1,419 research outputs found

    On Theta-palindromic Richness

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    In this paper we study generalization of the reversal mapping realized by an arbitrary involutory antimorphism Θ\Theta. It generalizes the notion of a palindrome into a Θ\Theta-palindrome -- a word invariant under Θ\Theta. For languages closed under Θ\Theta we give the relation between Θ\Theta-palindromic complexity and factor complexity. We generalize the notion of richness to Θ\Theta-richness and we prove analogous characterizations of words that are Θ\Theta-rich, especially in the case of set of factors invariant under Θ\Theta. A criterion for Θ\Theta-richness of Θ\Theta-episturmian words is given together with other examples of Θ\Theta-rich words.Comment: 14 page

    Generalized Thue-Morse words and palindromic richness

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    We prove that the generalized Thue-Morse word tb,m\mathbf{t}_{b,m} defined for b2b \geq 2 and m1m \geq 1 as tb,m=(sb(n)modm)n=0+\mathbf{t}_{b,m} = (s_b(n) \mod m)_{n=0}^{+\infty}, where sb(n)s_b(n) denotes the sum of digits in the base-bb representation of the integer nn, has its language closed under all elements of a group DmD_m isomorphic to the dihedral group of order 2m2m consisting of morphisms and antimorphisms. Considering simultaneously antimorphisms ΘDm\Theta \in D_m, we show that tb,m\mathbf{t}_{b,m} is saturated by Θ\Theta-palindromes up to the highest possible level. Using the terminology generalizing the notion of palindromic richness for more antimorphisms recently introduced by the author and E. Pelantov\'a, we show that tb,m\mathbf{t}_{b,m} is DmD_m-rich. We also calculate the factor complexity of tb,m\mathbf{t}_{b,m}.Comment: 11 page

    Languages invariant under more symmetries: overlapping factors versus palindromic richness

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    Factor complexity C\mathcal{C} and palindromic complexity P\mathcal{P} of infinite words with language closed under reversal are known to be related by the inequality P(n)+P(n+1)2+C(n+1)C(n)\mathcal{P}(n) + \mathcal{P}(n+1) \leq 2 + \mathcal{C}(n+1)-\mathcal{C}(n) for any nNn\in \mathbb{N}\,. Word for which the equality is attained for any nn is usually called rich in palindromes. In this article we study words whose languages are invariant under a finite group GG of symmetries. For such words we prove a stronger version of the above inequality. We introduce notion of GG-palindromic richness and give several examples of GG-rich words, including the Thue-Morse sequence as well.Comment: 22 pages, 1 figur

    On morphisms preserving palindromic richness

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    It is known that each word of length nn contains at most n+1n+1 distinct palindromes. A finite rich word is a word with maximal number of palindromic factors. The definition of palindromic richness can be naturally extended to infinite words. Sturmian words and Rote complementary symmetric sequences form two classes of binary rich words, while episturmian words and words coding symmetric dd-interval exchange transformations give us other examples on larger alphabets. In this paper we look for morphisms of the free monoid, which allow to construct new rich words from already known rich words. We focus on morphisms in Class PretP_{ret}. This class contains morphisms injective on the alphabet and satisfying a particular palindromicity property: for every morphism φ\varphi in the class there exists a palindrome ww such that φ(a)w\varphi(a)w is a first complete return word to ww for each letter aa. We characterize PretP_{ret} morphisms which preserve richness over a binary alphabet. We also study marked PretP_{ret} morphisms acting on alphabets with more letters. In particular we show that every Arnoux-Rauzy morphism is conjugated to a morphism in Class PretP_{ret} and that it preserves richness

    On Words with the Zero Palindromic Defect

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    We study the set of finite words with zero palindromic defect, i.e., words rich in palindromes. This set is factorial, but not recurrent. We focus on description of pairs of rich words which cannot occur simultaneously as factors of a longer rich word

    Constructions of words rich in palindromes and pseudopalindromes

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    A narrow connection between infinite binary words rich in classical palindromes and infinite binary words rich simultaneously in palindromes and pseudopalindromes (the so-called HH-rich words) is demonstrated. The correspondence between rich and HH-rich words is based on the operation SS acting over words over the alphabet {0,1}\{0,1\} and defined by S(u0u1u2)=v1v2v3S(u_0u_1u_2\ldots) = v_1v_2v_3\ldots, where vi=ui1+uimod2v_i= u_{i-1} + u_i \mod 2. The operation SS enables us to construct a new class of rich words and a new class of HH-rich words. Finally, the operation SS is considered on the multiliteral alphabet Zm\mathbb{Z}_m as well and applied to the generalized Thue--Morse words. As a byproduct, new binary rich and HH-rich words are obtained by application of SS on the generalized Thue--Morse words over the alphabet Z4\mathbb{Z}_4.Comment: 26 page

    Repetitions in infinite palindrome-rich words

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    Rich words are characterized by containing the maximum possible number of distinct palindromes. Several characteristic properties of rich words have been studied; yet the analysis of repetitions in rich words still involves some interesting open problems. We address lower bounds on the repetition threshold of infinite rich words over 2 and 3-letter alphabets, and construct a candidate infinite rich word over the alphabet Σ2={0,1}\Sigma_2=\{0,1\} with a small critical exponent of 2+2/22+\sqrt{2}/2. This represents the first progress on an open problem of Vesti from 2017.Comment: 12 page

    Extensions of rich words

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    In [X. Droubay et al, Episturmian words and some constructions of de Luca and Rauzy, Theoret. Comput. Sci. 255 (2001)], it was proved that every word w has at most |w|+1 many distinct palindromic factors, including the empty word. The unified study of words which achieve this limit was initiated in [A. Glen et al, Palindromic richness, Eur. Jour. of Comb. 30 (2009)]. They called these words rich (in palindromes). This article contains several results about rich words and especially extending them. We say that a rich word w can be extended richly with a word u if wu is rich. Some notions are also made about the infinite defect of a word, the number of rich words of length n and two-dimensional rich words.Comment: 19 pages, 3 figure