86 research outputs found

    Four-class Skew-symmetric Association Schemes

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    An association scheme is called skew-symmetric if it has no symmetric adjacency relations other than the diagonal one. In this paper, we study 4-class skew-symmetric association schemes. In J. Ma [On the nonexistence of skew-symmetric amorphous association schemes, submitted for publication], we discovered that their character tables fall into three types. We now determine their intersection matrices. We then determine the character tables and intersection numbers for 4-class skew-symmetric pseudocyclic association schemes, the only known examples of which are cyclotomic schemes. As a result, we answer a question raised by S. Y. Song [Commutative association schemes whose symmetrizations have two classes, J. Algebraic Combin. 5(1) 47-55, 1996]. We characterize and classify 4-class imprimitive skew-symmetric association schemes. We also prove that no 2-class Johnson scheme can admit a 4-class skew-symmetric fission scheme. Based on three types of character tables above, a short list of feasible parameters is generated.Comment: 12 page

    Existential Closure in Line Graphs

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    A graph GG is nn-existentially closed if, for all disjoint sets of vertices AA and BB with AB=n|A\cup B|=n, there is a vertex zz not in ABA\cup B adjacent to each vertex of AA and to no vertex of BB. In this paper, we investigate nn-existentially closed line graphs. In particular, we present necessary conditions for the existence of such graphs as well as constructions for finding infinite families of such graphs. We also prove that there are exactly two 22-existentially closed planar line graphs. We then consider the existential closure of the line graphs of hypergraphs and present constructions for 22-existentially closed line graphs of hypergraphs.Comment: 13 pages, 2 figure

    Average mixing of continuous quantum walks

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    If XX is a graph with adjacency matrix AA, then we define H(t)H(t) to be the operator exp(itA)\exp(itA). The Schur (or entrywise) product H(t)H(t)H(t)\circ H(-t) is a doubly stochastic matrix and, because of work related to quantum computing, we are concerned the \textsl{average mixing matrix}. This can be defined as the limit of C^{-1} \int_0^C H(t)\circ H(-t)\dt as CC\to\infty. We establish some of the basic properties of this matrix, showing that it is positive semidefinite and that its entries are always rational. We find that for paths and cycles this matrix takes on a surprisingly simple form, thus for the path it is a linear combination of II, JJ (the all-ones matrix), and a permutation matrix.Comment: 20 pages, minor fixes, added section on discrete walks; fixed typo

    Computational and Theoretical Aspects of \u3cem\u3eN\u3c/em\u3e-E.C. Graphs

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    We consider graphs with the n-existentially closed adjacency property. For a positive integer n, a graph is n-existentially closed (or n-e.c.) if for all disjoint sets of vertices A and B with \A∪ B\ = n (one of A or B can be empty), there is a vertex 2 not in A∪B joined to each vertex of A and no vertex of B. Although the n-e.c. property is straightforward to define, it is not obvious from the definition that graphs with the property exist. In 1963, Erdos and Rényi gave a non-explicit, randomized construction of such graphs. Until recently, only a few explicit families of n-e.c. graphs were known such as Paley graphs. Furthermore, n-e.c. graphs of minimum order have received much attention due to Erdos’ conjecture 011 the asymptotic order of these graphs. The exact minimum orders are only known for n = 1 and n = 2. We provide a survey of properties and examples of n-e.c. graphs. Using a computer search, a new example of a 3-e.c. graph of order 30 is presented. Previously, no known 3-e.c. graph was known to exist of that order. We give a new randomized construction of n-e.c. vertex-transitive graphs, exploiting Cayley graphs. The construction uses only elementary probability and group theory