4 research outputs found

    Implementing Sequential Prefixspan Algorithm by Using Static Load Balancing

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    Repeated series mining is well known and well studied trouble in information mining. The productivity of the formula is used in several alternative regions like chemistry, bioinformatics, and market basket analysis. A completely unique parallel algorithmic rule for mining of frequent sequences supported a static load-balancing is planned. The static load balancing is done by measure the machine time using a probabilistic algorithm. For cheap size of instance, the algorithms deliver the good speedups. The conferred approach is extremely universal: it is often used for static load-balancing of alternative pattern mining algorithms like item set/tree/graph mining algorithms

    Scalable frequent sequence mining with flexible subsequence constraints

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    We study scalable algorithms for frequent sequence mining under flexible subsequence constraints. Such constraints enable applications to specify concisely which patterns are of interest and which are not. We focus on the bulk synchronous parallel model with one round of communication; this model is suitable for platforms such as MapReduce or Spark. We derive a general framework for frequent sequence mining under this model and propose the D-SEQ and D-CAND algorithms within this framework. The algorithms differ in what data are communicated and how computation is split up among workers. To the best of our knowledge, D-SEQ and D-CAND are the first scalable algorithms for frequent sequence mining with flexible constraints. We conducted an experimental study on multiple real-world datasets that suggests that our algorithms scale nearly linearly, outperform common baselines, and offer acceptable generalization overhead over existing, less general mining algorithms

    Privacy preserving algorithms for newly emergent computing environments

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    Privacy preserving data usage ensures appropriate usage of data without compromising sensitive information. Data privacy is a primary requirement since customers' data is an asset to any organization and it contains customers' private information. Data seclusion cannot be a solution to keep data private. Data sharing as well as keeping data private is important for different purposes, e.g., company welfare, research, business etc. A broad range of industries where data privacy is mandatory includes healthcare, aviation industry, education system, federal law enforcement, etc.In this thesis dissertation we focus on data privacy schemes in emerging fields of computer science, namely, health informatics, data mining, distributed cloud, biometrics, and mobile payments. Linking and mining medical records across different medical service providers are important to the enhancement of health care quality. Under HIPAA regulation keeping medical records private is important. In real-world health care databases, records may well contain errors. Linking the error-prone data and preserving data privacy at the same time is very difficult. We introduce a privacy preserving Error-Tolerant Linking Algorithm to enable medical records linkage for error-prone medical records. Mining frequent sequential patterns such as, patient path, treatment pattern, etc., across multiple medical sites helps to improve health care quality and research. We propose a privacy preserving sequential pattern mining scheme across multiple medical sites. In a distributed cloud environment resources are provided by users who are geographically distributed over a large area. Since resources are provided by regular users, data privacy and security are main concerns. We propose a privacy preserving data storage mechanism among different users in a distributed cloud. Managing secret key for encryption is difficult in a distributed cloud. To protect secret key in a distributed cloud we propose a multilevel threshold secret sharing mechanism. Biometric authentication ensures user identity by means of user's biometric traits. Any individual's biometrics should be protected since biometrics are unique and can be stolen or misused by an adversary. We present a secure and privacy preserving biometric authentication scheme using watermarking technique. Mobile payments have become popular with the extensive use of mobile devices. Mobile applications for payments needs to be very secure to perform transactions and at the same time needs to be efficient. We design and develop a mobile application for secure mobile payments. To secure mobile payments we focus on user's biometric authentication as well as secure bank transaction. We propose a novel privacy preserving biometric authentication algorithm for secure mobile payments

    Parallel Tree Projection Algorithm for Sequence Mining

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    Discovery of sequential patterns is becoming increasingly useful and essential in many scientific and commercial domains. Enormous sizes of available datasets and possibly large number of mined patterns demand efficient and scalable algorithms. In this paper we present two parallel formulations of a serial sequential pattern discovery algorithm based on tree projection that are well suited for distributed memory parallel computers. Our experimental evaluation on a 32 processor IBM SP show that these algorithms are capable of achieving good speedups, substantially reducing the amount of the required work to find sequential patterns in large databases.