to be developed or existing need to be modified. The paper goes through the most important components of a pitch system and discuss the existing methods related to each type of component. Furthermore, it is considered if existing methods can be used for fluid power pitch systems for wind turbine

    Internal Leakage Fault Detection and Tolerant Control of Single-Rod Hydraulic Actuators

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    The integration of internal leakage fault detection and tolerant control for single-rod hydraulic actuators is present in this paper. Fault detection is a potential technique to provide efficient condition monitoring and/or preventive maintenance, and fault tolerant control is a critical method to improve the safety and reliability of hydraulic servo systems. Based on quadratic Lyapunov functions, a performance-oriented fault detection method is proposed, which has a simple structure and is prone to implement in practice. The main feature is that, when a prescribed performance index is satisfied (even a slight fault has occurred), there is no fault alarmed; otherwise (i.e., a severe fault has occurred), the fault is detected and then a fault tolerant controller is activated. The proposed tolerant controller, which is based on the parameter adaptive methodology, is also prone to realize, and the learning mechanism is simple since only the internal leakage is considered in parameter adaptation and thus the persistent exciting (PE) condition is easily satisfied. After the activation of the fault tolerant controller, the control performance is gradually recovered. Simulation results on a hydraulic servo system with both abrupt and incipient internal leakage fault demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed fault detection and tolerant control method

    On Increasing the Automation Level of Heavy-Duty Hydraulic Manipulators with Condition Monitoring of the Hydraulic System and Energy-Optimised Redundancy Resolution

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    Hydraulic manipulators on mobile machines are predominantly used for excavation and lifting applications at construction sites and for heavy-duty material handling in the forest industry due to their superior power-density and rugged nature. These manipulators are conventionally open-loop controlled by human operators who are sufficiently skilled to operate the machines. However, in the footsteps of pioneering original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) and to keep up with the intensifying demand for innovation, more and more mobile machine OEMs have a major interest in significantly increasing the automation level of their hydraulic manipulators and improving the operation of manipulators. In this thesis, robotic software-based functionalities in the form of modelbased condition monitoring and energy-optimal redundancy resolution which facilitate increased automation level of hydraulic manipulators are proposed.A condition monitoring system generally consists of software modules and sensors which co-operate harmonically and monitor the hydraulic system’s health in real-time based on an indirect measure of this system’s health. The premise is that when this condition monitoring system recognises that the system’s health has deteriorated past a given threshold (in other words, when a minor fault is detected, such as a slowly increasing internal leakage of the hydraulic cylinder), the condition monitoring module issues an alarm to warn the system operator of the malfunction, and the module could ideally diagnose the fault cause. In addition, when faced with severe faults, such as an external leakage or an abruptly increasing internal leakage in the hydraulic system, an alarm from the condition monitoring system ensures that the machine is quickly halted to prevent any further damage to the machine or its surroundings.The basic requirement in the design of such a condition monitoring system is to make sure that this system is robust and fault-sensitive. These properties are difficult to achieve in complex mobile hydraulic systems on hydraulic manipulators due to the modelling uncertainties affecting these systems. The modelling uncertainties affecting mobile hydraulic systems are specific compared with many other types of systems and are large because of the hydraulic system complexities, nonlinearities, discontinuities and inherently time-varying parameters. A feasible solution to this modelling uncertainty problem would be to either attenuate the effect of modelling errors on the performance of model-based condition monitoring or to develop improved non-model-based methods with increased fault-sensitivity. In this research work, the former model-based approach is taken. Adaptation of the model residual thresholds based on system operating points and reliable, load-independent system models are proposed as integral parts of the condition monitoring solution to the modelling uncertainty problem. These proposed solutions make the realisation of condition monitoring solutions more difficult on heavy-duty hydraulic manipulators compared with fixed-load manipulators, for example. These solutions are covered in detail in a subset of the research publications appended to this thesis.There is wide-spread interest from hydraulic manipulator OEMs in increasing the automation level of their hydraulic manipulators. Most often, this interest is related to semi-automation of repetitive work cycles to improve work productivity and operator workload circumstances. This robotic semi-automated approach involves resolving the kinematic redundancy of hydraulic manipulators to obtain motion references for the joint controller to enable desirable closed-loop controlled motions. Because conventional redundancy resolutions are usually sub-optimal at the hydraulic system level, a hydraulic energy-optimised, global redundancy resolution is proposed in this thesis for the first time. Kinematic redundancy is resolved energy optimally from the standpoint of the hydraulic system along a prescribed path for a typical 3-degrees-of-freedom (3-DOF) and 4-DOF hydraulic manipulator. Joint motions are also constrained based on the actuators’ position, velocity and acceleration bounds in hydraulic manipulators in the proposed solution. This kinematic redundancy resolution topic is discussed in the last two research papers. Overall, both designed manipulator features, condition monitoring and energy-optimised redundancy resolution, are believed to be essential for increasing the automation of hydraulic manipulators

    Fluid Power and Motion Control:FPMC 2010

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