84,923 research outputs found

    Adaptive Pairwise Encodings for Link Prediction

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    Link prediction is a common task on graph-structured data that has seen applications in a variety of domains. Classically, hand-crafted heuristics were used for this task. Heuristic measures are chosen such that they correlate well with the underlying factors related to link formation. In recent years, a new class of methods has emerged that combines the advantages of message-passing neural networks (MPNN) and heuristics methods. These methods perform predictions by using the output of an MPNN in conjunction with a "pairwise encoding" that captures the relationship between nodes in the candidate link. They have been shown to achieve strong performance on numerous datasets. However, current pairwise encodings often contain a strong inductive bias, using the same underlying factors to classify all links. This limits the ability of existing methods to learn how to properly classify a variety of different links that may form from different factors. To address this limitation, we propose a new method, LPFormer, which attempts to adaptively learn the pairwise encodings for each link. LPFormer models the link factors via an attention module that learns the pairwise encoding that exists between nodes by modeling multiple factors integral to link prediction. Extensive experiments demonstrate that LPFormer can achieve SOTA performance on numerous datasets while maintaining efficiency

    Neural Common Neighbor with Completion for Link Prediction

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    Despite its outstanding performance in various graph tasks, vanilla Message Passing Neural Network (MPNN) usually fails in link prediction tasks, as it only uses representations of two individual target nodes and ignores the pairwise relation between them. To capture the pairwise relations, some models add manual features to the input graph and use the output of MPNN to produce pairwise representations. In contrast, others directly use manual features as pairwise representations. Though this simplification avoids applying a GNN to each link individually and thus improves scalability, these models still have much room for performance improvement due to the hand-crafted and unlearnable pairwise features. To upgrade performance while maintaining scalability, we propose Neural Common Neighbor (NCN), which uses learnable pairwise representations. To further boost NCN, we study the unobserved link problem. The incompleteness of the graph is ubiquitous and leads to distribution shifts between the training and test set, loss of common neighbor information, and performance degradation of models. Therefore, we propose two intervention methods: common neighbor completion and target link removal. Combining the two methods with NCN, we propose Neural Common Neighbor with Completion (NCNC). NCN and NCNC outperform recent strong baselines by large margins. NCNC achieves state-of-the-art performance in link prediction tasks. Our code is available at https://github.com/GraphPKU/NeuralCommonNeighbor

    Link Mining for Kernel-based Compound-Protein Interaction Predictions Using a Chemogenomics Approach

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    Virtual screening (VS) is widely used during computational drug discovery to reduce costs. Chemogenomics-based virtual screening (CGBVS) can be used to predict new compound-protein interactions (CPIs) from known CPI network data using several methods, including machine learning and data mining. Although CGBVS facilitates highly efficient and accurate CPI prediction, it has poor performance for prediction of new compounds for which CPIs are unknown. The pairwise kernel method (PKM) is a state-of-the-art CGBVS method and shows high accuracy for prediction of new compounds. In this study, on the basis of link mining, we improved the PKM by combining link indicator kernel (LIK) and chemical similarity and evaluated the accuracy of these methods. The proposed method obtained an average area under the precision-recall curve (AUPR) value of 0.562, which was higher than that achieved by the conventional Gaussian interaction profile (GIP) method (0.425), and the calculation time was only increased by a few percent

    Learning from Heterogeneity: A Dynamic Learning Framework for Hypergraphs

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    Graph neural network (GNN) has gained increasing popularity in recent years owing to its capability and flexibility in modeling complex graph structure data. Among all graph learning methods, hypergraph learning is a technique for exploring the implicit higher-order correlations when training the embedding space of the graph. In this paper, we propose a hypergraph learning framework named LFH that is capable of dynamic hyperedge construction and attentive embedding update utilizing the heterogeneity attributes of the graph. Specifically, in our framework, the high-quality features are first generated by the pairwise fusion strategy that utilizes explicit graph structure information when generating initial node embedding. Afterwards, a hypergraph is constructed through the dynamic grouping of implicit hyperedges, followed by the type-specific hypergraph learning process. To evaluate the effectiveness of our proposed framework, we conduct comprehensive experiments on several popular datasets with eleven state-of-the-art models on both node classification and link prediction tasks, which fall into categories of homogeneous pairwise graph learning, heterogeneous pairwise graph learning, and hypergraph learning. The experiment results demonstrate a significant performance gain (average 12.5% in node classification and 13.3% in link prediction) compared with recent state-of-the-art methods

    Disentangling Node Attributes from Graph Topology for Improved Generalizability in Link Prediction

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    Link prediction is a crucial task in graph machine learning with diverse applications. We explore the interplay between node attributes and graph topology and demonstrate that incorporating pre-trained node attributes improves the generalization power of link prediction models. Our proposed method, UPNA (Unsupervised Pre-training of Node Attributes), solves the inductive link prediction problem by learning a function that takes a pair of node attributes and predicts the probability of an edge, as opposed to Graph Neural Networks (GNN), which can be prone to topological shortcuts in graphs with power-law degree distribution. In this manner, UPNA learns a significant part of the latent graph generation mechanism since the learned function can be used to add incoming nodes to a growing graph. By leveraging pre-trained node attributes, we overcome observational bias and make meaningful predictions about unobserved nodes, surpassing state-of-the-art performance (3X to 34X improvement on benchmark datasets). UPNA can be applied to various pairwise learning tasks and integrated with existing link prediction models to enhance their generalizability and bolster graph generative models.Comment: 17 pages, 6 figure

    Latent Space Model for Multi-Modal Social Data

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    With the emergence of social networking services, researchers enjoy the increasing availability of large-scale heterogenous datasets capturing online user interactions and behaviors. Traditional analysis of techno-social systems data has focused mainly on describing either the dynamics of social interactions, or the attributes and behaviors of the users. However, overwhelming empirical evidence suggests that the two dimensions affect one another, and therefore they should be jointly modeled and analyzed in a multi-modal framework. The benefits of such an approach include the ability to build better predictive models, leveraging social network information as well as user behavioral signals. To this purpose, here we propose the Constrained Latent Space Model (CLSM), a generalized framework that combines Mixed Membership Stochastic Blockmodels (MMSB) and Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) incorporating a constraint that forces the latent space to concurrently describe the multiple data modalities. We derive an efficient inference algorithm based on Variational Expectation Maximization that has a computational cost linear in the size of the network, thus making it feasible to analyze massive social datasets. We validate the proposed framework on two problems: prediction of social interactions from user attributes and behaviors, and behavior prediction exploiting network information. We perform experiments with a variety of multi-modal social systems, spanning location-based social networks (Gowalla), social media services (Instagram, Orkut), e-commerce and review sites (Amazon, Ciao), and finally citation networks (Cora). The results indicate significant improvement in prediction accuracy over state of the art methods, and demonstrate the flexibility of the proposed approach for addressing a variety of different learning problems commonly occurring with multi-modal social data.Comment: 12 pages, 7 figures, 2 table

    Higher-order temporal network effects through triplet evolution

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    We study the evolution of networks through ‘triplets’ — three-node graphlets. We develop a method to compute a transition matrix to describe the evolution of triplets in temporal networks. To identify the importance of higher-order interactions in the evolution of networks, we compare both artificial and real-world data to a model based on pairwise interactions only. The significant differences between the computed matrix and the calculated matrix from the fitted parameters demonstrate that non-pairwise interactions exist for various real-world systems in space and time, such as our data sets. Furthermore, this also reveals that different patterns of higher-order interaction are involved in different real-world situations. To test our approach, we then use these transition matrices as the basis of a link prediction algorithm. We investigate our algorithm’s performance on four temporal networks, comparing our approach against ten other link prediction methods. Our results show that higher-order interactions in both space and time play a crucial role in the evolution of networks as we find our method, along with two other methods based on non-local interactions, give the best overall performance. The results also confirm the concept that the higher-order interaction patterns, i.e., triplet dynamics, can help us understand and predict the evolution of different real-world systems
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