956 research outputs found

    BackpropTools: A Fast, Portable Deep Reinforcement Learning Library for Continuous Control

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    Deep Reinforcement Learning (RL) has been demonstrated to yield capable agents and control policies in several domains but is commonly plagued by prohibitively long training times. Additionally, in the case of continuous control problems, the applicability of learned policies on real-world embedded devices is limited due to the lack of real-time guarantees and portability of existing deep learning libraries. To address these challenges, we present BackpropTools, a dependency-free, header-only, pure C++ library for deep supervised and reinforcement learning. Leveraging the template meta-programming capabilities of recent C++ standards, we provide composable components that can be tightly integrated by the compiler. Its novel architecture allows BackpropTools to be used seamlessly on a heterogeneous set of platforms, from HPC clusters over workstations and laptops to smartphones, smartwatches, and microcontrollers. Specifically, due to the tight integration of the RL algorithms with simulation environments, BackpropTools can solve popular RL problems like the Pendulum-v1 swing-up about 7 to 15 times faster in terms of wall-clock training time compared to other popular RL frameworks when using TD3. We also provide a low-overhead and parallelized interface to the MuJoCo simulator, showing that our PPO implementation achieves state of the art returns in the Ant-v4 environment while achieving a 25 to 30 percent faster wall-clock training time. Finally, we also benchmark the policy inference on a diverse set of microcontrollers and show that in most cases our optimized inference implementation is much faster than even the manufacturer's DSP libraries. To the best of our knowledge, BackpropTools enables the first-ever demonstration of training a deep RL algorithm directly on a microcontroller, giving rise to the field of Tiny Reinforcement Learning (TinyRL). Project page: https://backprop.toolsComment: Project page: https://backprop.tool

    Efficient Implementation of Complementary Golay Sequences for PAR Reduction and Forward Error Correction in OFDM-based WLAN systems

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    In this paper the use of complementary Golay sequences (CGS) for peak-to-average power ratio (PAR) reduction and forward error correction (FEC) in an orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM)-based wireless local area network (WLAN) system is explored; performance is examined and complexity issues are analyzed. We study their PAR reduction performance depending on sequence lengths and we have found that, for the case that the number of sub-carriers differs from the sequence length, some interesting relationships can still be stated. Regarding their error correction capabilities, these sequences are investigated considering M-PSK constellations applied to the OFDM signal specified in IEEE 802.11a standard. Computational load for both Golay encoding and decoding processes is addressed and we provide an exhaustive analysis of their complexity. In order to overcome memory restrictions and speed up algorithmic operations, a novel algorithm for real-time generation of the Golay Base Sequences is proposed and evaluated giving as a conclusion that these sequences can be real-time generated with actual Digital Signal Processors (DSP). Our proposal lies on an efficient permutation algorithm that obtains the current permutation without the need for generating previous ones. Its complexity is calculated and turns out to be significantly low; the advantages are specially appreciated at the decoding stage. We also introduce a hybrid solution to get a trade-off between complexity and memory requirements. Moreover, the whole system is also implemented in a DSP to validate the proposal in a prototype, where its feasibility has been confirmed.This work has been partly funded by the Spanish government with projects MACAWI (TEC 2005-07477-c02-02) and MAMBO (UC3M-TEC-05-027)

    High-Precision Measurement of Sine and Pulse Reference Signals using Software-Defined Radio

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    This paper addresses simultaneous, high-precision measurement and analysis of generic reference signals by using inexpensive commercial off-the-shelf Software Defined Radio hardware. Sine reference signals are digitally down-converted to baseband for the analysis of phase deviations. Hereby, we compare the precision of the fixed-point hardware Digital Signal Processing chain with a custom Single Instruction Multiple Data (SIMD) x86 floating-point implementation. Pulse reference signals are analyzed by a software trigger that precisely locates the time where the slope passes a certain threshold. The measurement system is implemented and verified using the Universal Software Radio Peripheral (USRP) N210 by Ettus Research LLC. Applying standard 10 MHz and 1 PPS reference signals for testing, a measurement precision (standard deviation) of 0.36 ps and 16.6 ps is obtained, respectively. In connection with standard PC hardware, the system allows long-term acquisition and storage of measurement data over several weeks. A comparison is given to the Dual Mixer Time Difference (DMTD) and Time Interval Counter (TIC), which are state-of-the-art measurement methods for sine and pulse signal analysis, respectively. Furthermore, we show that our proposed USRP-based approach outperforms measurements with a high-grade Digital Sampling Oscilloscope.Comment: 10 pages, 15 figures, and 4 table
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