7 research outputs found

    Dont Just Divide; Polarize and Conquer!

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    In data containing heterogeneous subpopulations, classification performance benefits from incorporating the knowledge of cluster structure in the classifier. Previous methods for such combined clustering and classification are either 1) classifier-specific and not generic, or 2) independently perform clustering and classifier training, which may not form clusters that can potentially benefit classifier performance. The question of how to perform clustering to improve the performance of classifiers trained on the clusters has received scant attention in previous literature, despite its importance in several real-world applications. In this paper, we design a simple and efficient classification algorithm called Clustering Aware Classification (CAC), to find clusters that are well suited for being used as training datasets by classifiers for each underlying subpopulation. Our experiments on synthetic and real benchmark datasets demonstrate the efficacy of CAC over previous methods for combined clustering and classification.Comment: 19 Pages, 5 figure

    Z Distance Function for KNN Classification

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    This paper proposes a new distance metric function, called Z distance, for KNN classification. The Z distance function is not a geometric direct-line distance between two data points. It gives a consideration to the class attribute of a training dataset when measuring the affinity between data points. Concretely speaking, the Z distance of two data points includes their class center distance and real distance. And its shape looks like "Z". In this way, the affinity of two data points in the same class is always stronger than that in different classes. Or, the intraclass data points are always closer than those interclass data points. We evaluated the Z distance with experiments, and demonstrated that the proposed distance function achieved better performance in KNN classification

    Parameter Free Large Margin Nearest Neighbor for Distance Metric Learning

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    We introduce a novel supervised metric learning algorithm named parameter free large margin nearest neighbor (PFLMNN) which can be seen as an improvement of the classical large margin nearest neighbor (LMNN) algorithm. The contributions of our work consist of two aspects. First, our method discards the costterm which shrinks the distances between inquiry input and its k target neighbors (the k nearest neighbors with same labels as inquiry input) in LMNN, and only focuses on improving the action to push the imposters (the samples with different labels form the inquiry input) apart out of the neighborhood of inquiry. As a result, our method does not have the parameter needed to tune on the validating set, which makes it more convenient to use. Second, by leveraging the geometry information of the imposters, we construct a novel cost function to penalize the smalldistances between each inquiry and its imposters. Different from LMNN considering every imposter located in the neighborhood of each inquiry, our method only takes care of the nearest imposters. Because when the nearest imposter is pushed out of the neighborhood of its inquiry, other imposters would be all out. In this way, the constraints in our model are much less than that of LMNN, which makes our method much easier to find the optimal distance metric. Consequently, our method not only learns a better distance metric than LMNN, but also runs faster than LMNN. Extensive experiments on different data sets with various sizes and difficulties are conducted, and the results have shown that, compared with LMNN, PFLMNN achieves better classification results