1,177 research outputs found

    On the Stability of Isolated and Interconnected Input-Queued Switches under Multiclass Traffic

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    In this correspondence, we discuss the stability of scheduling algorithms for input-queueing (IQ) and combined input/output queueing (CIOQ) packet switches. First, we show that a wide class of IQ schedulers operating on multiple traffic classes can achieve 100 % throughput. Then, we address the problem of the maximum throughput achievable in a network of interconnected IQ switches and CIOQ switches loaded by multiclass traffic, and we devise some simple scheduling policies that guarantee 100 % throughput. Both the Lyapunov function methodology and the fluid modeling approach are used to obtain our results

    On packet switch design

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    1 Asynchronous vs Synchronous Input-Queued Switches

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    Abstract—Input-queued (IQ) switches are one of the reference architectures for the design of high-speed packet switches. Classical results in this field refer to the scenario in which the whole switch transfers the packets in a synchronous fashion, in phase with a sequence of fixedsize timeslots, tailored to transport a minimum-size packet. However, for switches with large number of ports and high bandwidth, maintaining an accurate global synchronization and transferring all the packets in a synchronous fashion is becoming more and more challenging. Furthermore, variable size packets (as in the traffic present in the Internet) require rather complex segmentation and reassembly processes and some switching capacity is wasted due to partial filling of timeslots. Thus, in this work we consider a switch able to natively transfer packets in an asynchronous fashion thanks to a simple and distributed packet scheduler. We investigate the performance of asynchronous IQ switches and show that, despite their simplicity, their performance is comparable or even better than those of synchronous switches. These results highlight the great potential of the asynchronous approach for the design of high-performance switches.

    Size-Based Flow Scheduling in a CICQ Switch

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    In the context of flow-aware networking, size-based (SB) scheduling policies have been shown to improve response times of small flows, without degrading the performance of large flows. But these differentiating policies are designed for Output-queued (OQ) switch architecture, which is known to have scalability issues. On the other hand, the buffered-crossbar (BX) switch architecture is currently being pursued as a potential next-generation scalable switch architecture. This work looks into the problem of performing SB scheduling in BX switches. In particular, the design goals, with respect to each output port, are (i) to transmit high-priority packet(s) as long as there is at least one present, and (ii) to respect the FIFO order among high-priority packets. In this direction, we propose a CICQ switches using a single PIFO queue at each crosspoint to schedule packets according to the priority assigned. pCICQ-1 switch uses a simple design to guarantee that packet-priorities are respected once they are in the crosspoint queues. But it does not maintain the FIFO order of high-priority packets, besides letting a bounded number low-priority packets to depart through an output, when there are one or more high-priority packets for the same output. To solve this, we propose an enhancement in pCICQ-2 switch, that uses a sequence controller to respect packet-priorities as well as arrival order for high-priority packets
