5 research outputs found

    Parallel corpus-based bilingual terminology extraction

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    This paper presents a parallel corpora-based bilingual terminology extraction method based on the occurrence of bilingual morphosyntactic patterns in probabilistic translation dictionaries. We discuss an experiment focused on two language pairs – English-Galician and English-Portuguese, and show results which experimentally confirm the high degree of accuracy of the proposed extraction technique.(undefined

    Extração de combinações lexicais restritas pela deteção da não composionalidade de expressões pluriverbais

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    In this article an evaluation of a method for extracting restricted lexical combinations from parallel corpora by detecting non-compositionality of multiword expressions in translation will be presented. This method presupposes that by finding sequences of words whose translation does not follow a simple word-to-word conversion of the component words, a collocation is probably present. Word bigrams are used.Neste artigo apresentamos uma avaliação sobre um método para extrair combinações lexicais restritas a partir de corpora paralelos, pela deteção da não composicionalidade de expressões pluriverbais na tradução. Este método baseia-se na presunção de que, encontrando sequências de palavras cuja tradução não siga a tradução palavra por palavra dos seus componentes, é provável estar-se perante uma colocação. São usadas palavras brigrama.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    The Way of Saint James, tourism, and local community

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    Tourism clearly conditions people’s daily lives in a double sense: certainly, because of the inputs it constitutes, via human (and other) resources it mobilizes, and the goods and expenses it generates; but also, in many communities, because of the social, spatial, temporal and/or cultural reorganization that its operation implies in the community social space. Santiago de Compostela is one of the communities most impacted by the phenomenon of the Way, which is, in turn, one of the most relevant phenomena of tourism today and which increasingly affects many other realities. The example of Compostela can serve as a privileged comparison and contrast with other social realities that are beginning to experience or are already significantly feeling the impact of this phenomenon at the cultural, social, economic and environmental dimension.Esta edición contó con la ayuda del Grupo Galabra, GI-1811, de la Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, procedente de la Xunta de Galicia para Grupos de Potencial Crecimiento, Ref. ED431B 2020/40. Contó con la colaboración para la traducción del Centro de Estudos Humanísticos de la Universidade do Minho (CEHUM), el Grupo de Estudos Territoriais de la Universidade da Coruña (GET-UDC, código G-000361) y el Grupo Galabra (GI-1811) de la Universidade de Santiago de Compostela