27 research outputs found

    Parallelizable MACs Based on the Sum of PRPs with Security Beyond the Birthday Bound

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    The combination of universal hashing and encryption is a fundamental paradigm for the construction of symmetric-key MACs, dating back to the seminal works by Wegman and Carter, Shoup, and Bernstein. While fully sufficient for many practical applications, the Wegman-Carter construction, however, is well-known to break if nonces are ever repeated, and provides only birthday-bound security if instantiated with a permutation. Those limitations inspired the community to several recent proposals that addressed them, initiated by Cogliati et al.\u27s Encrypted Wegman-Carter Davies-Meyer (EWCDM) construction. This work extends this line of research by studying two constructions based on the sum of PRPs: (1) a stateless deterministic scheme that uses two hash functions, and (2) a nonce-based scheme with one hash-function call and a nonce. We show up to 2n/3-bit security for both of them if the hash function is universal. Compared to the EWCDM construction, our proposals avoid the fact that a single reuse of a nonce can lead to a break

    Single Key Variant of PMAC_Plus

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    At CRYPTO 2011, Yasuda proposed the PMAC_Plus message authentication code based on an n-bit block cipher. Its design principle inherits the well known PMAC parallel network with a low additional cost. PMAC_Plus is a rate-1 construction like PMAC (i.e., one block cipher call per n-bit message block) but provides security against all adversaries (under black-box model) making queries altogether consisting of roughly upto 22n/3 blocks (strings of n-bits). Even though PMAC_Plus gives higher security than the standard birthday bound security, with currently available best bound, it provides weaker security than PMAC for certain choices of adversaries. Moreover, unlike PMAC, PMAC_Plus operates with three independent block cipher keys. In this paper, we propose 1k-PMAC_Plus, the first rate-1 single keyed block cipher based BBB (Beyond Birthday Bound) secure (in standard model) deterministic MAC construction without arbitrary field multiplications. 1k-PMAC_Plus, as the name implies, is a simple one-key variant of PMAC_Plus. In addition to the key reduction, we obtain a higher security guarantee than what was proved originally for PMAC_Plus, thus an improvement in two directions

    Quantum Attacks on Beyond-Birthday-Bound MACs

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    In this paper, we investigate the security of several recent MAC constructions with provable security beyond the birthday bound (called BBB MACs) in the quantum setting. On the one hand, we give periodic functions corresponding to targeted MACs (including PMACX, PMAC with parity, HPxHP, and HPxNP), and we can recover secret states using Simon algorithm, leading to forgery attacks with complexity O(n)O(n). This implies our results realize an exponential speedup compared with the classical algorithm. Note that our attacks can even break some optimally secure MACs, such as mPMAC+-f, mPMAC+-p1, mPMAC+-p2, mLightMAC+-f, etc. On the other hand, we construct new hidden periodic functions based on SUM-ECBC-like MACs: SUM-ECBC, PolyMAC, GCM-SIV2, and 2K-ECBC−_{-}Plus, where periods reveal the information of the secret key. Then, by applying Grover-meets-Simon algorithm to specially constructed functions, we can recover full keys with O(2n/2n)O(2^{n/2}n) or O(2m/2n)O(2^{m/2}n) quantum queries, where nn is the message block size and mm is the length of the key. Considering the previous best quantum attack, our key-recovery attacks achieve a quadratic speedup

    ZMAC: A Fast Tweakable Block Cipher Mode for Highly Secure Message Authentication

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    We propose a new mode of operation called ZMAC allowing to construct a (stateless and deterministic) message authentication code (MAC) from a tweakable block cipher (TBC). When using a TBC with nn-bit blocks and tt-bit tweaks, our construction provides security (as a variable-input-length PRF) beyond the birthday bound with respect to the block-length nn and allows to process n+tn+t bits of inputs per TBC call. In comparison, previous TBC-based modes such as PMAC1, the TBC-based generalization of the seminal PMAC mode (Black and Rogaway, EUROCRYPT 2002) or PMAC_TBC1k (Naito, ProvSec 2015) only process nn bits of input per TBC call. Since an nn-bit block, tt-bit tweak TBC can process at most n+tn+t bits of input per call, the efficiency of our construction is essentially optimal, while achieving beyond-birthday-bound security. The ZMAC mode is fully parallelizable and can be directly instantiated with several concrete TBC proposals, such as Deoxys and SKINNY. We also use ZMAC to construct a stateless and deterministic Authenticated Encryption scheme called ZAE which is very efficient and secure beyond the birthday bound

    A Note on the Security Framework of Two-key DbHtS MACs

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    Double-block Hash-then-Sum (DbHtS) MACs are a class of MACs achieve beyond-birthday-bound (BBB) security, including SUM-ECBC, PMAC_Plus, 3kf9 and LightMAC_Plus etc. Recently, Shen et al. (Crypto 2021) proposed a security framework for two-key DbHtS MACs in the multi-user setting, stating that when the underlying blockcipher is ideal and the universal hash function is regular and almost universal, the two-key DbHtS MACs achieve 2n/3-bit security. Unfortunately, the regular and universal properties can not guarantee the BBB security of two-key DbHtS MACs. We propose three counter-examples which are proved to be 2n/3-bit secure in the multi-user setting by the framework, but can be broken with probability 1 using only O(2^{n/2}) queries even in the single-user setting. We also point out the miscalculation in their proof leading to such a flaw. However, we haven’t found attacks against 2k-SUM-ECBC, 2k-PMAC_Plus and 2k-LightMAC_Plus proved 2n/3-bit security in their paper

    ZMAC+ – An Efficient Variable-output-length Variant of ZMAC

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    There is an ongoing trend in the symmetric-key cryptographic community to construct highly secure modes and message authentication codes based on tweakable block ciphers (TBCs). Recent constructions, such as Cogliati et al.’s HaT or Iwata et al.’s ZMAC, employ both the n-bit plaintext and the t-bit tweak simultaneously for higher performance. This work revisits ZMAC, and proposes a simpler alternative finalization based on HaT. As a result, we propose HtTBC, and call its instantiation with ZHash as a hash function ZMAC+. Compared to HaT, ZMAC+ (1) requires only a single key and a single primitive. Compared to ZMAC, our construction (2) allows variable, per-query parametrizable output lengths. Moreover, ZMAC+ (3) avoids the complex finalization of ZMAC and (4) improves the security bound from Ο(σ2/2n+min(n,t)) to Ο(q/2n + q(q + σ)/2n+min(n,t)) while retaining a practical tweak space

    Blockcipher-based MACs: Beyond the Birthday Bound without Message Length

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    We present blockcipher-based MACs (Message Authentication Codes) that have beyond the birthday bound security without message length in the sense of PRF (Pseudo-Random Function) security. Achieving such security is important in constructing MACs using blockciphers with short block sizes (e.g., 64 bit). Luykx et al. (FSE2016) proposed LightMAC, the first blockcipher-based MAC with such security and a variant of PMAC, where for each nn-bit blockcipher call, an mm-bit counter and an (n−m)(n-m)-bit message block are input. By the presence of counters, LightMAC becomes a secure PRF up to O(2n/2)O(2^{n/2}) tagging queries. Iwata and Minematsu (TOSC2016, Issue1) proposed F_t, a keyed hash function-based MAC, where a message is input to tt keyed hash functions (the hash function is performed tt times) and the tt outputs are input to the xor of tt keyed blockciphers. Using the LightMAC\u27s hash function, F_t becomes a secure PRF up to O(2tn/(t+1))O(2^{t n/(t+1)}) tagging queries. However, for each message block of (n−m)(n-m) bits, it requires tt blockcipher calls. In this paper, we improve F_t so that a blockcipher is performed only once for each message block of (n−m)(n-m) bits. We prove that our MACs with t≤7t \leq 7 are secure PRFs up to O(2tn/(t+1))O(2^{t n/(t+1)}) tagging queries. Hence, our MACs with t≤7t \leq 7 are more efficient than F_t while keeping the same level of PRF-security

    The Exact Security of PMAC with Three Powering-Up Masks

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    PMAC is a rate-1, parallelizable, block-cipher-based message authentication code (MAC), proposed by Black and Rogaway (EUROCRYPT 2002). Improving the security bound is a main research topic for PMAC. In particular, showing a tight bound is the primary goal of the research, since Luykx et al.\u27s paper (EUROCRYPT 2016). Regarding the pseudo-random-function (PRF) security of PMAC, a collision of the hash function, or the difference between a random permutation and a random function offers the lower bound Ω(q2/2n)\Omega(q^2/2^n) for qq queries and the block cipher size nn. Regarding the MAC security (unforgeability), a hash collision for MAC queries, or guessing a tag offers the lower bound Ω(qm2/2n+qv/2n)\Omega(q_m^2/2^n + q_v/2^n) for qmq_m MAC queries and qvq_v verification queries (forgery attempts). The tight upper bound of the PRF-security O(q2/2n)O(q^2/2^n) of PMAC was given by Gaž et el. (ToSC 2017, Issue 1), but their proof requires a 4-wise independent masking scheme that uses 4 nn-bit random values. Open problems from their work are: (1) find a masking scheme with three or less random values with which PMAC has the tight upper bound for PRF-security; (2) find a masking scheme with which PMAC has the tight upper bound for MAC-security. In this paper, we consider PMAC with three powering-up masks that uses three random values for the masking scheme. We show that the PMAC has the tight upper bound O(q2/2n)O(q^2/2^n) for PRF-security, which answers the open problem (1), and the tight upper bound O(qm2/2n+qv/2n)O(q_m^2/2^n + q_v/2^n) for MAC-security, which answers the open problem (2). Note that these results deal with two-key PMAC, thus showing tight upper bounds of PMACs with single-key and/or with two (or one) powering-up masks are open problems

    Counter-in-Tweak: Authenticated Encryption Modes for Tweakable Block Ciphers

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    We propose the Synthetic Counter-in-Tweak (SCT) mode, which turns a tweakable block cipher into a nonce-based authenticated encryption scheme (with associated data). The SCT mode combines in a SIV-like manner a Wegman-Carter MAC inspired from PMAC for the authentication part and a new counter-like mode for the encryption part, with the unusual property that the counter is applied on the tweak input of the underlying tweakable block cipher rather than on the plaintext input. Unlike many previous authenticated encryption modes, SCT enjoys provable security beyond the birthday bound (and even up to roughly 2n2^n tweakable block cipher calls, where nn is the block length, when the tweak length is sufficiently large) in the nonce-respecting scenario where nonces are never repeated. In addition, SCT ensures security up to the birthday bound even when nonces are reused, in the strong nonce-misuse resistance sense (MRAE) of Rogaway and Shrimpton (EUROCRYPT 2006). To the best of our knowledge, this is the first authenticated encryption mode that provides at the same time close-to-optimal security in the nonce-respecting scenario and birthday-bound security for the nonce-misuse scenario. While two passes are necessary to achieve MRAE-security, our mode enjoys a number of desirable features: it is simple, parallelizable, it requires the encryption direction only, it is particularly efficient for small messages compared to other nonce-misuse resistant schemes (no precomputation is required) and it allows incremental update of associated data