660 research outputs found

    Estimation of Sparse MIMO Channels with Common Support

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    We consider the problem of estimating sparse communication channels in the MIMO context. In small to medium bandwidth communications, as in the current standards for OFDM and CDMA communication systems (with bandwidth up to 20 MHz), such channels are individually sparse and at the same time share a common support set. Since the underlying physical channels are inherently continuous-time, we propose a parametric sparse estimation technique based on finite rate of innovation (FRI) principles. Parametric estimation is especially relevant to MIMO communications as it allows for a robust estimation and concise description of the channels. The core of the algorithm is a generalization of conventional spectral estimation methods to multiple input signals with common support. We show the application of our technique for channel estimation in OFDM (uniformly/contiguous DFT pilots) and CDMA downlink (Walsh-Hadamard coded schemes). In the presence of additive white Gaussian noise, theoretical lower bounds on the estimation of SCS channel parameters in Rayleigh fading conditions are derived. Finally, an analytical spatial channel model is derived, and simulations on this model in the OFDM setting show the symbol error rate (SER) is reduced by a factor 2 (0 dB of SNR) to 5 (high SNR) compared to standard non-parametric methods - e.g. lowpass interpolation.Comment: 12 pages / 7 figures. Submitted to IEEE Transactions on Communicatio

    Channel Prediction for Mobile MIMO Wireless Communication Systems

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    Temporal variation and frequency selectivity of wireless channels constitute a major drawback to the attainment of high gains in capacity and reliability offered by multiple antennas at the transmitter and receiver of a mobile communication system. Limited feedback and adaptive transmission schemes such as adaptive modulation and coding, antenna selection, power allocation and scheduling have the potential to provide the platform of attaining the high transmission rate, capacity and QoS requirements in current and future wireless communication systems. Theses schemes require both the transmitter and receiver to have accurate knowledge of Channel State Information (CSI). In Time Division Duplex (TDD) systems, CSI at the transmitter can be obtained using channel reciprocity. In Frequency Division Duplex (FDD) systems, however, CSI is typically estimated at the receiver and fed back to the transmitter via a low-rate feedback link. Due to the inherent time delays in estimation, processing and feedback, the CSI obtained from the receiver may become outdated before its actual usage at the transmitter. This results in significant performance loss, especially in high mobility environments. There is therefore a need to extrapolate the varying channel into the future, far enough to account for the delay and mitigate the performance degradation. The research in this thesis investigates parametric modeling and prediction of mobile MIMO channels for both narrowband and wideband systems. The focus is on schemes that utilize the additional spatial information offered by multiple sampling of the wave-field in multi-antenna systems to aid channel prediction. The research has led to the development of several algorithms which can be used for long range extrapolation of time-varyingchannels. Based on spatial channel modeling approaches, simple and efficient methods for the extrapolation of narrowband MIMO channels are proposed. Various extensions were also developed. These include methods for wideband channels, transmission using polarized antenna arrays, and mobile-to-mobile systems. Performance bounds on the estimation and prediction error are vital when evaluating channel estimation and prediction schemes. For this purpose, analytical expressions for bound on the estimation and prediction of polarized and non-polarized MIMO channels are derived. Using the vector formulation of the Cramer Rao bound for function of parameters, readily interpretable closed-form expressions for the prediction error bounds were found for cases with Uniform Linear Array (ULA) and Uniform Planar Array (UPA). The derived performance bounds are very simple and so provide insight into system design. The performance of the proposed algorithms was evaluated using standardized channel models. The effects of the temporal variation of multipath parameters on prediction is studied and methods for jointly tracking the channel parameters are developed. The algorithms presented can be utilized to enhance the performance of limited feedback and adaptive MIMO transmission schemes

    Comprehensive survey on quality of service provisioning approaches in cognitive radio networks : part one

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    Much interest in Cognitive Radio Networks (CRNs) has been raised recently by enabling unlicensed (secondary) users to utilize the unused portions of the licensed spectrum. CRN utilization of residual spectrum bands of Primary (licensed) Networks (PNs) must avoid harmful interference to the users of PNs and other overlapping CRNs. The coexisting of CRNs depends on four components: Spectrum Sensing, Spectrum Decision, Spectrum Sharing, and Spectrum Mobility. Various approaches have been proposed to improve Quality of Service (QoS) provisioning in CRNs within fluctuating spectrum availability. However, CRN implementation poses many technical challenges due to a sporadic usage of licensed spectrum bands, which will be increased after deploying CRNs. Unlike traditional surveys of CRNs, this paper addresses QoS provisioning approaches of CRN components and provides an up-to-date comprehensive survey of the recent improvement in these approaches. Major features of the open research challenges of each approach are investigated. Due to the extensive nature of the topic, this paper is the first part of the survey which investigates QoS approaches on spectrum sensing and decision components respectively. The remaining approaches of spectrum sharing and mobility components will be investigated in the next part

    Asymptotic Performance Bound on Estimation and Prediction of Mobile MIMO-OFDM Wireless Channels

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    Eigenvector prediction-based precoding for massive MIMO with mobility

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    Eigenvector decomposition (EVD) is an inevitable operation to obtain the precoders in practical massive multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) systems. Due to the large antenna size and at finite computation resources at the base station (BS), the overwhelming computation complexity of EVD is one of the key limiting factors of the system performance. To address this problem, we propose an eigenvector prediction (EGVP) method by interpolating the precoding matrix with predicted eigenvectors. The basic idea is to exploit a few historical precoders to interpolate the rest of them without EVD of the channel state information (CSI). We transform the nonlinear EVD into a linear prediction problem and prove that the prediction of the eigenvectors can be achieved with a complex exponential model. Furthermore, a channel prediction method called fast matrix pencil prediction (FMPP) is proposed to cope with the CSI delay when applying the EGVP method in mobility environments. The asymptotic analysis demonstrates how many samples are needed to achieve asymptotically error-free eigenvector predictions and channel predictions. Finally, the simulation results demonstrate the spectral efficiency improvement of our scheme over the benchmarks and the robustness to different mobility scenarios.Comment: 13pages, 7 figures, 1 table, journa

    Near-Field Communications: A Comprehensive Survey

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    Multiple-antenna technologies are evolving towards large-scale aperture sizes, extremely high frequencies, and innovative antenna types. This evolution is giving rise to the emergence of near-field communications (NFC) in future wireless systems. Considerable attention has been directed towards this cutting-edge technology due to its potential to enhance the capacity of wireless networks by introducing increased spatial degrees of freedom (DoFs) in the range domain. Within this context, a comprehensive review of the state of the art on NFC is presented, with a specific focus on its 1) fundamental operating principles, 2) channel modeling, 3) performance analysis, 4) signal processing, and 5) integration with other emerging technologies. Specifically, 1) the basic principles of NFC are characterized from both physics and communications perspectives, unveiling its unique properties in contrast to far-field communications. 2) Based on these principles, deterministic and stochastic near-field channel models are investigated for spatially-discrete (SPD) and continuous-aperture (CAP) antenna arrays. 3) Rooted in these models, existing contributions on near-field performance analysis are reviewed in terms of DoFs/effective DoFs (EDoFs), power scaling law, and transmission rate. 4) Existing signal processing techniques for NFC are systematically surveyed, encompassing channel estimation, beamforming design, and low-complexity beam training. 5) Major issues and research opportunities associated with the integration of NFC and other emerging technologies are identified to facilitate NFC applications in next-generation networks. Promising directions are highlighted throughout the paper to inspire future research endeavors in the realm of NFC.Comment: 56 pages, 23figures; submit for possible journa

    A Speech Quality Classifier based on Tree-CNN Algorithm that Considers Network Degradations

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    Many factors can affect the users’ quality of experience (QoE) in speech communication services. The impairment factors appear due to physical phenomena that occur in the transmission channel of wireless and wired networks. The monitoring of users’ QoE is important for service providers. In this context, a non-intrusive speech quality classifier based on the Tree Convolutional Neural Network (Tree-CNN) is proposed. The Tree-CNN is an adaptive network structure composed of hierarchical CNNs models, and its main advantage is to decrease the training time that is very relevant on speech quality assessment methods. In the training phase of the proposed classifier model, impaired speech signals caused by wired and wireless network degradation are used as input. Also, in the network scenario, different modulation schemes and channel degradation intensities, such as packet loss rate, signal-to-noise ratio, and maximum Doppler shift frequencies are implemented. Experimental results demonstrated that the proposed model achieves significant reduction of training time, reaching 25% of reduction in relation to another implementation based on DRBM. The accuracy reached by the Tree-CNN model is almost 95% for each quality class. Performance assessment results show that the proposed classifier based on the Tree-CNN overcomes both the current standardized algorithm described in ITU-T Rec. P.563 and the speech quality assessment method called ViSQOL
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