26,745 research outputs found

    The role of long waves in the stability of the plane wake

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    This work is directed towards investigating the fate of three-dimensional long perturbation waves in a plane incompressible wake. The analysis is posed as an initial-value problem in space. More specifically, input is made at an initial location in the downstream direction and then tracing the resulting behavior further downstream subject to the restriction of finite kinetic energy. This presentation follows the outline given by Criminale and Drazin [Stud. in Applied Math. \textbf{83}, 123 (1990)] that describes the system in terms of perturbation vorticity and velocity. The analysis is based on large scale waves and expansions using multi scales and multi times for the partial differential equations. The multiscaling is based on an approach where the small parameter is linked to the perturbation property independently from the flow control parameter. Solutions of the perturbative equations are determined numerically after the introduction of a regular perturbation scheme analytically deduced up to the second order. Numerically, the complete linear system is also integrated. Since the results relevant to the complete problem are in very good agreement with the results of the first order analysis, the numerical solution at the second order was deemed not necessary. The use for an arbitrary initial-value problem will be shown to contain a wealth of information for the different transient behaviors associated to the symmetry, angle of obliquity and spatial decay of the long waves. The amplification factor of transversal perturbations never presents the trend - a growth followed by a long damping - usually seen in waves with wavenumber of order one or less. Asymptotical instability is always observed.Comment: accepted Physical Review E, March 201

    Spatial Manifestations of Order Reduction in Runge-Kutta Methods for Initial Boundary Value Problems

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    This paper studies the spatial manifestations of order reduction that occur when time-stepping initial-boundary-value problems (IBVPs) with high-order Runge-Kutta methods. For such IBVPs, geometric structures arise that do not have an analog in ODE IVPs: boundary layers appear, induced by a mismatch between the approximation error in the interior and at the boundaries. To understand those boundary layers, an analysis of the modes of the numerical scheme is conducted, which explains under which circumstances boundary layers persist over many time steps. Based on this, two remedies to order reduction are studied: first, a new condition on the Butcher tableau, called weak stage order, that is compatible with diagonally implicit Runge-Kutta schemes; and second, the impact of modified boundary conditions on the boundary layer theory is analyzed.Comment: 41 pages, 9 figure

    Parareal in time 3D numerical solver for the LWR Benchmark neutron diffusion transient model

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    We present a parareal in time algorithm for the simulation of neutron diffusion transient model. The method is made efficient by means of a coarse solver defined with large time steps and steady control rods model. Using finite element for the space discretization, our implementation provides a good scalability of the algorithm. Numerical results show the efficiency of the parareal method on large light water reactor transient model corresponding to the Langenbuch-Maurer-Werner (LMW) benchmark [1]

    Stability analysis of non-autonomous reaction-diffusion systems: the effects of growing domains

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    By using asymptotic theory, we generalise the Turing diffusively-driven instability conditions for reaction-diffusion systems with slow, isotropic domain growth. There are two fundamental biological differences between the Turing conditions on fixed and growing domains, namely: (i) we need not enforce cross nor pure kinetic conditions and (ii) the restriction to activator-inhibitor kinetics to induce pattern formation on a growing biological system is no longer a requirement. Our theoretical findings are confirmed and reinforced by numerical simulations for the special cases of isotropic linear, exponential and logistic growth profiles. In particular we illustrate an example of a reaction-diffusion system which cannot exhibit a diffusively-driven instability on a fixed domain but is unstable in the presence of slow growth
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