17 research outputs found

    Putting the Horse Before the Cart:A Generator-Evaluator Framework for Question Generation from Text

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    Automatic question generation (QG) is a useful yet challenging task in NLP. Recent neural network-based approaches represent the state-of-the-art in this task. In this work, we attempt to strengthen them significantly by adopting a holistic and novel generator-evaluator framework that directly optimizes objectives that reward semantics and structure. The {\it generator} is a sequence-to-sequence model that incorporates the {\it structure} and {\it semantics} of the question being generated. The generator predicts an answer in the passage that the question can pivot on. Employing the copy and coverage mechanisms, it also acknowledges other contextually important (and possibly rare) keywords in the passage that the question needs to conform to, while not redundantly repeating words. The {\it evaluator} model evaluates and assigns a reward to each predicted question based on its conformity to the {\it structure} of ground-truth questions. We propose two novel QG-specific reward functions for text conformity and answer conformity of the generated question. The evaluator also employs structure-sensitive rewards based on evaluation measures such as BLEU, GLEU, and ROUGE-L, which are suitable for QG. In contrast, most of the previous works only optimize the cross-entropy loss, which can induce inconsistencies between training (objective) and testing (evaluation) measures. Our evaluation shows that our approach significantly outperforms state-of-the-art systems on the widely-used SQuAD benchmark as per both automatic and human evaluation.Comment: 10 pages, The SIGNLL Conference on Computational Natural Language Learning (CoNLL 2019

    Improving Question Generation with Sentence-level Semantic Matching and Answer Position Inferring

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    Taking an answer and its context as input, sequence-to-sequence models have made considerable progress on question generation. However, we observe that these approaches often generate wrong question words or keywords and copy answer-irrelevant words from the input. We believe that lacking global question semantics and exploiting answer position-awareness not well are the key root causes. In this paper, we propose a neural question generation model with two concrete modules: sentence-level semantic matching and answer position inferring. Further, we enhance the initial state of the decoder by leveraging the answer-aware gated fusion mechanism. Experimental results demonstrate that our model outperforms the state-of-the-art (SOTA) models on SQuAD and MARCO datasets. Owing to its generality, our work also improves the existing models significantly.Comment: Revised version of paper accepted to Thirty-fourth AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligenc

    EQG-RACE: Examination-Type Question Generation

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    Question Generation (QG) is an essential component of the automatic intelligent tutoring systems, which aims to generate high-quality questions for facilitating the reading practice and assessments. However, existing QG technologies encounter several key issues concerning the biased and unnatural language sources of datasets which are mainly obtained from the Web (e.g. SQuAD). In this paper, we propose an innovative Examination-type Question Generation approach (EQG-RACE) to generate exam-like questions based on a dataset extracted from RACE. Two main strategies are employed in EQG-RACE for dealing with discrete answer information and reasoning among long contexts. A Rough Answer and Key Sentence Tagging scheme is utilized to enhance the representations of input. An Answer-guided Graph Convolutional Network (AG-GCN) is designed to capture structure information in revealing the inter-sentences and intra-sentence relations. Experimental results show a state-of-the-art performance of EQG-RACE, which is apparently superior to the baselines. In addition, our work has established a new QG prototype with a reshaped dataset and QG method, which provides an important benchmark for related research in future work. We will make our data and code publicly available for further research.Comment: Accepted by AAAI-202

    A Dataset and Baselines for Visual Question Answering on Art

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    Answering questions related to art pieces (paintings) is a difficult task, as it implies the understanding of not only the visual information that is shown in the picture, but also the contextual knowledge that is acquired through the study of the history of art. In this work, we introduce our first attempt towards building a new dataset, coined AQUA (Art QUestion Answering). The question-answer (QA) pairs are automatically generated using state-of-the-art question generation methods based on paintings and comments provided in an existing art understanding dataset. The QA pairs are cleansed by crowdsourcing workers with respect to their grammatical correctness, answerability, and answers' correctness. Our dataset inherently consists of visual (painting-based) and knowledge (comment-based) questions. We also present a two-branch model as baseline, where the visual and knowledge questions are handled independently. We extensively compare our baseline model against the state-of-the-art models for question answering, and we provide a comprehensive study about the challenges and potential future directions for visual question answering on art

    What Do You Mean `Why?': Resolving Sluices in Conversations

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    In conversation, we often ask one-word questions such as `Why?' or `Who?'. Such questions are typically easy for humans to answer, but can be hard for computers, because their resolution requires retrieving both the right semantic frames and the right arguments from context. This paper introduces the novel ellipsis resolution task of resolving such one-word questions, referred to as sluices in linguistics. We present a crowd-sourced dataset containing annotations of sluices from over 4,000 dialogues collected from conversational QA datasets, as well as a series of strong baseline architectures.Comment: Accepted at the 34TH AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-2020