14 research outputs found

    Generalized Direct Sampling for Hierarchical Bayesian Models

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    We develop a new method to sample from posterior distributions in hierarchical models without using Markov chain Monte Carlo. This method, which is a variant of importance sampling ideas, is generally applicable to high-dimensional models involving large data sets. Samples are independent, so they can be collected in parallel, and we do not need to be concerned with issues like chain convergence and autocorrelation. Additionally, the method can be used to compute marginal likelihoods

    Scalable Rejection Sampling for Bayesian Hierarchical Models

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    Bayesian hierarchical modeling is a popular approach to capturing unobserved heterogeneity across individual units. However, standard estimation methods such as Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) can be impracticable for modeling outcomes from a large number of units. We develop a new method to sample from posterior distributions of Bayesian models, without using MCMC. Samples are independent, so they can be collected in parallel, and we do not need to be concerned with issues like chain convergence and autocorrelation. The algorithm is scalable under the weak assumption that individual units are conditionally independent, making it applicable for large datasets. It can also be used to compute marginal likelihoods

    High-dimensional hierarchical models and massively parallel computing

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    This work expounds a computationally expedient strategy for the fully Bayesian treatment of high-dimensional hierarchical models. Most steps in a Markov chain Monte Carlo routine for such models are either conditionally independent draws or low-dimensional draws based on summary statistics of parameters at higher levels of the hierarchy. We construct both sets of steps using parallelized algorithms designed to take advantage of the immense parallel computing power of general-purpose graphics processing units while avoiding the severe memory transfer bottleneck. We apply our strategy to RNA-sequencing (RNA-seq) data analysis, a multiple-testing, low-sample-size scenario where hierarchical models provide a way to borrow information across genes. Our approach is solidly tractable, and it performs well under several metrics of estimation, posterior inference, and gene detection. Best-case-scenario empirical Bayes counterparts perform equally well, lending support to existing empirical Bayes approaches in RNA-seq. Finally, we attempt to improve the robustness of estimation and inference of our RNA-seq model using alternate hierarchical distributions

    Particle MCMC algorithms and architectures for accelerating inference in state-space models.

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    Particle Markov Chain Monte Carlo (pMCMC) is a stochastic algorithm designed to generate samples from a probability distribution, when the density of the distribution does not admit a closed form expression. pMCMC is most commonly used to sample from the Bayesian posterior distribution in State-Space Models (SSMs), a class of probabilistic models used in numerous scientific applications. Nevertheless, this task is prohibitive when dealing with complex SSMs with massive data, due to the high computational cost of pMCMC and its poor performance when the posterior exhibits multi-modality. This paper aims to address both issues by: 1) Proposing a novel pMCMC algorithm (denoted ppMCMC), which uses multiple Markov chains (instead of the one used by pMCMC) to improve sampling efficiency for multi-modal posteriors, 2) Introducing custom, parallel hardware architectures, which are tailored for pMCMC and ppMCMC. The architectures are implemented on Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs), a type of hardware accelerator with massive parallelization capabilities. The new algorithm and the two FPGA architectures are evaluated using a large-scale case study from genetics. Results indicate that ppMCMC achieves 1.96x higher sampling efficiency than pMCMC when using sequential CPU implementations. The FPGA architecture of pMCMC is 12.1x and 10.1x faster than state-of-the-art, parallel CPU and GPU implementations of pMCMC and up to 53x more energy efficient; the FPGA architecture of ppMCMC increases these speedups to 34.9x and 41.8x respectively and is 173x more power efficient, bringing previously intractable SSM-based data analyses within reach.The authors would like to thank the Wellcome Trust (Grant reference 097816/Z/11/A) and the EPSRC (Grant reference EP/I012036/1) for the financial support given to this research project

    Geometric convergence of slice sampling

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    In Bayesian statistics sampling w.r.t. a posterior distribution, which is given through a prior and a likelihood function, is a challenging task. The generation of exact samples is in general quite difficult, since the posterior distribution is often known only up to a normalizing constant. A standard way to approach this problem is a Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) algorithm for approximate sampling w.r.t. the target distribution. In this cumulative dissertation geometric convergence guarantees are given for two different MCMC methods: simple slice sampling and elliptical slice sampling.2021-10-2